
What is the relationship between the "Middle East Bureau" and the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Why does Israel have to die?

author:Air-dried green and good writing

Many netizens may feel that the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict are completely incompatible. In fact, whether it is the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, or the tension in the South China Sea, and the situation on the Korean Peninsula, including the Taiwan Strait, they are all inevitably linked.

The focus of the strategic layout of US global hegemony is: (1) On the European side, NATO's eastward expansion balances Russia, and Ukraine is a US-led NATO proxy. (2) The Asia-Pacific region is to contain China's development, which Obama has determined since he took office, and its proxies are Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Taiwan. ③巩固‬“石油美元”霸权的根基,其中东代理人就是以色列,这从美国扶持犹太人在巴勒斯坦地区建立以色列就已经确定。

What is the relationship between the "Middle East Bureau" and the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Why does Israel have to die?

Many netizens think that Israel is the father of the United States, but in fact this is not the case. In the first five Middle East wars, the United States provided weapons for Israel to die, and Israel, a small country, lost tens of thousands of people in the five Middle East wars, while the United States achieved its strategic goal without spending a single soldier.

The earth is like a village, and if the United States wants to claim hegemony and exercise hegemony in the village, there must be people at the head of the village, at the end of the village, and in the middle of the village to stir up and destroy it and prevent everyone from uniting to resist it.

NATO's eastward expansion began in 2014, and Russia was unwilling to let NATO put artillery at its door, so Ukraine had to turn his elbow outward and be willing to be a proxy of NATO. If you don't listen to what you say, you can only solve the problem through war.

What is the relationship between the "Middle East Bureau" and the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Why does Israel have to die?

Actually, Russia will not occupy Ukraine. Because after occupying Ukraine, it is equivalent to NATO putting artillery directly on its doorstep. Russia's purpose in attacking Ukraine is to prevent it from joining NATO, that is, to establish a strategic buffer zone, which is equivalent to having a shield of its own.

I estimate that if there is a ceasefire in the Russian-Ukrainian war, it is likely to support pro-Russian leaders in Ukraine, and then the four regions of eastern Ukraine will have a high degree of autonomy. Therefore, Russia will offer ceasefire conditions, Ukraine cannot join NATO, and the existing occupied land is the boundary. In this way, Russia's strategic buffer zone was created.

How can Russia be stupid enough to occupy Ukraine and then face it directly at the muzzle of NATO?

Russia is very smart, although France and Germany have come to the aid of Ukraine, they do not regard them as enemies, but raise the banner of opposition to NATO's eastward expansion and US hegemony. Russia knows very well that what kind of flag it raises will pull up what kind of team.

What is the relationship between the "Middle East Bureau" and the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Why does Israel have to die?

So, until now, Ukraine has not been able to join either NATO or the EU. Because in fact, Europe also wants a strategic buffer zone, and no one wants to let the flames of war burn to their own country. Besides, who doesn't want to achieve sovereign independence and independent development?

Originally, the United States intended to drag the entire NATO and European forces to collapse Russia, and it was better to let the flames of war spill over to the European continent and free up its own hands to ignite the flames of war in East Asia. I didn't expect that European countries were unwilling to end up in person, and on this point, Europe and Russia have a tacit consensus, otherwise the military columns aiding Ukraine and the underground command center of Ukraine would not have been bombed accurately.

The United States has no way to get out of the battlefield in Ukraine, and Xiaori and South Korea are afraid of death without a master to lead the team, and they dare not bite it with their teeth and claws. Speaking from the heart, this is mainly due to the strength and wisdom of our China that has suppressed East Asia.

The United States has seen that the Ukrainian counteroffensive has not been able to advance, and the East Asian side has been pressed to death by us. So they put their minds on the Baltic side, so that the pressure on Russia will increase.

What is the relationship between the "Middle East Bureau" and the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Why does Israel have to die?

Always on the defensive is very tired and passive, and only by counterattacking at the right time can you turn passive into active. But to achieve this, it is necessary to make it impossible for the United States to hide behind the scenes, and must stand in the foreground to face it.

The Middle East is undoubtedly the best place to be because it is home to the core interests of the United States. The Middle East is fighting on the basis that the entire West is no longer able to meet Ukraine's needs in terms of arms and ammunition supply. In other words, the time has come for a counteroffensive.

On January 17 this year, the New York Times, citing U.S. and Israeli officials, reported that the U.S. Department of Defense was using a large but little-known ammunition depot in Israel to supply the Ukrainian side with artillery shells. According to the report, the ammunition depot belongs to the United States and was originally intended to serve the United States in the Middle East conflict, but it can also be used by Israel in emergency situations.

Israeli officials revealed that the plan was proposed by the United States, and Israel accepted it in order to "avoid tensions with the United States." The United States estimates that Ukraine consumes 90,000 shells per month, which is about twice the rate of manufacture by the United States and European countries combined. But in order to aid Ukraine, Western countries can only buy artillery shells from stocks and commercial channels.

What is the relationship between the "Middle East Bureau" and the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Why does Israel have to die?

The report quoted U.S. and Israeli officials as saying the U.S. had sent about 300,000 rounds of artillery shells to Ukraine through ammunition depots in Israel. In 2022, the US Department of Defense came up with the idea of transporting artillery shells from Israeli ammunition depots. But the Israeli side has always refused to supply weapons to Ukraine for fear of damaging relations with Russia.

But as the war progressed, the U.S. Department of Defense and the Israeli government reached an agreement to transfer about 300,000 155-mm artillery shells through the ammunition depot. At that time, Israel also believed that it did not need so many shells for the time being.

The United States will certainly not be able to conceal the intelligence agencies of Russia and other Middle Eastern countries in transporting ammunition from Israel's ammunition depots. When these ammunition are delivered in batches, and after a few more months of fighting in Ukraine, they will basically be consumed.

If the shells of Western aid to Ukraine are not tight, there is a high probability that the Middle East will not explode so quickly, because the United States may really be able to support the ammunition needs of the two battlefields at the same time. Now that the battlefield in Ukraine is tight, the United States is moving in the ammunition depot of Israel, a proxy in the Middle East, which shows that it is very empty.

If you don't do it now, when?

What is the relationship between the "Middle East Bureau" and the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Why does Israel have to die?

This is an opportunity not only for Russia, but for the Middle East as a whole. In recent years, the Middle East can be said to have had enough of the hegemony of the United States, especially the oil-producing powers, which are their only economic pillars. However, it can only be settled in US dollars, which is equivalent to the money from the sale of one's own national resources, and it is necessary to put the principal and interest in the "wallet" of the Americans.

Now that there are other better options, who wouldn't want to develop independently and independently?

In the previous wars in the Middle East, Israel relied on the backing of the United States to flaunt its military might in the Middle East, and seized other people's land with open fire, thus disgrace everyone. Now that the hegemon of the United States has begun to lose power, Israel, the "little bully" of the Middle East, wants to beat it up.

This is just like the village tyrant in the village, the backer behind it begins to lose power, and once someone takes the lead, everyone else in the village will stab it in the back. Moreover, he will openly and secretly support others to kill him, otherwise how can he relieve his anger?

What is the relationship between the "Middle East Bureau" and the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Why does Israel have to die?

In the wake of the new round of Israeli-Palestinian conflict, both the United States and Israel know that this is not the case. Israel's nervousness can be seen from Israel's swift recall of more than 300,000 reservists and the rapid dispatch of two aircraft carrier strike groups by the United States to the Mediterranean Sea to threaten Israel's perimeter.

Israel knows very well that what it is facing this time is by no means just a small Hamas, and the United States is also very aware that this is a counteroffensive launched by the world's anti-US hegemonic forces, and the goal is to pull out the US proxy in the Middle East.

The current situation in the Middle East is a realistic version of "Let the Bullets Fly". Israel is Huang Shilang, the United States is like Liu Dutong, the backer behind Huang Shilang, and the Palestinians in Gaza are the villagers who were oppressed by Huang Shilang.

The bombing of Palestinian civilian areas and the massacre of tens of thousands of civilians were key to igniting anger. These Israeli atrocities are mainly exposed by Iran, which is like the role of Ma Bond.

What is the relationship between the "Middle East Bureau" and the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Why does Israel have to die?

On December 25, local time, Saeed Razi Mousavi, a senior adviser to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in Syria, died in an Israeli attack on the suburbs of Damascus, Syria. Subsequently, Iranian President Raisi said that Israel would "pay the price" for the attack on the death of Mousavi, a senior adviser to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in Syria.

This is like Ma Bangde's godson Xiao Liuzi was killed by Huang Shilang's men, and it is inevitable to take revenge at the right time.

According to the British "Guardian" report, on December 26, local time, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant said in parliament: The Israeli army has been attacked from the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank, Iraq, Yemen and Iran. At present, the Israeli army has responded and acted in six of these battlefields.

At the same time, Gallant also said that it will be a long, hard war with a high cost.

What is the relationship between the "Middle East Bureau" and the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Why does Israel have to die?

According to the Israeli channel Yediotnews, many places in Israel have been hit by large-scale unidentified missile attacks, resulting in large-scale power outages and network outages throughout Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet members are rumored to have been moved to underground bunkers. However, the Israeli side has imposed a strict information blockade on this matter.

Some people say that this is a retaliation initiated by Iran, but as for whether it is or not, we can't say nonsense without evidence. At present, Iran and Israel are maintaining a situation of fighting but not breaking, including the United States, except for the various accusations against Iran, but no definite evidence has been produced.

But we can clearly see that more and more armed groups are now launching attacks against Israel. The proxy war, which the United States is best at, is being copied and used by all parties in the Middle East on Israel, the proxy of the United States, and it is also using the method of "cutting flesh with a knife" to "bleed".

Israel, a small country, has no way to fight a protracted war, either in terms of the number of its troops or its industrial production capacity. In the long run, its economy and military will collapse, and the United States will not dare to end up in person, and it is even more afraid of getting caught up in the other side's proxy war.

What is the relationship between the "Middle East Bureau" and the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Why does Israel have to die?

Now all parties in the Middle East are clearly trying to continue to consume Israel through proxy wars, depleting its military strength little by little, so that it has no chance to turn over. Originally, with the mediation of the great powers, Israel would not have died if it was willing to follow the 1967 "two-state solution".

But Israel is arrogant, and it wants to redefine its territory through war. In particular, the occupation of the Golan Heights, which is the strategic commanding heights of the entire Middle East region and its source of water. Israel is also very clear that once this place is returned to the Arab countries, it will only be able to live with its tail between its legs in the Middle East.

Since you don't want to give it a chance, you can only fight it until it is served. On the other side of Ukraine is Russia facing more than 30 countries in NATO, and on the other side is the armed groups in the Middle East besieging Israel, in fact, these armed organizations are proxies, and there are people behind them to provide resources and support.

Anti-US hegemony is the main theme of the world, and as long as the crisis of Israel's demise is not resolved, the United States will be contained.

These armed assemblies in the Middle East are already excess forces belonging to various countries, and if they are not exported at the opportunity, they will threaten the rule of the authorities. Using these armed assemblies to fight Israel happens to be a multi-tasking thing!

What is the relationship between the "Middle East Bureau" and the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Why does Israel have to die?

First of all, it can eliminate the threat to the authorities and the government, and it can also cause attrition to Israel, and it can also test the performance of weapons and equipment through actual combat. If these surplus forces are not exported in a timely manner, the authorities and government will have to use troops to suppress them, and this will become a civil war, and their own regime will be overthrown.

With such a great opportunity now, how can you easily miss it?

It is clear that the Gaza Strip has been bombed by Israel, killing many innocent Palestinians, but this is the key to public outrage. In other words, the Palestinians in Gaza have become "victims", but this is something that cannot be avoided by the revolution.

Even if the Hamas revolution fails, there will be other groups that will continue to fight. If Israel fails, it means the end of the country, so it is Israel that is really in the midst of high tension and fear.

What is the relationship between the "Middle East Bureau" and the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Why does Israel have to die?

For the Arab world and Muslims as a whole, only by putting Israel on the ground can the shame that has been deposited on their heads for decades be washed away. This is not just a territorial dispute, but also a game between Judaism and Islam over the international status.

Israel is now completely engaged in a trap fight, and it wants to have a decent ceasefire under the steps in order to save its face and status and that of the United States. But who will give it that chance?

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