
This school has a smart playground that automatically gives orders, records grades, and ranks quickly

author:Thoughtful client

"Bang-" The AI teaching assistant gave the command, and the students at the starting line quickly rushed out...... "Cross the line!

A few days ago, Minhang District Experimental Senior High School (hereinafter referred to as "Minhang Shizhong") located in Maqiao Town successfully held the second sports and culture festival. During this period, AI smart sports equipment "showed its talents" to realize the intelligent combination of AI technology and sports, and Minhang Shizhong became the first school in Minhang District to build AI smart sports.

Create AI smart sports

Reducing the burden on physical education

This school has a smart playground that automatically gives orders, records grades, and ranks quickly

In order to ensure the fairness of the competition and optimize the schedule, Minhang Shizhong introduced AI smart sports equipment to create a smart sports mode to help the games go smoothly. Compared with the traditional mode of using "pen + paper" to record the results of the competition, the AI smart sports equipment (smart playground) has the functions of automatic ordering, monitoring running, recording results, and rapid ranking, effectively avoiding mistakes and omissions, realizing unmanned and self-service sports tests, and reducing the burden and increasing the energy of school physical education teaching.

This school has a smart playground that automatically gives orders, records grades, and ranks quickly

According to the teacher in charge of the school, the AI smart sports equipment introduced in Min Xingshi includes four major application scenarios, in addition to the smart playground mentioned above, it also includes AI sports bar, body test bar and sports brain, realizing multi-scene application and full coverage of physical test items, effectively stimulating students' enthusiasm for sports and further enhancing students' physique.

This school has a smart playground that automatically gives orders, records grades, and ranks quickly

The AI sports bar and physical test bar cover sports test items such as rope skipping, standing long jump, sit-ups, and sitting forward bends, and students can use recess or after-school spare time to exercise here, and related equipment can automatically record and analyze student exercise data.

Sports Brain is an AI smart data platform that can automatically analyze feedback based on students' exercise data. "Based on the data feedback, we can guide students to conduct targeted training according to their own shortcomings, making physical education more scientific and detailed. Teacher Chen of the physical education group said.

This school has a smart playground that automatically gives orders, records grades, and ranks quickly

Minhang Shi Middle School students said that the introduction of AI smart sports equipment is convenient for physical education classes to test their physical fitness and better detect their own sports data, and at the same time, it has also ignited everyone's enthusiasm and interest in sports.

Create a special sports curriculum

Improve the overall quality of students

In addition to helping physical education teaching with the help of AI smart sports, Minhang Shizhong also actively creates characteristic teaching courses and develops characteristic teaching projects, and strives to improve the comprehensive quality of students.

For example, the school's Racing Light Wheel Simulation Motorsports Technology Sports Course uses advanced AI technologies such as simulation computing, power sensing, and data analysis to simulate motorsports scenarios, so that students can improve their concentration, judgment, and willpower in an interesting experience.

This school has a smart playground that automatically gives orders, records grades, and ranks quickly

At the same time, Minhang Shizhong also cooperated with the China Primary Health Care Foundation to hold the launching ceremony of the "Career Exploration Club Camp", inviting career mentors inside and outside the school to participate in teaching, so as to cultivate students' life skills based on the future society and the perception of a happy life.

This school has a smart playground that automatically gives orders, records grades, and ranks quickly

As an off-campus career mentor of the "Career Exploration Club Camp", Yan Zhizhan, an engineer from Taiwan, China, has independently developed a badminton ball machine to simulate the athlete Lin Dan's serve, and let the world champion do "sparring" for the students.

This school has a smart playground that automatically gives orders, records grades, and ranks quickly

Under the scientific guidance of Teacher Yan, Qu Yingyue, a student of Minhang Shi Middle School, won the second place in the women's singles of the higher vocational group in the 2023 Minhang District Sunshine Sports League badminton competition.

According to reports, Minhang Shizhong will continue to do a good job in the addition of science education in the "double reduction" work, solidly promote teaching innovation, carry out more and richer characteristic courses, inspire and cultivate students' scientific thinking, innovation consciousness and practical ability, and strive to improve the comprehensive quality of students.

Source: Minhang Today