
Winter is coming, drink a bowl of hot fish soup to replenish your body!

author:Advanced Chenxing l0T

Fish soup is a delicious tonic with rich nutritional value and a unique taste. How do you make the best bowl of fish soup? I'll tell you more about it below.

First and foremost, choosing fresh fish is key to making a delicious fish soup. It is best to choose freshwater fish with delicate flesh and no fishy smell, such as grass carp, crucian carp, etc. When buying, it is important to pay attention to the clear and bright eyes of the fish and the intact scales of the fish.

Winter is coming, drink a bowl of hot fish soup to replenish your body!

Next, prepare the ingredients needed for the fish broth. You can choose the right amount of lean meat, pork bones, or chicken bones to add to the pot to increase the umami of the fish broth. In addition, you can also prepare ginger slices, green onions, and appropriate seasonings such as salt, pepper, etc.

The steps to make fish soup are as follows:

1. First, wash the fish, remove the internal organs and cut into cubes. This makes it easier to let the umami of the fish better release when cooking the soup.

2. Bring the water in the pot to a boil and blanch the fish pieces in the water. The purpose of blanching is to remove the fishy smell of the fish and make the soup more fragrant and tasty.

Winter is coming, drink a bowl of hot fish soup to replenish your body!

3. After blanching, remove the fish pieces and set aside, then pour out the water in the pot and re-add the appropriate amount of water. The amount of water should be set according to your own taste, and you can increase or decrease it as needed.

4. Put lean meat, pork or chicken bones into a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 2-3 hours. This will make the soup more rich and mellow.

5. Next, add the ginger slices and green onion and continue to cook for 10-15 minutes to make the soup more fragrant.

6. Finally, put the fish pieces into the pot, add the appropriate amount of salt and pepper to taste, and continue to cook for 5-10 minutes until the fish is cooked through.

Once the preparation is complete, a bowl of fragrant fish soup is ready. Its color is golden, the soup is clear, the fish is tender and juicy, and the fragrance is tangy. Take a sip and the delicious taste of the fish soup will warm your body and mind and nourish your appetite.

Winter is coming, drink a bowl of hot fish soup to replenish your body!

In addition to being delicious, fish soup is also rich in nutritional value. Fish is rich in protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial to human health. In addition, the collagen in lean meat, pork or chicken bones also has a good nourishing effect on the skin and joints.

Therefore, drinking more fish soup can not only nourish the stomach but also replenish nutrients, which is good for your health. We hope that you can enjoy the food while also feeling the health and happiness that fish soup brings.