

author:Liu Zhanyuan

Battle of Dawn: Shen Jing slashed 30+16+5, and Jordan's descendants rose

In that thrilling game, the Rockets lost 117-123 to the Pacers, but a scene at the end of the game drew all eyes to one player — Shin Kyung. With an astonishing 30+16+5 data, Shin Kyung's brilliance not only made fans fall in love with him, but also made people compare him with basketball legend Jordan and others. Although the Rockets did not win this night, Shin Kyung's performance injected new vitality into the team and brought the fans into a basketball feast.


Core 1: 30+16+5!Shen Jing amazing game, Jordan's inheritor?

In the final moments of the game, Shen Jing's performance was like a bright meteor piercing the night sky. With 30 points, 16 rebounds and 5 assists, that number contains the rise of a basketball genius. Shin Kyung's individual performance not only surpassed many of the current stars, but also reminded people of the glory of the Jordan era. His outstanding performance at key moments makes people wonder, is there another legend about to emerge?


Core 2: Goodbye Jalen Green, the core of the Rockets is at a low point

Compared with Shin Jing's dazzling, the team's core Jalen Green was weak in this game. In just 19 minutes, his sluggish 2-of-7 stats disappointed fans. This low point is not only a problem of individual games, but may also be a major reason for the team's ups and downs. In this game, Jalen Green seems to have lost his offensive inspiration, and it begs the question of whether the team needs to revisit the core configuration.


Core three: The problem of scoring on the outside of the Rockets is highlighted, and Udoka's choice is controversial

During the game, the Rockets once again exposed the lack of a consistent outside scorer. This seems to have become a bottleneck in the development of the team, and a solution needs to be found urgently. Udoka's disappointment with Jalen Green and his choice to hide him caused some turmoil within the team. Whether such a decision is correct or not has become a point of contention among fans. With the perimeter scoring problem becoming more prominent, the Rockets need to think about how to break the deadlock.


Core four: Ethan's light, replacing the starting team is possible

There is always a ray of light in the midst of adversity. Ethan, who was in the team, excelled in the game and became a possible alternative starting option. His brilliance not only brings good news to the team, but also analyzes new ideas for the team to readjust its configuration. During the game, Ethan showed consistent outside shooting and playmaking skills to breathe new life into the team.


Reflection and Prospects: Where Do Rockets Go From Here?

Although this game failed to bring victory to the Rockets, Shin Kyung's stunning performance and some changes within the team have brought fans anticipation for the future. Whether the Rockets can find a solution to the outside scoring problem has become the focus of attention. Jalen Green's slump and Udoka's selection have forced the team to re-examine their roster configuration and tactical system. And Ethan's emergence brings a glimmer of hope to the team.


In this fast-changing basketball season, the Rockets need to deeply reflect on their own problems and bravely face the challenges. Shin's rise has given new hope that he will be the centerpiece of the Rockets' future, whether the Rockets will be able to find a solution to the problem of outside scoring, and all of these issues will be the focus of fans' attention. This game may be a dawn, and a new era of basketball is coming. A New Era of Basketball: Rocket Wings Take Off

In this fast-changing basketball season, the Rockets need to deeply reflect on their own problems and bravely face the challenges. Shin's rise has given new hope that he will be the centerpiece of the Rockets' future, whether the Rockets will be able to find a solution to the problem of outside scoring, and all of these issues will be the focus of fans' attention. This game may be a dawn, and a new era of basketball is coming.

Core five: Re-examining the starting configuration, will Ethan be able to take more responsibility?

Ethan's outstanding performance was one of the highlights of the match. Not only did he excel on the offensive end, but he also played with ease on the defensive end. This all-round play makes people wonder if he can be a member of the Rockets' starting lineup, and revisiting the starting configuration and giving Eason more playing time may be a good solution to the outside scoring problem. The Rockets need to find a balance in team building where each player can play to their strengths.

Core 6: Is Jalen Green's downturn just an isolated phenomenon?

Jalen Green's slump in this game was a bit of a disappointment for fans, but we can't deny his value as the heart of the team. Can this game be seen as an isolated phenomenon? He has been the team's leading scorer and leader in the past games, and a slump does not completely negate his ability. The Rockets need to give Jalen Green more support in key moments, believing that he can regain his form in future games.

Core 7: Udoka's choice causes internal fluctuations, how to adjust teamwork?

Udoka's decision to hide Jalen Green in the game sparked some turmoil within the team. At this critical juncture, teamwork becomes even more important. The rocket needs to communicate internally in a timely manner to solve the problems that arise as a result. Udoka's decision may be out of consideration for the overall interests of the team, but how to better balance individual ability and overall team cooperation is a question that the Rockets need to think about.

Core 8: Can Shin Kyung's legendary performance be sustained?

Shin Kyung's astonishing performance in this match has sparked heated discussions among fans, but we also need to think calmly about whether such a performance can be sustained. The basketball season is a long and arduous journey, and players need to be consistent in different games. Whether Shen Jing can maintain such a high level of performance will become a big unknown for the future development of the rocket. The team needs to give him enough support, but also have a backup plan in case he is not available at certain moments.

Core 9: How to solve the problem of outside scoring?

The game once again highlighted the Rockets' troubles with outside scoring. In modern basketball, outside scoring has become one of the important factors in determining victory or defeat. The Rockets urgently need to address this issue, whether it's by adjusting the roster, developing new outside shooters, or finding the right players in the trade market, and the Rockets need to make smart decisions. Otherwise, this long-standing problem will continue to haunt the team.

Core 10: Does the rise of Shen Jing change the direction of the team's development?

Shin Kyung's rise has undoubtedly injected new blood into the team, and his outstanding performance could change the direction of the team. The team will need to reassess its positioning to see if it can build a more competitive squad based on Shin Kyung. At the same time, the team management needs to use this opportunity wisely to attract more good players to join and bring new energy to the team.

A future star on the basketball stage

Although the game did not bring victory to the Rockets, it ignited the fans' anticipation for the future. Shin Kyung's stunning performance, Ethan's brilliance, Jalen Green's trough, and the team's troubles with outside scoring issues have all become the focus of fans' keen attention. The basketball season is a magnificent event, and the Rockets are standing at the beginning of a new light for this event. They need to be brave enough to face difficulties and make wise decisions in order to continue to play their own melody on the basketball stage.

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