
Wang Baoqiang declined to act! The story of Xie Qingshuai looking for his relatives, why is it not suitable for making a movie?

author:Reliable Hills 1Qx

Good guys, this is really a realistic version of the "Rich Second Generation Counterattack"! Imagine that you and I are running around and working weekdays, and we are only looking forward to a little luck coming. And for Xie Qingshuai, the billionaire who fell from the sky turned out to be my father, who directly turned into a rich second generation, which is even more ecstatic than winning the jackpot!

Wang Baoqiang declined to act! The story of Xie Qingshuai looking for his relatives, why is it not suitable for making a movie?

Listen to me about this saga that could almost be made into a movie script. Xie Qingshuai, a young man who grew up in an ordinary family, inadvertently discovers that he is the son of a wealthy businessman who has been separated for many years. Not to mention him, even the onlookers were excited. Can you imagine the shock? From then on, the style of life changed, and stepping into the door of high society was as easy as riding a slide.

Wang Baoqiang declined to act! The story of Xie Qingshuai looking for his relatives, why is it not suitable for making a movie?

But wait, there's more to this than just a twist of fate. Look at Xie Kefeng, in the face of this sudden happiness, he still maintains a down-to-earth attitude. Some people say that he may have been stupid by the sudden arrival of wealth, right? No, no, no, no, he is extremely frightened when he thinks about it! This is what people call calm and introverted!

Wang Baoqiang declined to act! The story of Xie Qingshuai looking for his relatives, why is it not suitable for making a movie?

Besides, Wang Baoqiang's refusal of property dividends was also quite praised. Wang Baoqiang said: "Money is something outside the body", which allows us to see his pattern of transcending material temptations.

Wang Baoqiang declined to act! The story of Xie Qingshuai looking for his relatives, why is it not suitable for making a movie?

In this moving scene, we have to sigh: when the parents are uncontrollable and burst into tears, when Xie Kefeng seems to have returned to youth and smiles, we know that family affection and emotion are priceless.

Wang Baoqiang declined to act! The story of Xie Qingshuai looking for his relatives, why is it not suitable for making a movie?

borrowing the image of Guo Gangtang in the movie "Orphaned" who persistently pursues the footsteps of children, compared with Xie Qingshuai's gentle and elegant attitude towards a new life, they are two completely different styles. Guo Gangtang's unforgettable heart and Xie Qingshuai's calmness form a strong contrast.

Wang Baoqiang declined to act! The story of Xie Qingshuai looking for his relatives, why is it not suitable for making a movie?

In the eyes of these young netizens, the Internet terms such as "Shuangwen" and "Billionaire turned out to be my father" have narrowed the distance between them and the protagonists of the incident. They left messages on social media: "God has started giving out red envelopes!" or "Please God send me a gold ingot!" These humorous and witty comments make the whole story more lively and interesting.

Wang Baoqiang declined to act! The story of Xie Qingshuai looking for his relatives, why is it not suitable for making a movie?

In short, in this story, we have witnessed the ill-fated but twisted and turning, we read that family affection is priceless and transcends material temptations, we feel the humor and humor of netizens, and most importantly, we experience the flavors of the world through real details and emotional descriptions.

Wang Baoqiang declined to act! The story of Xie Qingshuai looking for his relatives, why is it not suitable for making a movie?

So, friends, in every ordinary daily life like you and me, please don't forget to keep a hope and belief in a better future - who knows? Maybe the next surprise from the sky is waiting for you around the next corner!

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in this article are from the Internet, and the purpose of this article is to promote social righteousness, and there is absolutely no vulgarity. If there are any questions about your work in the article, we will delete them in the shortest possible time!

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