
Nourish the kidneys in winter, understand these things! Nourish the kidneys and hide the yang in winter, please accept this kidney nourishing prescription

author:Seven Mile River release

Winter is the season when everything in nature is closed, and there is yang energy hidden in the human body. Due to the blockage of yang qi, the body's metabolism level is correspondingly low, so it needs to rely on the kidneys, the driving force of life, to function.

The kidney is considered to be the "innate foundation" and "source of life", and its physiological functions include storing essence, main water, absorbing qi, main bone, and generating marrow, etc., and is closely related to human bone, blood, skin, teeth, ears, etc.

The cold evil in winter can easily harm the yang energy of the human body. Once the yang energy is damaged, the body's physiological functions will be inhibited, so the focus of winter health care is to nourish the kidneys and prevent cold.

Nourish the kidneys in winter, understand these things! Nourish the kidneys and hide the yang in winter, please accept this kidney nourishing prescription


The daily routine of the kidneys

1. Kidney semen


The kidneys have the function of storing, fixing, and sealing subtle substances. The kidneys affect the body's ability to grow, develop, and reproduce by storing and regulating subtle substances.

If there is an abnormality in kidney function, it may lead to the loss or insufficient storage of subtle substances, which can cause a series of health problems, such as abnormal reproductive function, memory loss, bone lesions, etc.

2. Kidney main water


The kidneys maintain the normal production and excretion of water through vaporization to maintain the balance of water in the body.

Specifically, the regulation of water by the kidneys is mainly achieved through the filtration of glomeruli and the reabsorption of renal tubules. Glomerular filtration causes water, inorganic salts, glucose, amino acids and other substances in the blood to be filtered into the renal sac to form protourine. The renal tubules, on the other hand, are responsible for reabsorbing these substances, reabsorbing useful substances back into the bloodstream while excreting unwanted substances and water into urine.

If the kidney function is abnormal, it may lead to an imbalance in water metabolism, and symptoms such as edema, less urine, and more urine may occur.

3. The kidneys are responsible for absorbing qi


To put it simply, it is the regulation of respiratory movement by the kidneys.

The kidneys absorb the natural clean air inhaled by the lungs through the action of absorbing qi, maintain the depth of inhalation, and make the breathing movement more deep and powerful, which is conducive to the internal and external exchange of turbid gases and maintains the balance between the internal and external environment of the human body. If there is an abnormality in the kidney function, it may lead to abnormal breathing movements, such as superficial breathing and wheezing.

4. The main bone of the kidney, which is blooming


The health of the kidneys is closely related to the health of the bones and hair.

The physiological function of the kidneys affects the growth and development of bones and the maintenance of their normal function. If the kidneys are sufficient, the bones will be strong and strong, and the bone marrow will be full. On the contrary, if the kidneys are deficient, the bones will be weak and weak, and fractures and other problems will easily occur.

The healthy state of the hair is also a reflection of the function of the kidneys. If the kidneys are sufficient, the hair will be thick, black, and shiny. On the contrary, if the kidneys are deficient, it will lead to problems such as thinning, yellowing, and dullness.

Nourish the kidneys in winter, understand these things! Nourish the kidneys and hide the yang in winter, please accept this kidney nourishing prescription


In winter, the focus is on nourishing the kidneys

In winter, the season of collecting sperm, what should I do?

Foods that nourish the kidneys can be eaten, such as black sesame balls, chestnuts, walnuts, pine nuts, almonds and other nuts, which are very in season.

You can also drink a cup of kidney nourishing powder every day to replenish the kidney essence, kidney yin, and kidney yang sufficiently and hide it firmly.

Nourish the kidneys in winter, understand these things! Nourish the kidneys and hide the yang in winter, please accept this kidney nourishing prescription


A cup of kidney powder will accompany you through the cold winter

Kidney Warming Powder: It is composed of yellow essence, mulberry, black beans, black sesame, black wolfberry, red dates, and black rice.

Winter is a season to nourish yin and nourish the body, black can nourish the kidneys and strengthen the kidneys, so when you store yang energy in winter, you should eat more black food, which is also good for your hair.

This kidney powder, if you have a heart, you can usually mix and make it yourself at home.

1. Material


3g of yellow essence, 10 mulberries, 10g of fried black beans, 3g of red dates (pitted), 5 black wolfberries, 10g of cooked black sesame seeds, 5g of cooked black rice

2. Practice


The ratio is: 1:3:3:1:2:3:3, after the ingredients are baked, put them into the wall breaker in equal portions to make powder, put them in a dry fresh-keeping tank, and scoop 2-4 spoons of hot water every day according to their Xi.

Nourish the kidneys in winter, understand these things! Nourish the kidneys and hide the yang in winter, please accept this kidney nourishing prescription


The effect of kidney warming powder

According to the pharmacopoeia, Polygonatum polygonatum has the effects of replenishing qi and nourishing yin, strengthening the spleen, moistening the lungs, and benefiting the kidneys. Raw materials such as black rice, black sesame, mulberry, black beans, and red dates can help the human body replenish protein, dietary fiber, calcium, phosphorus and other components, and will have a certain conditioning effect on tissue structures such as cardiomyocytes, intestinal mucosal cells, and kidney cells.

It can play a role in tonifying the kidney, strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness, moistening the intestines and laxative.

It helps to replenish blood and strengthen the essence of Peiyuan, and can improve symptoms such as qi and blood deficiency, physical fatigue, dry bowel movements, more frequent urination, and excessive hair loss.

Nourish the kidneys in winter, understand these things! Nourish the kidneys and hide the yang in winter, please accept this kidney nourishing prescription


Suitable for people

(1) People who often stay up late, have a dull complexion, and have difficulty concentrating

(2) People who often feel that they are deficient in qi and blood, and their bodies are tired and weak

(3) People with spleen weakness, stomach weakness, loss of appetite, loss of appetite, etc

(4) People who have poor sleep quality, love dreams, night sweats, and wake up easily.

Source: Xianqitang

Nourish the kidneys in winter, understand these things! Nourish the kidneys and hide the yang in winter, please accept this kidney nourishing prescription