
The grassroots legislative contact point of Cuihu Community in Wuhua District has set up a legislative "connecting bridge" to smooth the "through train" of public opinion

author:Spring City in the palm of your hand

In 2017, the grassroots legislative contact point of Cuihu community became one of the first seven grassroots legislative contact points established by the Standing Committee of the Kunming Municipal People's Congress. Over the past five years, the Standing Committee of the Wuhua District People's Congress has adhered to the in-depth implementation of Xi Jinping's thinking on the rule of law, conscientiously implemented the spirit of the Central People's Congress Work Conference, focused on serving and ensuring the municipal people's congress to carry out legislative work, built a legislative "bridge", unblocked the "through train" of public opinion, expanded the depth and breadth of grassroots people's participation in legislation, actively explored the Wuhua model of innovative development of grassroots legislative contact points in the new era, and continuously promoted the grassroots practice of people's democracy in the whole process. Up to now, it has solicited the opinions of the grassroots masses on 37 laws and regulations, mobilized more than 1,300 residents to participate in the legislative opinion collection forum, and summarized and reported more than 1,500 opinions and suggestions, 41 of which were adopted.

Take the platform for the performance of duties as the carrier

Create a grassroots practice point for whole-process people's democracy

The grassroots legislative contact points of the Cuihu community give full play to the advantages of the close relationship between the grassroots community and the masses, promote the construction of representative workstations with the rule of law as a specialty, actively publicize the legislative contact work in contact with the residents, comprehensively collect the opinions of the masses, and insist that the people have something to call for and I have something to respond to. In the work of legislative research, discussions, and pre-voting evaluations of laws and regulations, pay attention to and collect social conditions and public opinions through grassroots legislative contact points, summarize and sort them out on the basis of ensuring the originality, and report the opinions of the masses to the legislature with quality and quantity. The tentacles of listening to opinions will be extended to the grassroots level, and public participation will be directly introduced into the legislative process, so as to effectively reflect and protect the public's right to speak in legislation. Establish a mechanism for positive interaction between the legislature and the masses with grassroots legislative contact points as a bridge to ensure that legislative work conforms to the spirit of the Constitution, reflects the will of the people, and is supported by the people. At the same time, we should actively give play to the role and professional advantages of deputies, invite people's congress deputies to participate in legislative research, discussion and revision, actively respond to social concerns, solve the problems of the masses, and promote deputies to perform their duties in accordance with the law, so as to connect with the masses more closely, absorb public opinion more comprehensively, gather people's wisdom more accurately, and play a more effective role.

Take the distribution point connection and expansion as the starting point

Build a point of operation for democratic legislation

Strengthen the construction of "points" and consolidate the foundation for soliciting legislative opinions. The community secretary and deputy secretary of the grassroots legislative contact point in Cuihu community are to serve as the head and liaison of the legislative contact point respectively, and the work responsibilities of the head and liaison of the grassroots legislative contact point are to be formulated, and the work tasks and work processes of the grassroots legislative contact point are clarified. Set up legislative information collection points in various communities in Huashan Street, set up a three-level network of streets, communities, and courtyards, absorb retired or in-service legal workers, teachers, engineers and other professionals from all walks of life, and make and distribute "legislative through train passports" printed with QR codes to the participating masses, encourage the masses to actively participate, enrich the team of legislative informants, and strive to collect opinions to cover different groups and different industries. Strengthen the interpretation of draft laws and regulations in specific knowledge and professional fields through multiple forms such as written consultations, symposiums, debates, hearings, research visits, questionnaires, and WeChat platforms, and actively mobilize residents to participate in legislative opinion solicitation activities on the basis of understanding, increasing the accuracy and adoption rate of legislative opinion collection.

Strengthen the support of the "line" and weave a dense network for soliciting legislative opinions. The first is to form a line of administrative organs and mass organizations. This year, the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress drafted the "Implementation Opinions of the Standing Committee of the Wuhua District People's Congress in Contacting District-level Administrative Organs and Mass Organizations to Support the Work of Grass-roots Legislative Contact Points", and passed the deliberation of the Deepening Reform Committee of the District Committee, and issued and implemented the documents of the District Party Committee in the whole district. The whole region has established a linkage working mechanism for 30 administrative organs, 10 sub-district offices, and 7 mass organizations to participate in the solicitation of opinions on grassroots legislation. The second is to form a line of professional workstations for people's congress deputies. The Standing Committee of the District People's Congress innovatively formulated the "Dual-cycle Work Measures for Legislative Consultation between Grassroots Legislative Contact Points and Professional People's Congress Representative Workstations "1+N" Legislative Consultation (Trial)", in which "1" refers to grassroots legislative contact points, and "N" refers to scientific popularization, ecological and environmental protection, rural revitalization, and When the grassroots legislative contact point is entrusted by the Standing Committee of the People's Congress at a higher level to solicit legislative opinions, according to the different legislative content and the different nature of the professional people's congress representative workstations in Wuhua District, the linkage mode between the legislative contact point and the professional representative workstation is formed. The third is to form a line of industry experts. Formulate and distribute institutional documents such as the "Measures for the Management of the Expert Database of Grassroots Legislative Contact Points (for Trial Implementation)", and set up a "professional talent pool" to serve legislation, and the consulting expert database is composed of experts and scholars in the fields of law, language, economy, urban and rural construction and management, environmental protection, history and culture, etc. Legislative consultation experts are to be hired by the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, and grassroots legislative contact points invite consulting experts to participate in legislative activities and undertake relevant specific work based on the fields involved in the legislation. The construction of the three lines has enabled the legislative work to form a two-way circulation and a legislative liaison work network that communicates from top to bottom.

Expand the coverage of "areas" and innovate ways to solicit legislative opinions. In addition to the grassroots legislative contact points, it also combines the construction of Wuhua District to build a demonstration area for the integration of culture and tourism, and sets up an "online platform for collecting legislative opinions" in Zhu De's former residence, the Liberation Memorial Hall and other places to comprehensively display the work of grassroots legislative contact points, and openly solicit opinions and suggestions from the masses on the legislative plans, draft annual legislative work plans, and draft regulations prepared by the higher-level legislative organs, so as to achieve "one-palm handling" for the collection of legislative opinions , the public can achieve "zero distance" participation in the legislation of the Municipal People's Congress.

Take the opportunity to ask for opinions

Establish rule of law publicity and popularization points

The legislative contact point has made every effort to do a good job in the "combination punch" of rule of law propaganda and education. Promptly publish legislative information, using traditional methods such as community blackboard newspapers, bulletin boards, and lectures on popularizing the law, as well as new media such as public legal service robots, the internet, the media, and WeChat public accounts, to publish draft regulations, to provide public legal services to the public, to guide the public's attention to important system designs in local legislation and key content related to the public's vital interests, and to protect the public's right to know. Based on reality, pay attention to doing a good job of interpreting laws and regulations to the people, find out points that are closely related to the masses and points of interest to the masses from professional legal texts, transform "French in French" into easy-to-understand language, strengthen education on the rule of law in a more down-to-earth manner, guide public opinion, build consensus among all parties, and continuously enhance the public's awareness of the rule of law. At the same time, it is necessary to combine education on the rule of law with legislative practice activities, organize legislative publicity activities oriented to the grassroots level, and publicize local legislative work in a planned and focused manner.

The purpose of the establishment of grassroots legislative contact points is to promote scientific, democratic, and law-based legislation, and is of great significance and important role in advancing the comprehensive governance of the country according to law and the development of whole-process people's democracy. In the next step, the Standing Committee of the Wuhua District People's Congress will thoroughly implement the overall requirements of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress at the grass-roots level of the legislative contact point, constantly improve the organizational structure, improve the work system, and innovate the working methods, give full play to the role of the three attributes of "grassroots", "legislation" and "connectivity", build a good legislative "bridge", smooth the "through train" of public opinion, help the "refinement" of legislation, and build the grass-roots legislative contact point into a window for vividly displaying socialist democratic politics.

Source: Kunming Daily, Wuhua District People's Congress Standing Committee

Editor-in-charge: Chen Peng

Editor: Fu Yali

Final review: Zhou Jianjun