
In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"

author:Yu Ling Tong GuoXue Online

The first category: Mongolian studies

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Elementary School</h1>

During the Ming Dynasty, a new jinshi who was in the examination asked Zhang Mao, a famous scholar at that time, for advice, and asked himself what books he should read. Zhang Mao solemnly recommended "Primary School" to him. Jinshi was not convinced, thinking that he had been admitted to jinshi, and what else did he read in "Elementary School"? However, in view of Zhang Mao's prestige, he still went home to read "Primary School" for three months, and the more he read it, the more interesting he felt. Three months later, the jinshi came to see Zhang Mao again. Seeing this jinshi from afar, Zhang Mao asked, "Have you read "Elementary School"?" Jinshi was very strange and asked, "How do you know?" Zhang Mao said, "Your words and deeds have already told me the answer." ”

The "Primary School" recommended by Zhang Mao to this jinshi was a traditional enlightenment textbook compiled by Liu Zicheng, a student of zhu xi in the Song Dynasty. The content is selected from the Confucian scriptures, which talk about the etiquette of treating people and things.

Source: For a scholar, there must be a beginning. From the end of "Elementary School" to "Four Books".

The second category: the warp

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the Analects</h1>

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"

Ming Liu Junxue visited Putu at night

Zhao Pu, the prime minister of the Song Dynasty, did not study well when he was young, and only after becoming prime minister did he begin to read seriously. Every night when he came home, he would close the door and take a book out of his box, reading it for most of the night. The next day, he handled political affairs very quickly, as if he had received a lot of inspiration from books. When Emperor Taizong asked about the reason, he said, "After I read the Analects, I benefited a lot. In the past, I used half of the Analects to assist Emperor Taizu in laying the foundation of the world, and now I want to use the other half of the Analects to assist His Majesty in governing the world. This is the famous story of "half of the Analects ruling the world."

So what kind of book is the Analects? Why is there such a magical effect?

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"


The Analects is a book that records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, with a total of twenty articles and more than 17,000 words. This is the book that has had the greatest impact on Chinese in more than two thousand years.

Source: The Analects, Twenty. Group of disciples, remember good words.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Mencius</h1>

Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, when reading Mencius, often read it while scolding, saying that if Mencius had been born today, how could he have let him go! Reading some places, he was also furious, and even deleted some sentences in Mencius, once wanting to abolish the sacrifice of Mencius in the Confucius Temple. Mencius is the "saint" in The history of our country after Confucius, why is Zhu Yuanzhang so disrespectful to Mencius?

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"


Originally, this was related to Mencius's idea that "the people are precious and the king is light". The book Mencius takes the form of a dialogue, recording the questions and answers between Mencius and his disciples, as well as between others. There are seven chapters in the book, which are mainly about morality and benevolence.

Source: Mencius, seven chapters. Speak of morality, speak of benevolence.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "The Mean"</h1>

One day, Zigong asked his teacher Confucius how to judge the other two students. Confucius thought that one of his two students had gone too far and the other had failed. Zigong took it for granted that students who behaved too well should be better. Confucius said that too much performance is not the same as performance, and there is no way to grasp the measure of acting as a person.

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"


To behave as a human being, one should follow the "middle way", neither overdoing nor falling short. The book "The Mean" is about the "Way of the Mean". The Zhongyong was originally a passage from the Book of Rites, and its author was Confucius's grandson Zisi.

Source: "Zhongyong", Zi Si Pen. It is not easy to be biased and mediocre.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > University</h1>

Dr. Sun Yat-sen once spoke highly of "The University" as "a treasure unique to China". So what kind of book is "University"? Why do you get such a high rating?

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"


In ancient times, there was no middle school, and after the children of the nobility finished primary school, they had to go to "university" after the age of fifteen. The so-called "learning of adults" means self-cultivation, family unity, governance of the country, and peace in the world. This is the truth of the book "University". "University" is one of the "" articles, and its author is Confucius's student Zengzi.

Source: "University", Nai Zengzi. Self-cultivation, to Pingzhi.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the Book of Filial Piety</h1>

Children who like history will find that the title of emperor of the Han Dynasty has a "filial piety" character, such as XiaowenDi, Xiaojingdi, Xiaowudi and so on. Why? Also, in the Han Dynasty, as long as a person was filial to his parents, he could be invited by the government to become an official. Why? Originally, this was related to the ancient promotion of "filial piety" in our country.

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"

("Filial Piety Diagram" (song li gonglin painting)

The Book of Filial Piety is a Confucian classic about "filial piety", and the whole book has only 1,800 words. "Filial piety" was not only valued in ancient society, but also worthy of vigorous promotion today.

Source: "Filial Piety" is passed, and the "Four Books" are familiar. For example, the Six Classics can be read.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the Book of Verses</h1>

One day, Confucius was standing alone in his courtyard, and his son Kong Carp happened to walk by. Confucius asked him, "Have you read the Poems?" Kong Li replied, "Not yet." Confucius said, "If you don't learn poetry, you can't speak."

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"


The "poem" here is the Book of Poetry. Why did Confucius make his son have to study the Book of Poetry? What kind of book is the Book of Verses?

The Book of Poetry is the first collection of poetry in China, bringing together 305 poems from the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period, about 500 years, so it is also known as the "Three Hundred Poems". The poems in the Book of Poetry were originally all soundtrack lyrics, and according to the nature of the music, they can be divided into three categories: wind, elegance, and praise. In many social occasions in ancient times, the Book of Poetry was used, so Confucius told his son that he could not talk to people without learning the poem.

Source: 曰 "National Wind", 曰 "Ya", "Ode", four poems, when satirical.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > The Book of Shang</h1>

When Qin Shi Huang burned the book pit Confucianism, there was a Confucian named Fusheng in Shandong, who risked killing his head and secretly hid the Book of Shang in the wall of his house. After the establishment of the Han Dynasty, those who sought proficiency in the Book of Shang throughout the country found Fusheng. At the time, he was in his nineties, slurred in his speech, and had difficulty walking. The imperial court sent people to his home, and he dictated and recorded the almost lost Book of Shang.

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"

Fusheng Sutra Diagram (Ming Cui Zi Zhong)

So, what kind of book is the Book of Shang? The Book of Shang is a compilation of historical documents, first called the Book, and in the Han Dynasty it was called the Book of Shangshu, meaning "Book of The Ancients". Its basic content is the ancient emperor's proclamation and the transcript of the conversation of the monarch, and there are six asanas, namely, the canon, the mo, the precept, the oath, and the fate. Its writing is very ancient, and later generations called it "Tuo Qu Fang".

Source: There are scriptures, there are precepts, there are vows, and the mysteries of the book.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Zhou Li</h1>

There are two people who have the greatest influence on Chinese history and culture: one is The Duke of Zhou and the other is Confucius. The most admired figure in Confucius's life was the Zhou Gong; the most desirable cultural system was the various ritual music systems established by the Zhou Gong in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

The Zhou Li is said to have been formulated by the Zhou Gong and records the various etiquette systems founded by the Zhou Gong, and the content is extremely rich. Among them, the "six officials" system composed of heavenly officials, earth officials, spring officials, summer officials, autumn officials, and winter officials has a great influence on future generations. For example, the six ministries set up in ancient Chinese society, namely officials, households, ceremonies, soldiers, criminals, and workers, evolved from the "six officials".

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"

Confucius entered the Zhou To ask the ceremony

Source: I Zhou Gong, as "Zhou Li". He is the author of the six officials and the body of governance.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the Book of Rites</h1>

In the Han Dynasty, the Confucian texts of the pre-Qin Dynasty were called "jing", and the interpretation of "jing" was called "chuan" or "record".

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"


Dai De and Dai Sheng's uncle and nephew of the Western Han Dynasty respectively explained the "Rites". Their uncles and nephews are called Big Dai and Little Dai, so Uncle Dade's explanation is called "" and nephew Dai Sheng's explanation is called "". "" is the "Book of Rites" that we see today, and the "University" and "Zhongyong" in the "Four Books" are all from it.

Source: size wear, note "Etiquette". Tell the Holy Word, and prepare with joy.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Spring and Autumn</h1>

Confucius once said: Posterity knows me because I wrote "Spring and Autumn"; posterity blames me because I wrote "Spring and Autumn". So, what book is this?

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"

"Spring and Autumn" is a chronicle of the State of Lu. Confucius lived in an era when the hierarchical order of society was chaotic, the Son of Heaven was not like the Son of Heaven, and the princes were not like the princes. Confucius wrote The Spring and Autumn Period, judging some historical events and figures, and choosing words that he thought were appropriate, implying praise and criticism in them. This way of writing was later known as "Spring and Autumn Brushwork".

Source: "Poetry" is dead, "Spring and Autumn" is composed. Praise and denigration, do not be good or evil.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "Spring and Autumn Three Passes"</h1>

When Confucius wrote the Spring and Autumn Period, he pinned his own political ideals, and many places used the "Spring and Autumn Brushwork", and there were praises and criticisms between the lines. It makes many people who have wrong hearts and evil intentions very afraid.

The language of "Spring and Autumn" is concise, and in many places there is Confucius's "small words and great righteousness", so it is not easy for posterity to understand. In this way, books explaining the Spring and Autumn Period appeared one after another, and these books of explanation were called "transmissions". Among them, the most famous are Zuo Qiuming's "Spring and Autumn Zuo Clan Biography", referred to as "Zuo Chuan"; Ram Gao's "Spring and Autumn Ram Biography", referred to as "Ram Biography"; Gu Liangchi's "Spring and Autumn Gu Liang Biography", referred to as "Gu Liang Biography". These three "biographies" are collectively known as the "Three Biographies of Spring and Autumn".

Source: Three passers-by, there is "Ram", there is "Zuo Shi", there is "Gu Liang".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "three easy"</h1>

Before the invention of paper, people generally wrote on bamboo janes, and after writing them, they used belts to connect a bamboo jane into a book. There is a book that Confucius particularly liked to read in his later years, and the number of times he read it was too much, and he even broke the belt of the bamboo series several times. What kind of book is this?

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"

This book is "Zhou Yi". "Yi" was originally a book of divination by the ancients, and "Three Yi" is a "Yi" book of three different dynasties. "Lianshan" is said to be the "Yi" book of the Xia Dynasty; "Guizang", which is said to be the "Yi" book of the Shang Dynasty; "Zhou Yi", which is said to be the "Yi" book of the Zhou Dynasty. Although Yi is a book of divination, it also tells the philosophy of many human lives and the laws of change in things.

Source: There are "Lian Shan", there is "Guizang", there is "Zhou Yi", three "Yi" detailed.

The third category: sub-divisions

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Xunzi</h1>

The following famous sayings must be very familiar to you: "Qing, taken from blue, and blue in blue", "perseverance and abandonment, decaying wood does not break; perseverance, gold and stone can be skeletonized", "do not accumulate steps, there is no way to go thousands of miles; do not accumulate small streams, can not become rivers and seas". Do you know which book these quotes come from?

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"

These quotes are from Xunzi. The book "Xunzi" was written by XunZi, who was a Confucian master after Confucius and Luzi.

Source: Five sons, there are Xun Yang, Wen Zhongzi, and Lao Zhuang.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Lao Tzu</h1>

Once, Confucius asked Lao Tzu for advice, and Lao Tzu did not say a word, but just opened his mouth and spit out his tongue, and Confucius went back with great satisfaction. The disciples who accompanied Confucius were very dissatisfied, thinking that Lao Tzu had not said anything, and this trip was not in vain? Confucius said that Lao Tzu did not need to talk much, and his actions told us a very profound truth, that is, soft can overcome rigidity, and weak can overcome strong. The teeth are hard, the tongue is soft, but after decades of vicissitudes, the hardest teeth have fallen out, and the softest tongue is still so alive. When Confucius's students heard this, they suddenly realized.

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"

Lao Tzu riding a bull

Lao Tzu here, named Li Er, was once a historian in charge of the book collection in the Zhou Dynasty. In his later years, he rode a green bull and went west to live in seclusion at Hangu Pass. Before his return to hiding, after repeated entreaties from the Guanguan Order, he wrote the book Lao Tzu. This book, also known as the Tao Te Ching, is more than 5,000 words and is a Chinese cultural classic.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Zhuangzi</h1>

In ancient times, there was a man with whom his wife had died, and instead of weeping with sorrow and sorrow like ordinary people, he happily knocked on the tile pot and sang. This person is Zhuang Zhou.

In addition to the Four Books and Five Classics, what other ancient Chinese textbooks are there? "Elementary School", "Analects", "Mencius", "Zhongyong", "University", "Filial Piety", "Book of Poetry", "Shang Shu", "Zhou Li", "Li Ji", "Spring and Autumn", "Spring and Autumn Three Transmissions", "Three Yi", "Xunzi", "LaoZi", "Zhuangzi"

Zhuang Zhou Mengdi

Zhuang Zhou wrote his views into a book, which is "Zhuangzi". The book consists of 33 articles, many of which have been written to this day. For example, the famous "Zhuang Zhou Mengdi" tells such a story: once, he fell asleep, dreamed that he had become a flying butterfly, and when he woke up, he was still himself. He didn't know if the butterfly had become himself, or if he had become a butterfly when he dreamed.