
Is Shen Zhenzhen talking wildly?

author:Reading, writing, and playing chess


Although Shen Zhenzhen is not very old, he is thoughtful and very urban. Especially in terms of speaking, he has always been relatively low-key, and there are few wild words.

Is Shen Zhenzhen talking wildly?
Is Shen Zhenzhen talking wildly?

However, in a recent interview after the game, Shen Zhenzhen said something like this, which I think is very informative, so I might as well interpret one or two.

The topic was raised from the talk of "Jubanqi", and Shin's original words are as follows:

"I used to be a little inferior to Ke Jie in terms of the number of world titles and all aspects, but now I'm on the rise. And Ke Jie's recent form is not the best, and now there should be no chance of ten chess, and the best opportunity before was in 2020. Now facing most Chinese players, including Ke Jie, I should have the confidence to win more than 6 games. ”

The first point:... It's inferior in all aspects (it means that I was not as good as Ke Jie before, that's because Ke Jie is older than me, debuted early, has a higher level than me, and has more champions than me, which is normal).

The second point: I am on the rise (meaning that I am now surpassing Ke Jie), and Ke Jie's recent state is not the best (which means that Ke Jie is not good, but this sentence is very euphemistic! I didn't say that the level was not good, only that the state was not good).

The third point: There shouldn't be too many opportunities to play juban chess now (which means that Ke Jie is no longer qualified to play juban chess with me).

Fourth, the best chance was in 2020. (At that time, Ke Jie questioned Shen Zhenzhen's suspicion of cheating, and Xiao Shen angrily played ten chess games to Ke Jie, but Ke Jie did not face the battle.) This sentence means that you were given the opportunity to play ten games of chess before, but you didn't dare!)

Point 5:... Have the confidence to win more than 6 sets. (The premise of this sentence is that most Chinese chess players are not bragging, right?!, I don't say that I can win all Chinese chess players, so there is room for this.) But among the chess players who win, Ke Jie must be included! It is very clear that everyone else can lose, including Wang Xinghao, Xie Erhao and others, and even lose to Fan Yin, and Ke Jie must win. This sentence is at the heart of this passage.

To sum up, I don't think Shen Zhenzhen is talking wildly, but it is definitely murderous!

Is Shen Zhenzhen talking wildly?
Is Shen Zhenzhen talking wildly?

Shen Zhenzhen's words are hidden and impeccable. On the surface, it seems peaceful, but in fact, it hides a mystery, which is very ridiculous and challenging.

The general of the defeated army is unspeakably brave, does Ke Jie still dare to accept it?

The level is limited, the interpretation may not be accurate, and please correct it!

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