
If you want to accelerate the development of AI PCs, you may have to count on Intel in the end!

author:Looking for a happy pig

Hi tech enthusiasts, are you ready? Today we're going to talk about a super exciting topic - the rise of AIPC (Artificial Intelligence Powered Computing) and how Intel is making a big splash in this revolution with their Core Ultra processors!

If you want to accelerate the development of AI PCs, you may have to count on Intel in the end!

First, let me give you a crash course. AIPC is to integrate artificial intelligence into the computing process we use every day. Imagine your computer not only handling ordinary tasks, but also learning to Xi, predict, and know what you need before you even yawn. Isn't that cool?

If you want to accelerate the development of AI PCs, you may have to count on Intel in the end!

Now, every tech giant is gearing up in this space. But today we're going to focus on Intel. They've got Core Ultra processors, and I gotta say, this really isn't a cover!

If you want to accelerate the development of AI PCs, you may have to count on Intel in the end!

This processor uses the most advanced 7nm process technology, as well as the 5nm process blessing from TSMC. Put simply, this means that more transistors can fit into a chip of the same size, making the whole system run faster and cooler.

If you want to accelerate the development of AI PCs, you may have to count on Intel in the end!

But wait, don't think that's the end of it. Intel also integrates the CPU, GPU, and NPU - three AI engines work together to fight monsters! Whether it's graphics and graphics or creative application experience, the Core Ultra can give you an unprecedented smoother feeling.

If you want to accelerate the development of AI PCs, you may have to count on Intel in the end!

And ah, software optimization and deployment haven't been left behind. Have you ever heard of OpenVINO technology? It's about optimizing visual reasoning neural networks. Intel got it done, and the hardware was working hard at the software level.

If you want to accelerate the development of AI PCs, you may have to count on Intel in the end!

Don't underestimate these partnerships! Intel has also set up with domestic software manufacturers, which shows that they attach great importance to the local market.

When it comes to AI applications, the Core Ultra is like a strong man who can do anything. Both the speed of AI inference and the speed of learning Xi have increased rapidly. It is simply a strong light on the road to the development of AI applications!

And finally, we have to summarize Intel's role in the PC world as a whole: from hardware innovation to software collaboration to advancing AIPC technology...... Intel has indeed laid a solid foundation for the development of AIPC.

So listeners, please remember: although the future of AIPC is bright, it is inseparable from industry giants like Intel to reach the end of that brightness!

All in all, it's exciting to take every step in the AIPC space. The Intel Core Ultra processor has undoubtedly led the innovation storm at the hardware and software level!