
Chinese athletes generally lack individuality and are easily marginalized in world competitions

author:Yifeng 2008

In the process of going to the world competition, Chinese athletes have traveled very hard. In addition to the brutal competition in competitive sports, the general lack of individuality among Chinese athletes is also a very important reason.

Chinese athletes generally lack individuality and are easily marginalized in world competitions

Recently, the Chinese track and field team has a female athlete with a lot of personality who has emerged, and many people can't stand it. Everyone has a lot of criticism about this female athlete who has a lot of personality and even a little publicity. This athlete is Wu Yanni, a track and field 100-meter hurdles.

Chinese players were the first to appear in international competitions, and they were basically table tennis players. Back then, Chinese athletes were impressed by their good skills in the world table tennis arena, but few athletes were personally impressive. The reason for this is that Chinese athletes are silent without makeup, do not show their mountains and water, compete quietly, never talk nonsense, and dare not show off their personality at will in the international arena. Therefore, it is difficult for Chinese athletes to impress foreigners.

Looking at the world's famous players, they are very capable of performing in the competition and have a flamboyant personality. Like track and field athletes Usain Bolt, Joyna, etc., before each competition, they do their best to attract everyone's attention, win the attention of the audience, and boost their fighting spirit, and strive to win the ranking.

Chinese athletes generally lack individuality and are easily marginalized in world competitions

There is also Chinese track and field athlete Liu Xiang, before the start of the competition, he also did enough movements, expressions, and eyes to attract everyone's attention and cheer for himself.

But why should the male contestants be restrained and suppressed by the female contestants? Isn't it just to dress up with more spirit? Isn't it just to comb a few more braids? Isn't it just to put on lipstick and stick to the eyelashes? Isn't it just to do a few more movements before setting off?

People should be tolerant, and there is no need to make irresponsible comments about small details. Isn't a good image coupled with good grades more eye-catching and exciting?

Chinese athletes generally lack individuality and are easily marginalized in world competitions

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