
Tang Zuxuan, an 81-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine, has no heart disease and no spots on his face, and his health secrets can be learned by everyone

author:Prometheus the Brave

Wellness is an eternal topic in our lives. However, for many people, regimen approaches are often too complex and difficult to achieve.

Today, we would like to introduce to you an 81-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine, Tang Zuxuan, whose health secrets are not only simple and easy to implement, but also accessible to everyone. Let's take a look at his regimen.

Master Tang Zuxuan, born in 1942, is now 81 years old, but the growth of age has not made him lose his vitality, looking at his tough body, he does not look like an octogenarian at all.

Even the famous writer Februaryhe described him as energetic, walking with the wind, handsome in speech, quick in thinking, and with the energy of "Yiyi".

Master Tang Zuxuan said that his health preservation method is Chinese-style health preservation, and he usually pays attention to more adjustment, so he can have such a good body and can use more energy for work.

Tang Zuxuan, an 81-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine, has no heart disease and no spots on his face, and his health secrets can be learned by everyone

1. Emotional health and vitality of life

Master Tang Zuxuan said that emotional health is the focus of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation, listed in the first of all health preservation methods, many people only pay attention to diet health, exercise, medicine health care, often ignore emotional health preservation.

The human body comes from the emotion, and the life span of the person also follows the emotion. Emotional health preservation takes the cultivation of the mind as the first priority, and the cultivation of the spirit can maintain the vitality of life.

Tang Zuxuan put forward five ways to nourish the spirit, which is not only to achieve a peaceful mood, a combination of work and rest, tranquility and emptiness, open-mindedness, and maintaining sufficient sleep.

Tang Zuxuan, an 81-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine, has no heart disease and no spots on his face, and his health secrets can be learned by everyone

2. Cultivating character, attaching importance to moral health

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes that the cultivation of nature is the cultivation of virtue, so the doctors of all generations have attached great importance to moral health preservation. "Great Doctor Sincerity" is a model of cultivating virtue. If you want to live a long and healthy life, you should first cultivate your own morality, be charitable and benevolent, and value righteousness over profit.

Master Tang Zuxuan also pointed out that the foundation of health preservation lies in cultivating nature, doing a good job in moral cultivation, and tempering a strong will. He himself did the same, in the process of practicing medicine, he always thought about what the patients thought, solved the difficulties of the patients, helped the poor and the weak, and solved the sufferings of the patients.

Tang Zuxuan, an 81-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine, has no heart disease and no spots on his face, and his health secrets can be learned by everyone

3. Cultivate true qi and avoid the "five qi"

Master Tang Zuxuan believes that true qi is the foundation of good health. Health preservation cannot only rely on medicine, but also maintain the true qi of good people. He admonished people to avoid the five kinds of bad qi: not sulking, not resentful, not discouraged, not discouraged, and not discouraged.

These bad qi can damage the body's vitality and affect health. He suggested that everyone should learn to regulate their emotions in life, be kind to others, and maintain inner peace.

Tang Zuxuan, an 81-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine, has no heart disease and no spots on his face, and his health secrets can be learned by everyone

4. Eat a reasonable diet and exercise moderately

Master Tang Zuxuan advocated that reasonable diet and moderate exercise are important guarantees for maintaining health, and he believed that the choice and combination of food is very important for good health.

He rarely eats greasy, raw and cold food, does not eat too much at meals, and eats some fruit in the afternoon. Due to the many academic exchange activities he participated, he sometimes felt dry and tired, so he developed the Xi of drinking a glass of honey water after breakfast, and he would also bring honey with him when he went out.

Tang Zuxuan, an 81-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine, has no heart disease and no spots on his face, and his health secrets can be learned by everyone

In addition, he also advocated moderate exercise, believing that moderate exercise can promote blood circulation and enhance the function of internal organs. The exercise method is eclectic, but it is necessary to combine movement and static, and choose a reasonable exercise and a suitable location according to your own situation.

Master Tang Zuxuan would get up at five or six o'clock every morning, first move and then read or write, and then go out to work when he arrives at work. Even if he has been active a lot since becoming a national master, he will find time to exercise appropriately in his busy schedule.

Tang Zuxuan, an 81-year-old master of traditional Chinese medicine, has no heart disease and no spots on his face, and his health secrets can be learned by everyone

In this fast-paced society, it's easy to neglect our physical health. However, health is the cornerstone of all happiness and success.

If we can learn Xi Master Tang Zuxuan's way of health preservation, pay attention to emotional health, cultivate true qi, eat reasonably and exercise moderately, I believe we can have a healthier and better life.

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