
What Zhou Zhou Wei said to Zhu Dan made stay-at-home mothers break their defenses, but in fact, he was also ordering Xi Mengyao

author:Your circle beep beep


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What Zhou Zhou Wei said to Zhu Dan made stay-at-home mothers break their defenses, but in fact, he was also ordering Xi Mengyao

Text: Your circle beep beep

Editor|Guiquan beep Ji

Recently, in "Golden Match", Zhou Yiwei said to Zhu Dan, "Your body, there is no light", which caused an uproar on the Internet. As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately ignited the hearts of countless mothers and made netizens start a heated discussion.

As stay-at-home mothers, it's common for the light to be obscured by the refraction of the child, but as partners, how should we look at this sentence?

What Zhou Zhou Wei said to Zhu Dan made stay-at-home mothers break their defenses, but in fact, he was also ordering Xi Mengyao

Zhou Zhouwei's sentence "There is no light on your body" is said to Zhu Dan, mainly from his concern about Zhu Dan's state after transforming from a host to a full-time mother. As Zhu Dan's lover, Zhou Yiwei hopes more than anyone else that Zhu Dan can maintain his aura.

Zhu Dan used to be a very successful host, his career has reached its peak, and his life is full of brilliance. However, since getting married and having children, Zhu Dan chose to become a full-time mother, and her hosting career has basically stagnated. In Zhou Yiwei's view, the current Zhu Dan does have a lot less aura than before, and he does not have the confidence and state he used to have.

What Zhou Zhou Wei said to Zhu Dan made stay-at-home mothers break their defenses, but in fact, he was also ordering Xi Mengyao

In fact, this also reflects Zhou Yiwei's emphasis on Zhu Dan's own value, he not only regards Zhu Dan as a wife or mother, but also regards her as an independent individual. Zhu Dan's own career and development are also very important to Zhou Yiwei. Therefore, when he found out that his wife's career was affected, he was naturally worried.

From this point of view, Zhou Zhouwei's words can be understood as care and encouragement for his wife. He hopes that Zhu Dan will not completely give up on himself because of being a mother, and will maintain his independence and self-confidence as a woman. This actually reflects the maturity and thoughtfulness of Zhou Zhou Wai as a partner.

Of course, some people may also find this sentence a bit straightforward and will make people feel criticized. But we shouldn't over-interpret it, because as Zhu Dan's lover, Zhou Yiwei has the right and obligation to remind Zhu Dan to continue to shine. As long as the intentions are good, then the way of expression can be tolerated.

What Zhou Zhou Wei said to Zhu Dan made stay-at-home mothers break their defenses, but in fact, he was also ordering Xi Mengyao

Zhou Zhouwei's words also touched Xi Mengyao's heart. As He Youjun's wife, Xi Mengyao gave up her career and chose to become a full-time mother.

From a supermodel to a full-time housewife, Xi Mengyao's aura inevitably weakened. She no longer has her own career and can only rely on her husband He Youjun. This is indeed a weakening of the aura for Xi Mengyao, who was once independent.

But unlike Zhu Dan, Xi Mengyao's current state does not seem to be satisfactory. She longs to regain her aura, which is why she decided to participate in a reality show with her husband. She hopes to regain attention and exposure through this show.

This reflects from the side that Xi Mengyao's current family life is not satisfied. After becoming a stay-at-home mom, she lost her most important things – her career and independence. This may have had an emotional impact on her.

What Zhou Zhou Wei said to Zhu Dan made stay-at-home mothers break their defenses, but in fact, he was also ordering Xi Mengyao

Therefore, Xi Mengyao can understand the meaning of Zhou Zhouwei's sentence very well. As a woman, you have to keep your own aura and not just be attached to your husband. Xi Mengyao is now also looking for a way to return to her own light, which is her independent choice as a woman.

Of course, as a wife and mother, Xi Mengyao also gave a lot. We should not negate her efforts for the family. At the same time, I also hope that she can find a balance and continue to maintain her own aura. It's also a healthier option for her.

This sentence also has a certain touch on countless working women. When women choose to become stay-at-home mothers, their original career aura and enterprising spirit will indeed be affected.

After becoming a mother, many women inevitably have to spend more time and energy with their children and devote more time and energy to the family. It's an indisputable choice. But at the same time, there are also many women who face inner struggles - they still want to keep their careers, but also take on the responsibilities of motherhood.

What Zhou Zhou Wei said to Zhu Dan made stay-at-home mothers break their defenses, but in fact, he was also ordering Xi Mengyao

In such a situation, women face pressure from all sides of society. The first is the need from children and families, and the second is the shackles from traditional ideas in society. Many people still believe that women should be full-time housewives, which also makes it more difficult for women to want to move forward in their careers.

When hearing the words of Zhou Yiwei, many women will resonate in their hearts. Indeed, when you devote yourself to your family, your original light will also be affected. But that doesn't mean giving up, because every woman should have the right to choose her own life.

The important thing is to find a balance between taking on the responsibilities of motherhood and developing your own career. Setting small goals, working hard to improve yourself Xi maintaining a social circle can all help women shine. The most important thing is to have a positive attitude and not deny yourself just because you become a mother.

In reality, it is not uncommon for women to successfully balance family and career. While taking care of their children, they can also achieve and progress in their own fields. Then other women will be able to do the same, the key is to believe in themselves and gain understanding and support from their families and society.

What Zhou Zhou Wei said to Zhu Dan made stay-at-home mothers break their defenses, but in fact, he was also ordering Xi Mengyao

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens thought that although Zhou Zhouwei's sentence was straightforward, it pointed out a real problem - after becoming a mother, women's original aura and charm will indeed be affected. But as a partner, this direct criticism can also hurt a woman's self-esteem.

Some netizens also believe that Zhou Zhouwei's way of speaking is inconsiderate, because he does not understand their anxiety and entanglement after becoming mothers from the perspective of women.

Many women become stay-at-home mothers not because they want to, but because they are forced by reality. Then the partner should give support and encouragement to the woman, rather than bluntly pointing out that their aura is no longer there.

Some netizens said that in fact, this sentence reflects a common social problem - after a woman becomes a mother, she automatically has to take on all family responsibilities.

But as a male partner, family responsibilities should also be shared so that women have more room to pursue their careers and hobbies. Therefore, instead of blaming women for "not having the light", we should encourage men to participate in the family so that women can have a more fulfilling life.

What Zhou Zhou Wei said to Zhu Dan made stay-at-home mothers break their defenses, but in fact, he was also ordering Xi Mengyao

All kinds of voices are worth understanding. As partners, we should all put ourselves in each other's shoes, cherish each other's feelings, and give each other understanding and encouragement.

A family can only be happy when both parties have the satisfaction of life. This requires social progress and increased awareness on the part of everyone. Let's speak up for true equality between men and women.

From the heated discussion of this matter, we can see that Zhou Yiwei's sentence does point out a real problem. When a woman becomes a mother, her original aura and charm will inevitably be weakened. As a society, we still have a long way to go to further enhance the true equality of the status of men and women.

As individuals, women also need to maintain self-confidence and perseverance, believing that they can find the best balance between family and career. What do you think this sentence reflects? Feel free to discuss it with you in the comment section.

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