
I entered the barracks in 1979, and after I was discharged from the army, my home became a meeting point for comrades-in-arms in the same county!

author:Hi ys

The teammates who have crossed the difficult years of the army together shine in their respective posts after going through the wind and rain.

Although they live in the same small town, their deep friendship with each other has never changed.

Recently, a special dinner party once again inspired them to reminisce about the past and look forward to the future.

Xinning County is a small corner of Shaoyang City, Hunan Province.

However, for the current 20 veterans, this is the stage of their lives.

I entered the barracks in 1979, and after I was discharged from the army, my home became a meeting point for comrades-in-arms in the same county!

In 1979, at the age of 18, they chose to step into the door of the Air Force and fought for the country under the collective honor of the infrastructure engineering unit in Anshan City, Liaoning Province.

Today, 37 years later, they have gradually emerged in social positions, some have become business managers, civil servants, some have become businessmen, workers and so on.

However, the former comradeship has not disappeared with time.

On the contrary, they continue and deepen that strong emotional bond through regular dinner parties.

The phrase "comrades-in-arms gather, everyone shares" is often on the lips of these like-minded people.

I entered the barracks in 1979, and after I was discharged from the army, my home became a meeting point for comrades-in-arms in the same county!

And for more people who like to seek pleasure in reserve, such a judgment has obviously become a fact that they do not want to admit but have to accept when they meet.

Some time ago, the hostess Ms. Wu inevitably had some deviations with her family and friends due to entering menopause.

But just like the crowd in a concert, these subtle changes are only shown among comrades-in-arms with tacit understanding and warm resolution.

Indeed, in the course of decades of ups and downs, Ms. Wu's husband, Mr. Li, has always been able to accommodate this unique disturbance and irritability in an extremely correct way.

By undertaking the big tasks in the family, such as washing dishes and cleaning, Mr. Li has made his wife feel at ease and steadfast through this special period.

I entered the barracks in 1979, and after I was discharged from the army, my home became a meeting point for comrades-in-arms in the same county!

And his efforts are definitely not only for Ms. Wu, but also for this family, to express his endless love for every loved one.

Since then, Mr. Li has officially taken over the dishwashing task at home, and his attitude and determination have immensely admired his comrades and family.

Every weekday, he washes the dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen at home to a crystal clear, bringing a new luster to the house.

In the midst of the peace, he found something precious that he could only experience after many years away from home - the warmth of family.

One day at the end of last year, Mr. Li mustered up the courage to share this story at this gathering of comrades-in-arms.

I entered the barracks in 1979, and after I was discharged from the army, my home became a meeting point for comrades-in-arms in the same county!

Although most of them knew about it, it was a beautiful decision that made everyone in the room feel extremely gratified.

Then, in a burst of jubilant applause, they gradually understood the deep meaning of this process and the respect and love that had been established, which made them cherish their friendship with each other even more.

After a long-lasting dinner party, those comrades-in-arms who have experienced hardships and hardships understand better that whether it is ordinary life or joys and sorrows, as long as they have an understanding, they can find happiness in life.

Although they may no longer be the hot-blooded young people who were in the army now, they still firmly believe that as long as they have faith in their hearts, the sunset is warm, and they respect each other like guests, they can spend their lives.

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