
I couldn't laugh anymore, the man navigated to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

author:Humorous da-da

Recently, in Ningbo, Zhejiang, a man surnamed Gu was unexpectedly guided to the cemetery by navigation when he was using a car navigation system to find a charging station.

I couldn't laugh anymore, the man navigated to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

Mr. Gu tried several times to enter the correct destination, but the navigation system still took him to the same location - the cemetery. The incident baffled Mr. Gu, who eventually abandoned the idea of charging at the cemetery and looked for other charging stations instead.

After that, Mr. Gu contacted customer service and asked if there was a possibility of a navigation system malfunction. The customer service suggested that he go to the 4S store for testing, suggesting that there might be a problem with the navigation system.

I couldn't laugh anymore, the man navigated to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

This session of netizens did not disappoint everyone, and the comment area laughed to death!

Sure enough, the comment area is full of talents, and you can also understand the general situation!

Xiaodi: It's indeed a cemetery ahead

I couldn't laugh anymore, the man navigated to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

Is the land used for the prefecture pass?[Look]

I couldn't laugh anymore, the man navigated to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

It's probably also a charging station that's just a cross-frequency out

I couldn't laugh anymore, the man navigated to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

There's nothing wrong with that

I couldn't laugh anymore, the man navigated to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

That's not it, I ran back with the car on my shoulder, and I didn't stop it

I couldn't laugh anymore, the man navigated to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

People are excited, and the car doesn't [laugh] [laugh] [laugh] if it is full of electricity at night [covering his face] familiarize himself in advance [snickering]

I couldn't laugh anymore, the man navigated to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

Netizen: Lie down, sleep for a few years, and reincarnate as a new person full of vitality! So this is indeed a charging station [cover your face] [cover your face] [cover your face]

Why not red

I couldn't laugh anymore, the man navigated to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

What did the owner do, he made the artificial intelligence out of his temper

I couldn't laugh anymore, the man navigated to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

How did the customer service hold back his laughter [sneer]

I couldn't laugh anymore, the man navigated to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

Yadea: It's a disgusting business war

I couldn't laugh anymore, the man navigated to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

The story of "stumbling into the cemetery" is indeed quite dramatic. Imagine that at the moment when we are looking forward to the full power but find ourselves standing between the tombstones, isn't this a "surprise" given to us by modern technology? As netizens said, "you must not scare people to death with this navigation at night", this sentence not only reveals a sense of humor, but also unexpectedly points out the imperfection of technology.

Life will always give you unexpected turns. As we rely on technology to navigate our paths, perhaps the occasional "misguide" can bring us some unexpected revelations. Just like in life, not all paths are straightforward and clear-cut. Sometimes, a circuitous journey can be more interesting and worth savoring.

Even in the most unexpected places, we can find fun and jokes. This event is not only a small joke about technology, but also a celebration of the unpredictability of life. It reminds us that even in the darkest corners, there is always light waiting for us~

Finally, I would like to raise a topic: how would you react if one day your navigation system took you to an unexpected place, would you panic, or would you accept the unexpected adventure and have fun with it? Let's share these "little adventures caused by technology"!

I couldn't laugh anymore, the man navigated to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery, but I died laughing in the netizen comment area

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#Man navigating to find a charging station and was taken to the cemetery##Netizen##Comment area##Funny##Article launch challenge##Seeing the world##导航#

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