
The identity and struggle of the various aspects of the contradiction in "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1).

author:Yang Gu reads the classics

We spent nearly half a month and devoted a lot of space to explaining the principle of the universality and particularity of contradictions.

Now, we need to continue to delve into the question of the identity and struggle of the various contradictory aspects.

Identity, unity, consistency, interpenetration, interpenetration, interdependence, interconnection or mutual cooperation, these different terms are actually describing the same relationship, that is, the interdependence and transformation of the two sides of the contradiction in the process of development.

First of all, the two sides of every contradiction in the development of every thing are premised on the aspect that is opposed to it. They co-exist in a continuum, interdependent and mutually restrictive. Without opposition, there is no existence and development of things. Just as the two poles of yin and yang, they are opposed to each other and interdependent, and together they constitute the balance and harmony of the world.

Second, under certain conditions, the two sides of the contradiction will transform in opposite directions. This transformation is not achieved overnight, but gradually under the combined effect of a complex set of internal and external factors. In this process, the identity of contradictions and the nature of struggle work together to promote the development and evolution of things.

This is called identity. It reveals the internal connection and mutual transformation of the two sides of the contradiction in the process of development, and is the internal driving force and source of the development of things.

Only by profoundly understanding the identity and struggle of contradictions can we truly grasp the essence of things and the law of development, correctly handle various contradictions in practice, and promote the development of things in a better direction.

The identity and struggle of the various aspects of the contradiction in "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1).

Lenin: Dialectics is such a doctrine

Lenin: Dialectics is the study of how opposites can be the same and how they can become the same.

Lenin's words are like a beacon that illuminates the way for us to understand the contradictions in depth.

He tells us that dialectics does not simply look at the opposites of things, but deeply explores how these opposites can become one, how they can transform each other under certain conditions.

This requires us to move away from the idea of seeing opposites as rigid and solid, and to look at them from a vivid, conditional, changeable, and translatable perspective.

In the process of the evolution of all things in the world, the various aspects of contradiction are like different colors in a painting, seemingly mutually exclusive, struggling, and opposed.

Every thing, every process, contains these contradictory aspects, without exception. The simple process is like a simple painting with only one pair of contradictions, while the complex process is like a rich picture with multiple pairs of contradictions intertwined. These contradictions influence each other, interact with each other, and jointly promote the movement and development of things.

The identity and struggle of the various aspects of the contradiction in "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1).

So, in the contradiction that seems to be extremely inconsistent and disharmonious, how to find unity or unity?

This requires us to delve into the nature of the contradiction.

Sameness does not refer to the unity of complete sameness or no difference, but refers to the inevitable trend of the intrinsic essential connection and development of things in the struggle and unity of contradictions. In the evolution of contradictions, opposites are not fixed forever, but transform each other and become the same under certain conditions. This transformation is not a simple change, but the inevitable result of the internal contradictory movement of things.

For example, in the change of seasons, spring and winter seem to be opposites, but they are unified. The warmth and vitality of spring provide conditions for the coldness and stillness of winter, while the coldness and stillness of winter provide the possibility of vitality and warmth of spring. This opposition and unity is the internal law of the change of seasons.

The identity and struggle of the various aspects of the contradiction in "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1).

The seasons rotate

Therefore, when we deeply understand the essence of things, we can find the unity and unity of contradictions. This unity and unity is not an abstract and theoretical existence, but is deeply rooted in every corner of our lives.

Contradictions cannot exist in isolation

Everything in the world has its opposite, which is the law of nature and the mystery of the universe.

If there is no side to oppose it, this side loses the meaning of existence.

Think about it, can those contradictory things or contradictory concepts in people's minds exist independently?

There is no life without death, and how can life exist without death?

If there is no top, how can the bottom be defined, and if there is no bottom, how can the top appear?

If there is no evil, how can the blessing be manifested, and if there is no blessing, how can the disaster be manifested?

Without success, there is no way to talk about difficulties, and without difficulties, how can success be manifested?

All the opposing elements in this world are like the relationship between shadow and light, interdependent and mutually conditional.

Under certain conditions, they are opposed to each other on the one hand, and interconnected, interpenetrated, penetrated, and interdependent on each other on the other.

This nature is like the yin and yang poles between heaven and earth, which are both opposed to each other and transformed into each other.

All contradictory aspects are called contradictions because they have different characteristics due to certain conditions. However, they have the same nature, so they are connected to each other.

This contradictory unity of opposites is like the alternation of night and day, the rotation of winter and summer, which seems to be opposites, but it cannot be separated.

Lenin was referring to the dialectic of "how opposites can be identical".

How, then, do we understand the relationship between this opposition and the sameness?

In fact, they are like mountains and rivers, flowers and leaves coexist. The opposition between mountains and water is an indispensable existence in nature, and the opposition between flowers and leaves is also the most beautiful scenery in nature. Without the mountain, the water would have lost its home, and without water, the mountain would have lost its spirituality. Without flowers, leaves lose their meaning, and without leaves, flowers lose their brilliance.

This identity is the most profound philosophy in the universe.

Identity is not only reflected in the unity of material opposites, but also in the ups and downs of life and the entanglement of emotions.

In this vast universe, everything is opposite, but also unified.

If there is no opposition to it, then this side seems to have lost the meaning of existence, like a chess game without an opponent, pale and lifeless.

If we don't have those lost and painful past, how can we deeply experience the preciousness of happiness and happiness? If we don't have those indifference and loneliness, how can we deeply experience the preciousness of warmth and companionship?

This is the case with all opposing elements, which are called contradictions because certain conditions have different natures. However, they have the same nature, so they are connected to each other. This interdependent and mutually transformed relationship is like the joys and sorrows, gains and losses in life, they are intertwined and constitute our rich and colorful life.

So, how to grasp the relationship between this opposition and the sameness?

Actually, the answer is in our hearts. We need to learn to find unity in contradictions, and harmony in opposites. We need to learn to be optimistic in the face of adversity and look for a turnaround in the midst of adversity. We need to learn to cherish every moment, whether it is joy, sorrow,

Finally, let's go back to the original question: how can it be? Because of the conditions for mutual existence. This is the first meaning of identity. When we truly understand this, we can better understand the world and understand ourselves better. In this world full of contradictions and unity, we can find our own place and shine our own light.

The so-called century-old fame, thousands of years of hegemony, and eternal prosperity are actually nothing compared to one thing.

There is only one way to succeed – to live life on your own terms.

Next: Summary of Historical Materialism in Mao Xuan (Volume 1).

I look forward to everyone's attention, likes, and forwards, and let us follow Chairman Mao forward in the wind and waves.

Previous articles: "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1) Historical Materialist Values and Living Life on Your Own Terms

The main contradictions and main contradictory aspects of "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1).

A summary of the main contradictions and main aspects of the contradictions in the "Mao Xuan" (Volume I).
