
Those sentiments about marriage

author:The girl who lived in the south

Have you ever had such a quarrel experience: you snatched the door alone, wandered around, unconsciously went to the vegetable market or supermarket, bought vegetables and went home to continue to practice, do housework, and then the quarrel was slowly diluted by you.

Sometimes we quarrel and get angry, we may not really pay attention to it, but the people in front of us are relatively more important, so we have a choice, abandon the "unreasonable trouble", and become a virtuous wife.

Those sentiments about marriage

Some options for marriage

Years for everyone is a special term used to remember, when we are young and do not understand the world, love is the heartbeat of that blink of an eye; when we decide to enter the palace of marriage, it is to exchange the passion of the past for the stability of the years to come: when we enter the besieged city of marriage, after adapting to the life of the besieged city, my family plans to raise children, plans to run a family from scratch; since then there is a new turning point in life, you are no longer alone.

We have not said that we have sworn the mountain alliance, that we have not promised to live for a long time, but we have never said that we have given up;

Some people say that details defeat love, but also achieve love; such as Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang and other love may only exist in our talking points, from love to marriage, Guo Jingjing every time she dives Huo is silently watching and supporting, if this is love, then we add an adjective to this love: longing for love; do not bother her when training, do not mention marriage before retiring, and complete her college dream after retirement; when pregnant, she moved out of the Huo family from love to marriage, Huo Qigang has always respected her choice There is no higher state of love than I love you for everything, including giving you enough freedom.

Those sentiments about marriage

Some helplessness of marriage

In the "An Jia" TV series, Gong Beibei and his wife performed the status quo of how many people to middle-aged marriage, it is ugly to say, marriage is half dead and not alive; there are many times just a form; there are a few years of cold violence filled the embarrassing solitude space of two people, there is no courage to give up each other, but also do not want to love each other, save enough disappointment, despair and helplessness, the rest is no matter how can not shed tears and can not tell the bitterness ....

How many people choose to continue to go on the marriage for the sake of children and face, walking and walking for most of their lives have passed; whether there is you in the eyes of the other party, you are like a mirror, because if he cares about you, you can always feel it; on the contrary, there is no you in his eyes, your anger and willfulness are pretentious, and your excitement is ridiculous; such a marriage lasts until old age, I don't know if it is lucky or unlucky.

Most couples live a life that is not salty or light, and the most talked about every day is chai rice oil and salt, children, the elderly, education; forgetting the original appearance of love, there is no sense of ceremony in life, and every day is like dead wood.

Those sentiments about marriage

The anticipation of marriage

Sometimes, we may not be so disappointed with the marriage, when I get angry and go out, you follow with a tissue; I buy vegetables and come back and you pour me a glass of water; I'm tired you put on a TV to kill time; I cough you can go to the pharmacy to help catch medicine; maybe, our love won't be different, but will always be fresh, because we are all in each other's eyes, and we can feel each other.

Maybe that's enough, maybe it's extravagant

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