
The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

Her name is Mao Shihua and she is affectionately known as "Grandma Breakfast".

Rice dumplings, duck egg cakes, glutinous rice cakes, porridge and soy milk......

Everything is sold for only 5 cents, and the price has not increased for 27 years.

Most of the children who grew up in the neighborhood have eaten her own breakfast.

Many people called her stupid and persuaded her to raise the price, but she smiled and shook her head:

"I'm not stupid, I just don't live on this. ”

"The price has risen, and children from poor families will not have enough to eat. ”

"Our children in the mountains are very bitter. If you have less money, I don't raise your money. ”

"The kids are like my grandchildren, who are in junior high school and come to see me on the weekends. ”

"I didn't save any money, my old man had a little pension...... My pension was also posted. ”

It turns out that the reason why the price of "Breakfast Grandma" has not increased for 27 years is to make breakfast affordable for every child in the neighborhood.

On December 18, Grandma Mao passed away at the age of 90.

People's thoughts converge into a river, and in an interview video about her on the video website, the barrage of "salute" and "go all the way" swiped the screen all day......

The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

Today, I will talk to you about the story of Grandma Mao.

The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

In 1933, Mao Shihua was born in Jiangshan, Zhejiang.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, she came to Huangtankou Township alone from Quzhou City to learn tailoring.

Under the introduction of people around her, she met her wife, who worked as a fitter in the hydropower station.

After marriage, the two had two sons and two daughters.

In order to make a living, Mao Shihua went to Xin'anjiang and also went to Jinhua to work.

Later, when she returned home to work as a seamstress and raise pigs, the life of the family of six began to stabilize.

In 1996, Grandma Mao, who had already entered the age of sixtieth year, had nothing to do, and decided to set up a stall near the Central Primary School of Huangtankou Township to sell breakfast.

Stone-ground soybean milk, egg cakes made of duck eggs, and hand-wrapped glutinous rice cakes...... Everything sells for 5 cents.

The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

As prices rose, the prices of snacks in the surrounding stalls began to rise one after another.

Only Mao Shihua insists on 5 cents and does not increase the price.

The soy milk is freshly ground in the early morning, the duck eggs are made with the best local ones, and the filling is also very real.

When asked about the cost, she said she hadn't done it;

When asked about profits, she said it was just about the same.

Whether it is a loss or a gain, in fact, Grandma Mao knows it.

Every day at 5:30 a.m., I went out of the stall, and I was busy for half a day, and the profit was meager.

Later, the price increase was large, and not only did he not make money every month, but he even had to post it upside down, saying that it was a "loss-making business", which is not an exaggeration.

But Grandma Mao laughs every day.

She said: "When my children grow up, I no longer need my wife and me to take care of them.

"My wife and I have a pension of 1,040 yuan a month, which we can't spend and don't need so much money to live, but the children in the nearby mountains are miserable and often can't eat. ”

Later, Grandma Mao had to pay hundreds of yuan to the breakfast shop every month......

The parents of children in mountainous areas are not easy to make money, so she wants to let the children have enough to eat, so that the price will not increase.

The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

In order to avoid being complained by her peers about selling cheaply, Grandma Mao didn't make much breakfast, and she packed up her things and went home as soon as she sold them out, trying not to affect others.

This insistence is 27 years.

The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......
The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

Every morning, as soon as the sky is bright, Grandma Mao's stall will be surrounded by the children who go to school in a circle.

Maybe it's because of Grandma Mao's loving look, or maybe it's because Grandma Mao's breakfast is the cheapest in the neighborhood, these children like to talk to her, and affectionately call her "Breakfast Grandma".

"Breakfast grandma, I want a zongzi, a cup of soy milk, take it away!"

"Breakfast grandma, I want two glutinous rice cakes and an omelet!"


Hearing the sound of "grandma", Grandma Mao smiled from ear to ear and happily handed the breakfast to the children.

A fourth-grade classmate accidentally smashed the bowl while making soy milk, she panicked and cried directly.

Who knows, Grandma Mao didn't care about the bowl at all, but asked her if she hurt her hand.

The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

A first-grade classmate saw her classmates drinking soy milk at Grandma Mao's stall, she was thirsty for a while, but when she touched her pocket, she had no money.

After Grandma Mao saw it, she said with a smile:

"It's okay, grandma hit you in a bag. ”

The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

There was also a little girl who wanted to eat quiche but sold it out.

Grandma Mao packed two tea eggs and gave them to her.

The list goes on.

Grandma Mao's good deeds are also influencing the children little by little.

When she was too busy, some children would make a bowl of soy milk by themselves, and then put the money under the bowl;

Some even washed the used dishes and let her reuse them for soy milk......

Grandma Mao never asked for this, but many children do.

Everything seems to be a tacit agreement.

The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......
The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

Grandma Mao lives in a dilapidated old house.

The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

The house is more than 30 square meters, and when you open the door, it is full of bags of glutinous rice, dumpling leaves, firewood, briquettes, tables and chairs.

Further down to the back room, there is a freezer and spices.

In fact, there is no need for Grandma Mao to live in such a cramped place.

Diagonally opposite the old house, there is a three-and-a-half-story yellow bungalow, which was built by her wife when she was alive.

When my wife was still there, they lived together in a small bungalow.

In 2015, her wife left, and she moved out of her new home.

"It's a waste for me to live alone in such a nice place, it's better to rent it to someone in need. ”

She rented her bungalow to the school's children for 100 yuan a month.

Earning money is secondary, mainly so that children can walk 7 kilometers less mountain roads every day.

The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

After some time, the dog that accompanied her all day was stolen and eaten.

For this reason, Grandma Mao was sad for a long time.

"When I make breakfast, it squats next to me;

I rode three wheels to set up a stall, and sometimes I couldn't find it suddenly, and when I looked up, I saw it waiting for me in front of me.

Now I'm alone in the middle of the night, and I'm still a little scared. ”

The dog that accompanied her day and night was stolen, and Grandma Mao was also afraid of meeting bad people, so the time to go out had to be delayed.

It went from half past five to six.

But no matter the wind or rain, her stall will always stick to the school gate.

She watched the children walk into the school one by one, from childishness to adulthood, and in the passage of time, she was sincerely happy for them.

As she got older, Grandma Mao slept less and less, and she missed her children more and more.

The children who work outside all the year round have also strongly asked to take her to their side many times, but Grandma Mao said:

"I've been Xi to it for more than 20 years, and when I really go to the city, I can only watch TV and walk, and I will be idle." ”

The neighbors knew in their hearts that what Grandma Mao was really reluctant to do was the children in Huangtankou, an old house that had precipitated a lifetime of memories.

The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......
The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

Grandma Mao's kindness and simplicity have won the respect of the local villagers.

The neighbors who supplied him were all based on the cost price and never looked at profits.

Every rainy day, the villagers who pass by will also help Grandma Mao clean up the stall.

The villagers all said that it was not easy to work so hard for the children at a young age.

The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

Under the word of mouth of the villagers, the story of Grandma Mao spread from a small mountain village to the whole country.

In 2016, Grandma Mao was commended by the relevant local departments and was awarded the title of "Top Ten Love Models".

In 2017, Grandma Mao won the 6th National Moral Model Nomination Award.

In 2018, he won the honor of "Star of Integrity", the most beautiful person in the country.

Grandma Mao said: "I never dreamed that so many people would know me, I just made such a breakfast, and I didn't make any great contributions to the country, everyone cared about me so much, I was very upset." ”

In 27 years, she broke four tricycles and replaced forty or fifty coal stoves, and the only thing that remained unchanged was the price of 5 cents, because it was engraved in her bones for the love of the children.

This is the story of Grandma Mao, the story of an ordinary person.

Maybe what Grandma Mao doesn't know is that doing ordinary things to the extreme is extraordinary.

Why was Grandma Mao able to hold on until the end of her life?

This is because she is convinced that she is doing the right thing.

In fact, there are many good people like Grandma Mao in life.

Sell 2 yuan a cup of sugar water, 17 years of sugar water grandfather has not increased in price, and "Hefei 10 yuan lunch sister" ......

The only difference is that after Grandpa Tangshui and Sister Lunch became popular, what they got was not everyone's love, but cyberbullying.

They questioned that the sugar water sold by Grandpa Tangshui was not clean, and scolded Sister Lunch Box for selling it so cheaply for hype, so that she could use this live broadcast to bring goods.

Later, the grandfather of sugar water, rain or shine all year round, disappeared on the streets of Wuhan, and the lunch sister who wanted to make the migrant workers eat better also cried.

She said:

"I think people's hearts are changing.

I just thought about selling a good meal, that is...... That is to say...... Migrant workers, they eat better.

I've been doing this for 9 years, and I've always insisted that people (workers) ask me to raise the price, and I haven't raised the price.

I feel a little sad and don't want to hold on anymore. ”

is obviously doing good deeds, but being criticized by people in various ways, and anyone who changes it will feel chilling.

Our society needs more people like Grandma Mao, Grandpa Tangshui, and Sister Lunchbox.

They send warmth to the hearts of a specific group of people, and they are truly ordinary and great people.

It is also a kind of kindness not to chill good people.

The 90-year-old grandmother, who only sells 5 cents for breakfast and would rather pay for it than increase the price for 27 years, has passed away......

Author: Zhifu Uncle;Source: WeChat public account Zhifu Uncle (ID: zhifoudashu).