
In 49, the guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi was calm: let him come if he comes

author:Sit on a landscape day

When Chen Yi was mayor of Shanghai, the Kuomintang tried to assassinate Chen Yi many times in order to disrupt Shanghai, but all failed.

In 49, the guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi was calm: let him come if he comes

【Chen Yi】

However, Mao Renfeng, the military commander who is far away in Taiwan Province, still has a trump card, which is Chen Yi's old subordinate Liu Quande. In 1949, Liu Quande infiltrated into Shanghai, and his task was to assassinate the old leader Chen Yi.

Chen Yi who cleaned up the mess

After Chen Yi took over the mess of Shanghai from Zhao Zukang, the acting mayor of Shanghai, the biggest headache was the saboteurs left behind by the Kuomintang in the city.

In 49, the guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi was calm: let him come if he comes

【Shanghai Liberation】

In order to disrupt the construction of Shanghai, when the Kuomintang evacuated the international metropolis, it left behind a whole eight secret service organizations, whose purpose was to sabotage the Communist Party's construction work in Shanghai, so that the prosperity of the city would never be restored.

Shanghai has a very high population density and a very complex personnel composition, and it is basically an impossible task to catch the saboteurs one by one. These reactionary elements also take advantage of this and often create bloodshed and panic incidents to disrupt the normal social order in Shanghai.

However, these small actions of the Kuomintang are actually for one purpose, that is, to assassinate Chen Yi, which is an order personally issued by Lao Chiang, and he knows that as long as Chen Yi is killed, the Communist Party will not be able to truly subjugate Shanghai.

In 49, the guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi was calm: let him come if he comes

【Chen Yi】

However, the Kuomintang intelligence agency seems to be very powerful, but in fact it has long been infiltrated into a sieve by our party, and the killers sent by Lao Chiang have just set off, and the Shanghai Public Security Bureau has already received accurate information, and has already set up a net in Shanghai and waited for the enemy to come to the door.

To what extent is the efficiency of our party's counterintelligence work, as soon as the killers settled in Shanghai, they were wiped out by the Shanghai public security.

After a failed operation, Lao Jiang did not give up, and the first batch of killers originally planned to assassinate Chen Yi at close range with muffled pistols, so the second batch was replaced with explosives and poison.

However, the gap between the intelligence work of the two sides is too big, and this group of spies was all arrested before they even saw Chen Yi's face. The complete failure of the two assassination attempts made Lao Jiang furious, and scolded Mao Renfeng, the military commander at that time, to the point of blood.

In 49, the guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi was calm: let him come if he comes

【Hairy Phoenix】

Mao Renfeng was also angry, he didn't expect that the military command would be corrupted to this extent, and he didn't know how many latent underground parties the Communist Party had stuffed in.

After Mao Renfeng carefully considered the available candidates, Liu Quande's name suddenly appeared in Mao Renfeng's mind, and now, I am afraid that Liu Quande, the ace killer, can only be put into battle.

The legendary killer of the military commander, Liu Quande

Liu Quande's life experience is quite magical, he has had a dream of joining the army since he was a child, and when the Red Army passed through Liu Quande's hometown, he also became a member of the Red Army. But from the old Red Army to the killer of the military commander, Liu Quande's span is inevitably too big.

In 49, the guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi was calm: let him come if he comes

[Liu Quande was once a Red Army, and later transformed into a military commander killer]

As early as when Liu Quande served the Red Army, his marksmanship shocked the Red Army commanders and fighters, Liu Quande was very hard in military training, and would spend more energy and time than other comrades-in-arms in any subject, especially in shooting, Liu Quande was not very old but became a famous sharpshooter in the company.

Interestingly, Chen Yi and Liu Quande still intersected during the Red Army, when Chen Yi was the director of the Political Department of the Red Fourth Army, and Liu Quande was also a reserve cadre under the Red Fourth Army.

Chen Yi admired Liu Quande's ability very much, and kept him by his side as a guard, and the two had a close relationship. Under Chen Yi's recommendation, Liu Quande went to Shanghai to work in special science, but it was also this decision that made Liu Quande finally go to the opposite side of our party.

In 49, the guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi was calm: let him come if he comes

【Greater Shanghai】

While working in Shanghai, Liu Quande was soon targeted by the Kuomintang intelligence agencies, and by the time Liu Quande realized that the danger was approaching, it was too late, and he was arrested by the Kuomintang.

Liu Quande is also very decisive in the face of life and death decisions, and he chose to change his court to work for the Kuomintang with almost no psychological pressure, and at this time, the Kuomintang spies had not even sentenced Liu Quande.

With Liu Quande's assistance, the Shanghai underground network that our party had operated for many years was uprooted, and many comrades were executed by the Kuomintang, but Liu Quande saved his life by making meritorious contributions.

In 49, the guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi was calm: let him come if he comes

【Military Commander's Torture Instrument】

After learning that Liu Quande was a sharpshooter, the military commander had a plan to train him, and Dai Li also attached great importance to this former CCP special agent spy talent, so he used him as the number one killer of the military commander.

Many important people who were regarded as threats by the Kuomintang fell under Liu Quande's gun, and Mao Renfeng was able to send Liu Quande's hole card to kill Chen Yi, which can be regarded as an amplification move.

Mao Renfeng's direct order to Liu Quande was that he had 6 months to kill Chen Yi, and after the matter was completed, he would have 2,000 taels of gold as a reward, but if it didn't work, Liu Quande wouldn't have to come back.

Chen Yi's reaction

When Liu Quande dispatched, Chen Yi not only did not raise his security level, but reduced the number of guards to 6, the reason why Chen Yi did this was to take the lead in reducing government spending, spending all the money on the blade, and banning those unnecessary personnel composition.

In 49, the guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi was calm: let him come if he comes

【Chen Yi】

Of course, although Chen Yi gave the order, none of the guards really left their posts, and they all knew that the Kuomintang was waiting to assassinate Chen Yi now, and they must not relax their vigilance at this time.

In addition to strengthening the security forces around Mr. Chen, the Shanghai public security department, which was responsible for chasing down the Kuomintang killers, also learned that Liu Quande had come to Shanghai to carry out his mission.

When Chen Yi learned that his old subordinate was actually coming to kill him, he didn't have much emotional fluctuations, but said to the people around him calmly: If he wants to come, let him come. Chen Yi is not afraid of the threat of killers, and the Shanghai public security will not let go of any clues, and they are bound to arrest Liu Quande and others.

In 49, the guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi was calm: let him come if he comes

【Chen Yi】

Yang Fan, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau at that time, believed that if Liu Quande wanted to assassinate Chen Yi in Shanghai, he would definitely have to settle down here first, so he should start with Liu Quande's social connections, and without the help of local resources, Liu Quande would not have been able to complete such a task.

This investigation really found some clues, there is a public security comrade in the city bureau who worked with Liu Quande in his early years, and he also knew Liu Quande's old friend Jiang Guanqiu in Shanghai.

What's more coincidental is that when this comrade went to visit Jiang Guanqiu, he happened to meet Liu Quande, who came to visit. The Shanghai public security unexpectedly grasped Liu Quande's whereabouts by mistake, but Liu Quande didn't know it at all.

In 49, the guard Liu Quande assassinated the old leader Chen Yi, and Chen Yi was calm: let him come if he comes

[The killer of the military commander in the film and television drama]

With the cooperation of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau and the People's Liberation Army, Liu Quande was quickly arrested, Mao Renfeng's ace killer also missed, and the Kuomintang completely gave up its plan to assassinate Chen Yi.


[1] Chen Yi: "Heroic Poet" who stands up to the sky and the earth.NetEase News [Citation date: 2013-12-7]