
Actress Zhou Haimei died suddenly of a heart attack, how terrible is the "number one killer"?

author:Yangcheng faction

On December 27, actress Ms. Zhou Haimei's sister Ms. Zhou Haiying made a statement on the distribution of Ms. Zhou Haimei's estate, the cause of her death, and how to arrange the adopted cats and dogs. ”

Actress Zhou Haimei died suddenly of a heart attack, how terrible is the "number one killer"?

Zhou Haimei

Sudden cardiac death is a natural death caused by a variety of cardiac causes, preceded by loss of consciousness, and the death occurs within 1 hour of the onset of symptoms. The main manifestations of sudden cardiac death are: death within 1 hour after the acute onset of chest pain and shortness of breath caused by cardiac causes; there is often no warning before detection, and once it occurs, the effective rescue time is short.

Winter is the season for sudden death. According to statistics, the incidence of sudden death in autumn and winter is about 20% higher than that in spring and summer. The number of sudden deaths in mainland China is the highest in the world, with an average of one person dying suddenly every minute. In the entertainment industry, there are also many high-profile celebrities who suddenly sent news of sudden death, shocking the public. In fact, sudden death, although there are no obvious warning signs, is not untraceable.

Review of celebrities who have died of sudden cardiac death: middle age is the most common

Gao Yixiang, a Taiwanese actor, has starred in works such as "Meeting Wang Lichuan" and "Love Magician", and has been selected into the "Top 100 Most Handsome Faces in the World" for four consecutive years. In 2019, he died suddenly of cardiac death while recording a sports variety show at the age of 35.

Actress Zhou Haimei died suddenly of a heart attack, how terrible is the "number one killer"?

Gao Yixiang

Gao Xiumin, a national first-class actor. In 2001, he co-starred with Zhao Benshan and Fan Wei in the sketch "Selling Abduction", and won the first prize of the 19th Spring Festival Gala. Since then, the three have also co-starred in many Spring Festival Gala sketches such as "Heart Disease" and "Selling Cars", which are well-known to the public. In 2005, Gao Xiumin died of a heart attack at the age of 46.

Actress Zhou Haimei died suddenly of a heart attack, how terrible is the "number one killer"?

Hidetoshi Gao (right)

Chen Jianxiong, a national first-class actor. He has starred in many large-scale TV series, including Su Guiyuan in "Foreign Daughter-in-law Local Lang", Ya Cha Su in "Big Talk Huang Feihong", and Shang Xia Jiu in "Riding the Dragon Strange Son-in-law 4". In 2022, it was revealed that he died of a suspected heart attack at the age of 51.

Actress Zhou Haimei died suddenly of a heart attack, how terrible is the "number one killer"?

Relevant people posted on Weibo to remember Chen Jianxiong

There are many celebrities who have suddenly reported the bad news of sudden death. In the past two months, it has been rumored that Malaysian actress Zhuang Qunshi (37 years old) and Japanese singer Tanimura Shinji (74 years old) have passed away due to sudden death. It is not difficult to find that sudden death in middle age (30-53 years old) is not an isolated case.

How high is the probability of sudden death? According to a survey on the incidence of sudden cardiac death that is representative of the population and prospective, it is estimated that the annual incidence of sudden cardiac death is about 40 per 100,000, that is, one in every 2,500 people, accounting for about 10 percent of all deaths, that is, one in every 10 deaths is a sudden death.

The risk of sudden death increases rapidly with age. The risk of sudden death rises dramatically from the age of 55. At one extreme, the risk of sudden death in older women over 75 is 100 times higher than in the age group under 55. However, long-term high-pressure and unhealthy lifestyle habits are also common phenomena in young and middle-aged people'Xi s lives, such as long-term high-pressure and unhealthy lifestyle habits, which are also one of the important causes of sudden death.

The "number one killer" is invincible, and identification and prevention are key

Since sudden death occurs suddenly, how to prevent and recognize the onset of sudden death has become a key means to save lives. When many people hear about sudden death, the first thing they are afraid and anxious is, because it comes and goes without a trace, cannot be recognized, and cannot be saved. A study entitled "Analysis of the Epidemiological Characteristics of 5,516 Cases of Sudden Autopsy Death in Mainland China" was published in the journal "Chinese Emergency Medicine", which found that these laws were hidden in sudden death through the study and analysis of the autopsy characteristics of 5,516 cases of sudden death.

Among the causes of sudden death, sudden cardiac death accounts for about 60%. According to some data, the number of people who die suddenly from cardiac causes is as high as 7 million every year in the world. Unfortunately, there are no symptoms of sudden cardiac death. However, there are six manifestations that are considered signals of sudden cardiac death.

1. Heart murmur during physical examination.

2. Chest pain, chest tightness, chest discomfort, especially during exertion.

3. Unexplained syncope during activity or emergency often indicates heart problems.

4. Shortness of breath or suffocation during exertion.

5. There are symptoms of palpitations, which may also be accompanied by sweating, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms.

6. Have a family history of hereditary heart disease or sudden death.

Emotional agitation and overwork make cardiovascular and cerebrovascular "very dangerous"

Studies have found that more than half of the people who die suddenly are "too excited" and "too tired" before death. Among them, 26% of the sudden death was emotional, 25% was overworked, and the rest were blood volume changes, alcohol consumption, oversatiety, minor injuries, etc.

Mr. Chen from Shenzhen, when tutoring his child's homework, felt his chest pain due to emotional agitation, and couldn't breathe, he thought it was just an ordinary trivial thing but the symptoms were not alleviated, and when he went to the hospital, he had convulsions and urinary incontinence, and finally picked up a small life after first aid, and was finally diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome, which is often referred to as "myocardial infarction".

In May 2023, a team of academicians from Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University published a study in the journal "Journal of the American College of Cardiology", revealing the whole process of myocardial infarction or sudden death caused by anger. Sudden death is easy because when a person is angry or emotional, the bone marrow leukocyte will be produced up-regulated, which will promote coronary inflammation and increase the vulnerability of plaque, which will lead to the occurrence of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, after the human body has experienced excessive physical labor, overtime or staying up late, the heart does not get enough rest, and the body will have symptoms such as increased blood pressure and increased heart rate.

This is because after overwork, some people will have dizziness, fatigue, chest tightness and other symptoms, in this case, the burden of the heart will increase significantly, in which the increase in blood pressure will lead to an increase in the load of the heart, the increase in heart rate, will lead to a significant increase in the oxygen consumption of the heart, to a certain extent, even angina, myocardial infarction, and even sudden death.

In particular, people with underlying diseases such as high blood pressure, heart muscle failure, and diabetes should pay more attention to their heart health and avoid overwork.

Middle-aged people aged 30-53 are more likely to die suddenly

Among the 5,516 sudden deaths, middle-aged people aged 30-63 are the age group with a high incidence of sudden cardiac death.

Why does sudden death prefer to befall middle age?

Middle-aged and young people have heavier work and life pressure than people of other ages, their bodies are often in a sub-health state, and they do not pay attention to physical examinations, and often work overtime and stay up late. In recent years, the probability of heart disease, viral, myocarditis and other heart diseases in young and middle-aged people is getting higher and higher, and they often fail to detect the signs of heart disease in time, coupled with the changes in the social environment and dietary Xi habits of modern society, which invisibly increases the risk of potential diseases in young and middle-aged people, and young and middle-aged people are at high risk of disease formation.

At the same time, young and middle-aged people are often burdened with huge life pressure, and when they are not clear about their physical condition and do not pay attention to physical health, they may work overtime and stay up late, compress rest time, and do not do it regularly, which further increases the burden on the heart.

How to prevent sudden death? Hold 7 moments

"Life Times" once listed 7 scenes of sudden death that often occur, namely:

1. If you are overeating, you should control your intake when you eat, refuse to overeat, and if you can't control yourself, it may lead to the contraction of the pancreatic ducts, which in turn will induce acute pancreatitis.

2. If you drink too much, you should reduce the frequency of drinking alcohol or even not drink alcohol in your daily life, as your blood pressure will increase easily, your blood pressure will increase your blood pressure, your heart will beat faster, your heart will aggravate your myocardial ischemia, and you may induce symptoms such as myocardial infarction.

3. Hold the stool, if you have the urge to defecate, do not endure it, and do not use too much force when defecating the stool, otherwise it will cause a sudden increase in blood pressure.

4. Smoking does not stop, the harm of smoking is well known, smokers should smoke less, quit smoking as soon as possible, and smoking a lot in a short period of time may lead to large-scale myocardial infarction.

5. Sitting for too long, in work and Xi, we should get up and move our bodies after sitting for a long time, so as to avoid the lower body not moving for a long time and the venous blood return is not smooth.

6. Exercising too much, although exercise is good for physical and mental health, exercise must be done within one's ability, and must not be excessive, otherwise it may lead to heart attack.

7. The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor in winter is very large, and the large temperature difference felt by the human body for a long time is easy to cause vasoconstriction, so we try not to enter and exit the indoor and outdoor many times in a short time

(Yangcheng Evening News, Yangcheng Pai Comprehensive Beijing Youth Daily, The Paper, Xinhua News Agency, Guangming Daily, Life Times, Healthy China, Healthy Henan, etc.)

Topic host|Reporter Li Kexin

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