
Gossip said: 509 starring, vertical screen documentary film "Fireworks in the World" is about to hit the big screen

author:Leisurely milk tea entertainment

Hey, all the friends who love gossip, today I want to bring you a hot piece of news! I heard that there is a movie about to be released, don't think that this is an ordinary movie, it is a movie "Fireworks in the World" "co-starring" by 509 ordinary people! The name is plain, but it contains thousands of stories.

First, let me reveal an astonishing fact: this is not a film made in the traditional way. Awkward, right? The whimsy of the film, which abandons the traditional image collection and instead excavates the existing documentary footage from the UGC video library and edited it into a vertical screen film, makes people look forward to the film. And this bold attempt also lived up to expectations, and won the "Best Innovative Documentary Award" at the 10th China Documentary Academy Awards! This is not a cover, subverting the traditional production method, such a creativity is really applauded.

Director Sun Hong said bluntly: "These user images of 'recording themselves' are more realistic and powerful than traditional documentary images. "This is not only a statement, but also an affirmation of the award. Moreover, the film was also unveiled at the Pingyao International Film Festival and the Guangzhou International Documentary Festival, becoming the opening and closing films respectively, which shows that it has caused a sensation in the industry.

Gossip said: 509 starring, vertical screen documentary film "Fireworks in the World" is about to hit the big screen

Speaking of which, I can't help but think of the recently highly anticipated military drama "Haitian Eagle". This drama jumps out of the traditional military theme, focuses on the pilot group, with Yu Lingyun as the protagonist, and tells the story of his growth in the test flight team and becoming an excellent pilot. Although it is a military drama, it seems to present a new military plot for the audience.

In this military drama full of expectations, Li Youbin will play a leader, and his appearance is full of expectations. And Zhu Yawen, a tough guy style, returned to the military drama and performed an unforgettable classic taste. There are also powerful actors Hou Yong, Tong Lei, etc., and this lineup can be called a powerful gathering.

Speaking of power, we can't forget the high-profile movie "Fireworks in the World". This film truly presents the life of a group of "civilian heroes", who may be ordinary people around us, but everyone still maintains courage in the face of the suffering of life and does not forget the beauty in life. Sun Hong, the director of the film, said: "As a documentarian, it is our original intention to pay attention to how everyone in this situation can settle down in the torrent of the rapidly changing times. ”

The lives of these ordinary people bloom on the big screen, and every face is so simple and full of life. Such a realistic portrayal allows us to see the various states of Chinese people's lives, and allows us to re-examine our own lives and start anew. Isn't that the truth we've been looking for?

Gossip said: 509 starring, vertical screen documentary film "Fireworks in the World" is about to hit the big screen

In this era of information overflow, we are always chasing the gossip of celebrities, and sometimes we may ignore the stories of these "little people" around us. Perhaps, "Fireworks in the World" is a movie that awakens our concern for life, allows us to see the real life of ordinary people, and makes us think more about our own lives.

Whether it is "Fireworks in the World" or "Haitian Eagle", it is a unique attempt in the entertainment industry. This winter, let's look forward to these two works together, uncover unknown stories together, and feel the different sparks in life.

Having said that, which one are you looking forward to more? Is it "Fireworks in the World" that makes us pay more attention to the lives of ordinary people, or "Haitian Eagle", which subverts the traditional military theme? Or do you want to watch both? Come and leave a message and tell me your expectations and opinions! Let's welcome this entertainment world full of freshness, uncover unknown stories one by one, and feel the different sparks in life!#Fireworks in the world##Haitian Eagle##Movie gossip##平民英雄#

Gossip said: 509 starring, vertical screen documentary film "Fireworks in the World" is about to hit the big screen

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