
The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

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The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

My husband Wang Jun and I have been married for ten years, and our lives are plain but happy. The only thing that makes me unhappy is that my two aunts often come uninvited, sit and talk at our house, and always complain about my dissatisfaction as a wife.

For example, my aunt Zhang Ailing, she has a mean personality, every time she comes to our house, she will say that the food I cook is not to her taste, and always criticize me for not cleaning the room enough. My other aunt, Li Huimin, likes to find fault with me, saying that I have poor taste in dressing and makeup is not beautiful enough. I endured it every time I didn't say anything, but my heart was already unhappy.

Just yesterday, the two aunts came to our house again. I was preparing to make dinner, and they had to come to the kitchen to watch me go about my work.

"We Fangfang, why don't we always pay attention to hygiene when cooking? Look at your cutting board, it's dirty and old, and the kitchen knives haven't been cleaned, it's too unusual. Zhang Ailing said, shaking her head.

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

"That's it, we Fangfang are reluctant to even change a chopping board, it's too frugal. Li Huimin echoed.

I fought back my anger and explained, "I've been using this cutting board for a few years, but I wash it every time I use it." Our family's conditions are limited, and we are not as wealthy as yours, so we have to save some money. ”

"Hmph, it's one thing to save it, but it's not good to make it so messy. If you want me to say, if you marry our old king, you should also study hard Xi learn how to be a qualified daughter-in-law. Zhang Ailing did not give up.

"It's just that, after so many years, your housework is still a mess, and I don't know how Lao Wang can stand you. Li Huimin also continued.

My anger is getting bigger and bigger, but it's not easy to flare, so I can only endure and continue to cook. I took a deep breath and said as calmly as I could, "I'll do my best, and Lao Wang will be considerate of me." You just don't find fault with me, okay?"

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

"We care about you, why are you so angry? Did we say something wrong?"

"That's it, you're still an ignorant little girl, and you need someone to guide you "Okay, okay, don't talk about it!" While the two aunts were chattering, my husband Wang Jun came back.

He sat down at the dinner table with a tired face and sighed heavily: "I just worked an overtime day in the company, and when I came back, I saw you guys arguing here, how can people rest?"

Zhang Ailing hurriedly said: "Oh, it's not that we want to quarrel, it's your family Fangfang who is ignorant, and she lost her temper when we told the truth." ”

Li Huimin also nodded: "That's right, Lao Wang, we are all a family, what's wrong with caring about her? ”

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

When I heard this in the kitchen, I was so angry that I almost didn't hold the kitchen knife steadily. I took a few deep breaths to calm down, walked to the dining table with the food, and said in as calm a tone as possible: "I'm not angry, it's you who are there to keep saying that mine is not, can I not mind?"

"Endlessly, how can we have it!" Zhang Ailing was immediately unconvinced, "Which of our words is not the truth? ”

"Yes, yes, we are a good heart, if you don't appreciate it, forget it, and say that ours is not. Li Huimin also immediately helped.

"Okay, okay," Wang Jun saw that my face was getting more and more ugly, and hurriedly came out to play the round, "Everyone has worked hard all day today, stop arguing, let's eat quietly." ”

Zhang Ailing snorted and said no more, but there was still a dissatisfied expression on her face. Li Huimin also looked unhappy. I held back my anger and silently served the food, and everyone ate in silence.

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

The meal was extremely unpleasant, and Zhang Ailing and Li Huimin didn't say anything about me, but their faces were ugly. After eating, they had no intention of leaving, and still sat on the sofa in the living room and chatted. I cleaned up the table and was in a very irritable mood.

At this time, Wang Jun came up to me and said, "Ignore them, let's go to the bedroom and talk." ”

I followed Wang Jun to the bedroom and closed the door.

Wang Jun sighed and said, "The scene of eating just now was too ugly, and they were too much, often criticizing you like this." ”

I couldn't help but reddened my eyes, and said aggrievedly: "Yes, they don't have a good face every time they come, you can also see it, it's useless for me to explain, they have to say that I'm not good." I've really had enough!"

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

Wang Jun came over and hugged me and whispered, "I understand your feelings, this time I came to talk to them, this situation can't continue." ”

I nodded and wiped away my tears: "Then you go, I believe you." ”

Wang Jun squeezed my hand, then came to the living room and sat down heavily in front of the two aunts: "I have something to say, you all listen well." ”

Zhang Ailing said dissatisfiedly: "What do you mean by this attitude? We haven't said anything about you yet." ”

Li Huimin also said: "Yes, yes, don't be so loud and scare us." ”

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

Wang Jun did not flinch: "I am going to say loudly today! I can't stand you coming to our house anymore and criticizing my wife endlessly, you have gone too far!"

"Excessive? Where are we excessive, aren't we just talking about her, what did she do well?" Zhang Ailing immediately retorted.

"Well, what are we saying that is not the truth? Li Huimin is not to be outdone.

"Listen to me!" Wang Jun raised his voice, "My wife is very good to me, I can't see you criticizing her like this! Today's incident made me make up my mind that from now on, you are not allowed to come to our house for dinner again!"

The two aunts were stunned: "What? Don't let us come to dinner? Your decision is ridiculous!"

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

"That's right, yes, we didn't do anything wrong, how can you forbid us to come like this!"

"That's my decision, it's for the sake of our husband and wife! Don't come to our house again!" Wang Jun did not back down.

The two aunts were still arguing there, and Wang Jun finally couldn't bear it anymore and slapped the coffee table heavily: "From today onwards, Fangfang and I will eat out every meal!

Don't come to our house anymore, lest you quarrel!"

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

When I heard this, I couldn't help but run out of the bedroom and looked at Wang Jun in surprise: "Husband, you said we will all eat out in the future?"

Wang Jun nodded with a calm face: "Yes, I have already thought about it, from today onwards, we will eat out! Go to restaurants, canteens, and fast food restaurants wherever you want, and don't do it at home, so as not to make trouble for them." ”

"It's okay!" Wang Jun said resolutely, "Eating out is a system anyway, let's usually save a little bit of frugality, it doesn't matter if you spend some money, it's better than being angry at home!"

Zhang Ailing and Li Huimin were so angry that they couldn't speak when they heard Wang Jun say this.

After a long time, Zhang Ailing trembled and said: "Wang Jun, your decision is too ridiculous! Just because we have some small friction with Fangfang, you forbid us to come to the house, and you still spend money to eat out every day, which is too unreasonable!"

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

Li Huimin was also so anxious that she stomped her feet: "Yes, yes, you husband and wife should discuss it, don't make such an extreme decision." We are also kind, I really didn't expect you to forbid us to come to the house for dinner like this, it's so unusual!"

Wang Jun was very resolute: "My decision has already been made! In the future, you will not come to our house, Fangfang and I will solve the three meals by ourselves, so you don't have to bother!"

After speaking, Wang Jun went back to the room to pack his things. I looked at the two aunts, their expressions were incredulous and angry, but it was clear that Wang Jun had made up his mind.

I thought about it for a while, and said to the two aunts: "Auntie, don't come to our house, what Wang Jun said makes sense, it's good for us to go out to eat, we can avoid quarrels." Don't embarrass me and Wang Jun anymore. ”

"You don't know what to do!" Zhang Ailing glared at me and stood up angrily, "Since this is the case, we won't come! You two can go to the restaurant to eat for a lifetime!" Li Huimin also looked at me hatefully and followed Zhang Ailing away.

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

Closing the door, I let out a sigh of relief, thinking that I had finally gotten rid of these two irresponsible aunts, and I would finally be able to live in peace at home in the future.

Wang Jun also packed up his things and said to me, "Let's go, let's go eat outside!"

I nodded and followed Wang Jun out the door. We went to a nearby restaurant, ordered a few simple dishes, and chatted while eating.

"Husband, thank you for standing up for me today and driving them away. I said with some excitement.

Wang Jun smiled and said, "Yes, I can't stand them criticizing you endlessly." The relationship between our husband and wife is the most important, and I will always defend you. ”

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

I also smiled: "I know, you're the best." It's also good to eat out later, and you can avoid those boring quarrels. ”

"Yes, let's live our own little life. Wang Jun said.

That's it, from that day on, my husband and wife really started eating out. At first, I was a little Xi to it, and I didn't think it was worth spending money. But gradually, I accepted it. Eating out with Wang Jun every day, the atmosphere is indeed much more relaxed and pleasant than at home.

Another week or so passed, and one day, I suddenly received a call from Li Huimin.

"Hey, Fangfang, I'm Huimin. The voice on the other end of the line was hesitant.

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

I was a little surprised, but I still calmly said, "Is there something wrong?"

I thought for a while: "No, Wang Jun's decision has been made, so don't come to our house." We'll take care of the three meals ourselves. ”

"Got it, take care. I said.

Hanging up the phone, I was a little emotional. Maybe after a while, we can consider inviting the two aunts out for dinner once in a while. But for now, it's better to maintain the status quo and give everyone some time to calm down.

Since then, Eileen Chang and Li Huimin have rarely come to us. My husband and wife live our own lives, and we all rely on the outside to eat. It's a bit more expensive than doing it yourself, but without those pointless quarrels, life is much easier.

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

I often feel that the relationship between husband and wife is the most important thing. Wang Jun was able to understand and defend me, and I felt extremely happy and satisfied. The unhappiness of the past is also there

The unhappiness of the past has also slowly faded away with the understanding and support between our husband and wife.

Another weekend, Wang Jun suggested that we go for a walk in the mountains in the suburbs, and I readily agreed.

On Saturday morning, we drove to a scenic valley and took a slow walk along the mountain road. The fresh air, green trees and red flowers are all refreshing.

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

"Husband, the weather is really nice today! I said happily.

"Yes," Wang Jun nodded with a smile, "Work is so busy, going out for a walk on weekends to relax and relax is good for body and mind." By the way, there's a farmhouse in front of us, how about we go and try the farmhouse food?"

"Okay!" I immediately came to the spirit.

We soon arrived at the farmhouse, sat down at the long table in the restaurant, and ordered a few of the farmhouse's specialties.

"Wow, this bacon is so fragrant, the meat quality is very good!" I took a bite and exclaimed.

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

"This sauerkraut fish is also delicious, it looks like we've found a good place. Wang Jun also ate with relish.

"How are you?" I said in surprise.

"Oh, what a coincidence, we also wanted to come to this farmhouse to try it. Li Huimin said with some embarrassment.

"Well, I just suddenly wanted to eat some farm food, who knew I ran into you. Zhang Ailing also seemed very uncomfortable.

The scene was a little awkward for a while. After a while, Wang Jun opened his mouth to break the silence: "Since everyone is here, why don't we have a meal together?" ”

I looked at Wang Jun and nodded: "It's okay, let's have a meal and chat." ”

Zhang Ailing and Li Huimin glanced at each other and agreed. So we had a meal together at the farmhouse. At first, everyone was a little stiff, but soon we started talking.

"I think you've always had a good relationship. Li Huimin said.

"Yes, if you can understand and support each other, this is a good couple. Zhang Ailing also sighed.

Wang Jun and I smiled and nodded.

The meal was a great one. When they parted, Zhang Ailing said to me: "Fangfang, we are all a family

The eldest sister-in-law and the younger sister-in-law sang and counted the wives, and the husband lifted the table: I will go to the restaurant for dinner in the future, and the AA system will be made

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