
To make education more "smart", New Oriental gives a new answer

author:Beijing News

Using the big data precision teaching system, through the collection of students' examination data, the students' academic level is accurately diagnosed, and their own teaching plans are adjusted according to the learning situation of the class, so as to achieve differentiated teaching and personalized tutoring...... In a middle school in Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province, teachers have made their classes more efficient with the help of a smart education system.

This scenario is also becoming a reality in more and more schools. In 2023, New Oriental will launch a series of new products such as the overall solution of the smart education cloud platform to help schools around the world build a digital education environment, realize digital precision teaching, cover more regions with high-quality educational resources, and make it possible to teach students according to their aptitude on a large scale.

Launched an overall solution to provide a new path for precision teaching

Nowadays, there is a growing demand for personalized learning Xi. In the context of the digital transformation of education, how to use the advantages of technology to help teaching reform and how to make the practical results of digital transformation of education better benefit the growth of students have become a major issue facing educators.

"The solution we see is to use information technology to establish a regional/school-level smart education management platform, with data governance as the core and digital intelligence technology as the drive, to improve the level of management refinement, student growth service precision, and scientific decision-making. The relevant person in charge of New Oriental Smart Education said, "New Oriental takes big data-driven precision teaching as an important part of the cloud platform, and establishes a personalized learning and Xi service system integrating teaching, learning, evaluation, practice and examination through the realization of intelligent academic diagnosis, intelligent examination and marking, intelligent homework and other functions, so as to help students and teachers accurately grasp the learning Xi situation and formulate a learning Xi plan that is more suitable for individual students." ”

In 2023, the overall solution of New Oriental's smart education cloud platform will be reconstructed and upgraded, and integrated products and services for different users (schools, teachers, and students) such as smart teaching and research, smart teaching, smart evaluation, and smart management will be launched to empower students with personalized learning Xi and help the digital transformation of education.

To make education more "smart", New Oriental gives a new answer

At the China Educational Equipment Exhibition held in October this year, New Oriental showcased precision teaching solutions. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

"With the smart education cloud platform as the starting point, teachers have begun to actively seek the transformation from 'teaching by experience' to 'teaching by data', and accurate teaching with big data is also becoming the norm in efficient classrooms. The person in charge said that big data precision teaching promotes teachers to gradually move from "experience" to "evidence-based", and a large number of schools rely on the cloud platform to explore and implement a hierarchical teaching model in line with school conditions, and implement large-scale teaching according to aptitude.

At the same time, in the overall solution of New Oriental Smart Education Cloud Platform, we can not only see the power of technology, but also highlight the importance of "people". The reporter learned that New Oriental Smart Education has built a think tank system, matched an exclusive think tank team for each school, carried out joint teaching and research and subject research, helped young teachers grow, and became the most distinctive label of New Oriental Smart Education Cloud Platform, and also made smart education more "smart".

One school, one plan to help improve the quality of education in the region

"The smart education cloud platform can promote the improvement of education quality, become a strong support for the personalized development of students, and provide more students with fair, diverse and efficient learning and Xi opportunities, so as to promote educational equity and equality. The person in charge said that the development of technology and platform should subtract the daily management burden of education and teaching, and at the same time add to the development of students and the effect of education.

In 2023, the functions of the New Oriental Smart Education Cloud Platform will be gradually enriched and improved, and the regional service capabilities will also be greatly improved.

Through the continuous run-in with schools, regional education authorities, students and teachers this year, New Oriental has explored a set of overall solutions of "platform + resources + services". With the platform as the carrier, collect and integrate education and teaching data to improve management efficiency, provide content support for the personalized development of students and teachers through the construction of teaching resource library and school-based resource library, assist schools in formulating education quality improvement plans based on learning data and management data analysis, and promote the development of personalized and intelligent education through hierarchical teaching and targeted training, so as to tap students' potential to a greater extent.

"In 2023, we will also establish a regional service system in a number of regions with relatively uneven education development and weak education foundation. With the overall goal of improving the quality of regional education, the goal realization path is dismantled layer by layer according to regional needs, and the school and social education resources in the region are coordinated to realize one school and one plan, which further enhances the ability to implement services. The person in charge said that this regional service system also makes New Oriental more confident that it will serve more regions through the construction of a smart education cloud platform and further help the balanced development of education.

The reporter learned that up to now, New Oriental Smart Education has cooperated with more than 2,000 schools across the country, and implemented more than 10 provincial and municipal solutions, more than 2,000 school-level solutions, and more than 30,000 class programs.

Launched public welfare programs to bring high-quality educational resources to more teachers and students

In the context of the digital transformation of education, the intelligence, digitalization and intelligence of education are inevitable trends, and smart education serves the improvement of overall education efficiency and education quality, including support for the development of science and technology education.

Science and technology education is of great significance for cultivating future-oriented talents. In New Oriental's science and technology education, it integrates the educational content related to cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing, providing students with the actual experience of science and technology shining into reality, and the two are naturally integrated and developed together.

The reporter learned that science and technology education and smart education are the main business directions of New Oriental Smart Education. In recent years, New Oriental Smart Education has also been developing, exporting more smart education achievements, adhering to the concept of science and technology for good and education-oriented, and continuously investing these achievements in different public welfare projects.

To make education more "smart", New Oriental gives a new answer

On the campus open day of Suzhou Nanhuan Experimental Middle School, the staff of New Oriental Wisdom Education took students to experience the principle of laser cutting. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

For example, in 2023, New Oriental Wisdom Education will attract and serve millions of students, stimulate children's interest in science, sow the seeds of science, and provide sustainable and systematic service support for the development of education in these areas through public welfare programs such as "Jinghe Science and Technology Month", "China Flying Dream - Science Popularization Journey", and "National Empowerment Plan for Aerospace Science and Technology Education System", so that high-quality educational resources can truly flow.

At the same time, teacher development is also one of the focuses of New Oriental's public welfare.

The development of the times has put forward new requirements for teachers' digital literacy and scientific literacy, and New Oriental Wisdom Education has launched the "Digital Ability and Scientific Literacy Improvement Plan for Primary and Secondary School Teachers" to help cultivate teachers in the new era through public welfare training and activities. The program is mainly aimed at the central and western regions and the old revolutionary base areas, and has been implemented in Rushan and Bazhong, and nearly 1,000 local teachers have been trained.

The relevant person in charge of New Oriental Wisdom Education said that in 2024, the public welfare road of New Oriental Wisdom Education will continue, and every public welfare "commitment" will be done in a down-to-earth and earnest manner, "give full play to its own content and resource advantages, discover more educational pain points, do not set limits for public welfare, consider more places that need us, and how we can better serve these educational needs, and use the power of enterprises to light up more possibilities." ”

[Outlook 2024]

At the technical level, New Oriental Smart Education has always paid attention to the impact that the development of AI technology may bring to the industry, and has also applied some AI technologies to the platform to improve the operation efficiency of the platform and optimize the effect of functions. In 2024, investment in technology will still be one of the main directions, and it is also expected that through the in-depth application of big data models in the whole process and all elements of teaching, the platform will be better used and more efficient, and more education and teaching scenarios will be empowered.

The school's demand for high-quality educational content and resources is gradually growing, and the R&D and production capacity of educational content is one of New Oriental's advantages. Therefore, it is also an important direction of New Oriental Smart Education in 2024 to continuously produce high-quality educational content, enrich the educational resource library serving students and teachers, and help schools establish and optimize school-based resource libraries.

Teacher development will also be a key focus. Whether it is to establish a high-quality teacher resource library, provide supplements and support for the school's education and teaching work, or assist the school to promote the teacher quality improvement plan, New Oriental Smart Education will be committed to providing multi-dimensional service support, and better support the personalized development of students by promoting the development of teachers.

Written by Xu Yanlin

Edited by Miao Chenxia Proofread by Zhai Yongjun

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