
The 63+22 Hammer Pelicans entered the second place in history, and the rockets fired three times to get Boshjokic

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In the world of basketball, every game is a story, and behind every story lies endless possibilities. That's the beauty of basketball. Against that backdrop, let's tell a recent high-profile basketball story: a head-to-head matchup between the Rockets and the Pelicans.

This game was an important turning point for the Rockets. In the face of the Pelicans, they showed extraordinary fighting power and team spirit. The start of the game was not ideal, and the Pelicans played strongly, with every one of their offenses being sharp and effective, putting the Rockets at a disadvantage. However, at this critical moment, the Rockets' two players, Smith Jr. and Shin Jing, suddenly emerged and changed the trend of the game.

The 63+22 Hammer Pelicans entered the second place in history, and the rockets fired three times to get Boshjokic

First of all, we have to talk about Smith Jr., this lad is simply amazing on the field. His every move, whether it's an air-cut dunk or a three-point shot, is full of power and precision. This is not only a demonstration of individual skills, but also a grasp of the rhythm of the game and a reversal of the situation. As for Shin Kyung, he was a bully under the basket, and his offense was like a sharp sword, directly piercing the Pelicans' defense. Watching the two of them work together to stir up the storm on the field is really exciting.

Entering the second quarter, the Rockets' offense was even more violent. Jalen Green's free throws and Smith Jr.'s and Van Jordan's three-pointers were not just scoring, they were a blow to the Pelicans' morale. Pelicans' Zion, this lad is not simple, and his scoring streak has helped the Pelicans regain the initiative in the game. The excitement of this game lies in this kind of back-and-forth offensive and defensive switching.

The second half was even more exciting. The two sides come and go, and the offensive and defensive transitions quickly. The Pelicans relied on the offense of Wallan and Zion, as well as the steady play of Ingram, to lead at one point. But the Rockets weren't discouraged, and they used three-pointers as a counter-attacking weapon, with Van Jordan, Dillon and Smith being particularly good at three-point shooting. At the end of the third quarter, the Rockets trailed by just five points, and the outcome of the game was still up in the air.

In the most critical final quarter, the Rockets' bench player Eason played an important role. His play led the whole team, and the Rockets played a wave of 9-0 climax, overtaking the score in one fell swoop. Although the Pelicans worked hard to chase points, the Rockets, led by Van Jordan, showed stronger determination and fighting power. Shin Kyung's performance under the basket was even more crucial, with his scoring and defense playing a decisive role.

The 63+22 Hammer Pelicans entered the second place in history, and the rockets fired three times to get Boshjokic

In this tense game, the Rockets showed their indomitable spirit. At key moments in the final quarter, their defense was as impregnable as an iron wall, especially the twin towers of Smith Jr. and Shin Jing, which sealed the win for the Rockets. In the final 37 seconds, the Pelicans were powerless in the face of this formidable defense, and finally had to accept the fate of defeat.

In the game, the Pelicans also deserved praise for their performance. Zion's individual prowess was impressive, as he scored 28 points and had excellent rebounding and assist stats. Players such as Ingram, Varan and Murphy also had good performances, and their efforts almost changed the outcome of the game.

The 63+22 Hammer Pelicans entered the second place in history, and the rockets fired three times to get Boshjokic

However, on the Rockets' side, Smith and Shin Kyung became the focus of the whole court. Not only did they contribute a lot in scoring, but they also took on the responsibility of the team when it mattered most. Shin Kyung's all-round performance and Smith's steady play made them one of the youngest pairs in history to score more than 25 points in the same game. And on the field, they are more like an unstoppable force.

Coach Udoka of the Rockets in this game is also worth mentioning. His decision-making at critical moments showed his courage and wisdom. Especially in the final quarter, he dared to make adjustments and hid the in-form Jalen Green, a decision that ultimately proved to be the right one. Jalen Green didn't play well in this game, but Udoka's trust in him remained undiminished, which also showed the coach's patience and development of young players.

The 63+22 Hammer Pelicans entered the second place in history, and the rockets fired three times to get Boshjokic

In fact, the Rockets' performance this season is tied to Jalen Green's form. The Rockets won 90 percent of the games he was left behind, which may be a coincidence, but it also reflects the team's tactical and personnel flexibility. The Rockets' young players are growing rapidly, especially Shin Kyung, who is steadily improving his stats per game and shooting percentage, showing his huge potential.

Coming back to this game, the Rockets' victory was not just a score victory, but also a mental victory. They were undaunted in the face of tough opponents and showed the team's unity and resilience. Every player contributed to the victory, both on and off the pitch.

The 63+22 Hammer Pelicans entered the second place in history, and the rockets fired three times to get Boshjokic

Summing up the game, we can see not only the physical and technical ability of the players, but more importantly, their indomitable and never-give-up spirit. The game also left us with a lot to think about, such as how to balance the team's tactical arrangement with the individual performance of the players, and how to make the right decisions at key moments. The answers to these questions may be exactly what the Rockets need to continue to explore and refine in future games.

The Rockets' victory is not just an ordinary game victory, it symbolizes an important leap forward in the growth of the young team. The future Rockets will definitely build on this victory and continue to move forward and pursue higher goals.

So, reading this, what do you think is the point behind the Rockets' victory that is worth digging into? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss this wonderful basketball matchup!

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