
was crushed by the desire to survive, Li Shanjun's last words were exposed, and the sky-high compensation was the last straw

author:Atsushi's Science and Technology Museum

December 27 is a black Sunday for the Korean entertainment industry, and even for the whole of Asia. Lee Sun-kyun, a 48-year-old Korean actor in the acting school, his life ended in a private car in a park in Seoul. It was a suffocating pathos, and he chose the most desperate way to end his life. Presumably, at that moment, the struggle and helplessness in his heart can only be understood by himself. This is not only the end of one person, but also a profound exposure of the dark side of this glamorous industry. His departure not only took away a soul, but also left countless questions and regrets.

was crushed by the desire to survive, Li Shanjun's last words were exposed, and the sky-high compensation was the last straw

What is the reason behind Lee Sun-kyun's choice of his own life as a way to escape from reality? Is it because of the so-called drug-related case? Or is it because he cannot face the pressure of public opinion? Or is it because the sky-high compensation money has crushed his last desire to survive? These questions are cutting everyone's hearts like knives. What we see may be just the tip of the iceberg. In a society like South Korea, where image is important, once there is any scandal among celebrities, it is as if the sky has fallen. Lee Sun-kyun's choice is undoubtedly a desperate rebellion against this cruel reality. His departure seems to tell us that there is no place for him in this world.

Suicides in the Korean entertainment industry are not uncommon, but every time they happen, they are heartbreaking. This is not only a personal tragedy, but also the sorrow of the entire social environment. Li Shanjun's death once again pushed this topic to the forefront. Why do so many Korean stars choose this way to end their lives? Is there too much darkness and pressure hidden behind this glamorous industry? Over the years, the Korean entertainment industry has lost too much starlight for various reasons. Their departure is a silent indictment of the industry and a desperate revolt against those invisible pressures. Li Shanjun's death may be just the tip of the iceberg, reminding us that this seemingly prosperous industry is actually full of endless sorrow and despair.

was crushed by the desire to survive, Li Shanjun's last words were exposed, and the sky-high compensation was the last straw

Lee Sun-kyun's last words were like a bolt from the blue, shocking the entire entertainment industry. In his last words, he mentions "helplessness" and "there is no other way but this path", and these words pierce everyone's heart like a knife. How desperate and helpless Li Shanjun's mood was on his deathbed was vividly reflected in these simple words. The liquidated damages he mentioned for advertising and movies show the enormous financial pressure he is facing. This is not just a personal tragedy, but more like the cruelty and ruthlessness of the whole society towards the individual. His words are not only personal regrets, but also an indictment of this society's ruthless attack on losers.

The economic pressure on Lee Sun-kyun is staggering. It is reported that he faces up to 10 billion won in compensation for breach of the advertising contract. That's an astronomical amount for any ordinary person, let alone a star. This huge debt is not only numerically stressful, but also a great torture for his psyche. He is not a star with a lot of money, and this blow is undoubtedly worse. His departure reflects society's indifference and ruthlessness to such issues. This is not only Lee Sun-kyun's personal tragedy, but also the epitome of the ruthless reality of the entire entertainment industry.

was crushed by the desire to survive, Li Shanjun's last words were exposed, and the sky-high compensation was the last straw

Lee Sun-kyun's situation is a microcosm of many Korean stars. They shine in the spotlight, but in private they often face a double blow to their reputation and finances. The case of Lee Sun-kyun is a clear example. He has never been a particularly rich star, and once faced with a crisis, it is like a paper boat crumbling in a storm. His death is not only a personal tragedy, but also a straightforward exposure of the cruel reality of this industry. His situation makes people have to reflect on the dark side behind this glamorous industry.

As mentioned in the previous case investigation, Lee Sun-kyun was extorted 300 million won by the manager of a club for drug-related use, which was already a heavy burden for him. In this case, he even had to reach out to a friend for help. It was not just a matter of a sum of money, but a major blow to his dignity and image. In this face-conscious society, this kind of blackmail is tantamount to his mental destruction. His predicament reflects the cruelty and ruthlessness of the mainland entertainment industry. Celebrities are facing not only the pressure of public opinion, but also the threat from such improper means. These are the bitter realities that they don't know behind their aura.

was crushed by the desire to survive, Li Shanjun's last words were exposed, and the sky-high compensation was the last straw

Lee Sun-kyun's choice not only affected him personally, but also brought a huge impact to his family. The idea that he did not want to go to prison and let his family live a miserable life with him was undoubtedly an extremely heavy burden in his heart. His death left his wife and children not only with a light bankruptcy bill, but also with a lifetime of pain and regret. This situation is not uncommon in the mainland entertainment industry. Many celebrities tend to make extreme choices when faced with great pressure, and the cost of these choices is often beyond the reach of their family members. This kind of family shock is a cruel reality that every star must face when making a choice.

Lee Sun-kyun's departure is undoubtedly an eternal scar for his family. They have to endure this sudden loss, and at the same time, they have to face all kinds of doubts and pressures from society. The damage is profound and can take many years to heal. In the mainland entertainment industry, this kind of family tragedy is not uncommon. The death of many celebrities not only left endless sadness for their family members, but also left a deep reflection on society. This kind of family regret is an unavoidable topic in our time. It is not only a mourning for those departed stars, but also a deep reflection on the entire social environment.

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