
From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

author:A duck who loves to entertain

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Text/Editor|The duck who loves entertainment


From a professor at the Central Academy of Drama to a top star in the entertainment industry, his life trajectory is full of twists and controversies. What is it that makes this former star gradually fade out of the public eye? Let the editor's duck who loves entertainment take you to understand.

From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Zhao Lixin is a prominent figure with multiple identities, he is not only a master teacher of Chinese opera who is proficient in many Chinese, but also went to Sweden as a visiting professor to impart knowledge. What is even more rare is that he is also an excellent representative of the national government to study abroad. Zhao's achievements in academia are undoubtedly extraordinary, but his path in the entertainment industry is equally remarkable, although he has long been more of a supporting role.

In his acting career, Zhao Lixin's strength has never been fully displayed, perhaps because he plays more of a supporting role. In 2018, he made a splash on the show "Sound Immersion", which completely changed the situation. His outstanding performance in the show is amazing, not only quickly climbing to the top of the Weibo hot search list, but also becoming a top traffic star in the entertainment industry. This shift not only marked a high point in his many years of artistic career, but also proved that he was a heavyweight to be reckoned with, both in academia and in entertainment.

From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Zhao Lixin was born in 1968 in a family full of military atmosphere. As the youngest member of the family, Zhao Lixin has enjoyed meticulous care from his father and brother since he was a child. His childhood was filled with warmth and love because of this.

In his formative years, his brother played a special role. He always tries his best to bring all kinds of new things to Zhao Lixin, sometimes it is a child's favorite toy, sometimes it is a book full of wisdom. These gifts not only enriched Zhao Lixin's childhood, but also gradually cultivated his interest in reading foreign literature. Through these books, Zhao Lixin seems to have opened the door to another world and expanded his horizons and cognition.

From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Not all books are purely knowledge transfers. Some of the foreign books brought by his brother have strong political tendencies, and these reading experiences have left a deep imprint on Zhao Lixin's heart, and he will also be subtly influenced by these books in some of his future behaviors.

Academically, Zhao Lixin was not the kind of student who excelled, especially in the science subjects of mathematics, physics and chemistry, where he did quite poorly. Fortunately, his love of literature made him quite comfortable in liberal arts Xi. Despite this, Zhao Lixin knew that he would not be able to get into a top university based on the advantage of his liberal arts grades alone.

From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Faced with such a reality, Zhao Lixin began to think about his future path. He chose the art college entrance examination, which is a path that is less demanding on the grades of cultural classes. This decision not only shows Zhao Lixin's sober understanding of reality, but also reflects his love and pursuit of art. Through the art examination, he hopes to find a development path that is more suitable for him and realize his personal values and dreams.

In 1986, Zhao Lixin's life opened a new chapter, and he was admitted to the prestigious Central Academy of Drama. During his time at university, Zhao Lixin not only showed his love for the art of theater, but also won recognition and praise from the school's leaders through his diligence and talent.

From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

In his sophomore year of high school, Zhao Lixin was given a valuable opportunity for his outstanding performance: to study abroad on a national public assignment. He crossed the border to Moscow, Russia, to continue his academic pursuits. There, he not only adapted to his new academic Xi and living environment, but also achieved remarkable academic achievements and finally successfully obtained a master's degree.

According to the original plan, Zhao Lixin should return to China after studying abroad and complete the tasks assigned to him by the state. Unexpectedly, Zhao Lixin chose to stay in Moscow, a decision that caused some controversy at the time. Some believe that he has not fulfilled his responsibilities upon his return and wasted national resources.

From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

Many years later, Zhao Lixin was invited to participate in the famous TV show "Venus Show". Jin Xing, the straightforward host of the show, asked Zhao Lixin a sharp question, asking why he didn't return to China that year. Zhao Lixin did not answer this question directly, but said that he returned to the Central Academy of Drama in 2000. It is worth noting that when Zhao Lixin finally returned to China, he had already changed his nationality and became a Swedish citizen.

During his career, Zhao Lixin had a contract dispute with the Central Academy of Drama (Chinese Opera), but he was eventually hired as a professor at the school. During his tenure as a teacher, Zhao Lixin not only shined in the academic field, but also showed extraordinary talent in art.

From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

He quickly became one of the most sought-after teachers in the college. Zhao Lixin is not satisfied with just imparting knowledge in the classroom, he also devotes himself to drama directing and TV drama acting. This active artistic practice has allowed him to diversify his career.

The filming of films and TV series was very time-sensitive, and Zhao Lixin had to make the difficult decision to give up his beloved job as a professor. But after leaving academia, his path in the entertainment industry was not smooth. Despite his talent for acting, the entertainment industry at the time was dominated by young, handsome male actors, and audiences seemed to prefer such actors.

From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

At the beginning of his career, Zhao Lixin could only take on some small roles, which lasted for several years. But he didn't give up, and finally at the age of 42, he got the first chance to play a leading role in his life. As time passed, people began to recognize the middle-aged actor's superior acting skills, and his talent was finally recognized and respected.

Zhao Lixin's story is a typical journey of transformation as an artist. Although he was known for his talent when he was a professor in Chinese opera, he chose to follow his passion and turned to the more uncertain television and film industries. His experience proves that even in the middle of his career, it is possible to rediscover yourself and achieve your dreams. Zhao Lixin's story is an inspiration to many, especially those who are challenged to pursue their dreams.

From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

In March 2019, Mr. Zhao's behavior appeared to have reached a turning point, when he began posting a series of controversial posts on social media. In these posts, he gives his opinion on historical events, trying to influence public opinion.

In particular, one of his posts mentioned: "Why did foreign invaders burn the Old Summer Palace when they invaded China?", and at first many netizens thought that Zhao Lixin was expressing his frustration at the loss of the country's historical heritage and his indignation at the aggression. As time passed, people began to perceive that Zhao Lixin's remarks might have hidden different intentions.

From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

The most controversial aspect of these remarks is that Mr. Zhao appears to be suggesting that the Japanese did not burn the Forbidden City as an act of "mercy." This view immediately sparked widespread public outrage. He was widely accused of trying to justify Japan's militarist actions, while also being seen as disrespectful to the martyrs of the Chinese revolution.

In the face of growing public criticism and calls for the entertainment industry to withdraw, Zhao Lixin tried to explain his remarks, saying that there was a misunderstanding of the context. But this explanation did little to quell public outrage. His remarks have been widely interpreted as disrespectful to history and lack the most basic respect for the revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country.

From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

These controversial remarks, made by Zhao Lixin, not only affected his own reputation, but also provoked a heated debate about public morality and historical concepts. His remarks were seen as a misunderstanding of China's history and cultural heritage, while also exposing the public's sensitivity to historical events. Zhao Lixin became a center of controversy in this incident, and his remarks provoked deep reflections on historical interpretation, nationalist sentiments, and the responsibility of public figures to speak.

Zhao Lixin used to be the focus of the entertainment industry, but his reputation seems to have gradually dimmed as time passed. In his quest to be different, he frequently highlights his unique insights and strives to demonstrate his in-depth knowledge of China's long-standing culture and cultural literacy. This behavior seems contradictory and bizarre to many.

From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

His career has gone from its initial peak to the point where it is now almost forgotten, like a dramatic drama. He is the hot top artist in the "uncle circle", but now he seems to have gradually faded out of the public eye. Zhao Lixin's experience seems to tell us that fame and fortune are not the whole of life, and it is equally important for an artist to have good moral character and personality charm.

This is especially important for all artists, and they should learn from Zhao Lixin's lessons to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. In the glamorous industry of the entertainment industry, a person's moral character and way of behaving in the world are often the key factors that determine their long-term survival.

From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

For Zhao Lixin, his storied career may have come to an end, but his story is still worth pondering. His experience reflects the challenges that an artist faces behind his aura, and also shows us the risks and dilemmas that can be encountered in the pursuit of individualized expression. His story reminds us that no matter where we go, we should not forget our original intentions, and that humility and respect for others are the true essence of an artist. I hope that Zhao Lixin's experience can inspire today's artists, so that they can not forget the basic principles of life while pursuing artistic achievements.

His career has gone from its initial peak to the point where it is now almost forgotten, like a dramatic drama. He is the hot top artist in the "uncle circle", but now he seems to have gradually faded out of the public eye. Zhao Lixin's experience seems to tell us that fame and fortune are not the whole of life, and it is equally important for an artist to have good moral character and personality charm.

From giving up his nationality to speaking for Japan, 55-year-old Zhao Lixin, how is his life now?

This point is especially important for all artists, and Zhao Lixin's lessons should be learned to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. In the glamorous industry of the entertainment industry, a person's moral character and way of dealing with the world are often the key factors that determine their long-term survival.


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