
Behind the numbness of the hands and feet: a sign of fatigue or illness?

author:Fujian News Radio FM1036
Behind the numbness of the hands and feet: a sign of fatigue or illness?

In the fast-paced modern life, we sometimes encounter some small physical problems, such as numbness in the hands and feet. You may have felt this phenomenon in the morning, between work, or even at night, and you can't help but wonder: what is going on? Numbness in the hands and feet, although it may seem like a trivial symptom, may have a variety of hidden causes behind it. In this episode, we will talk about this topic.

Big doctor on the line: Chen Zhou

Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Neurology, Fujian Provincial Hospital

Topic of this issue: What's going on with numb hands and feet?

Behind the numbness of the hands and feet: a sign of fatigue or illness?

Numbness in the hands and feet

Hand and foot numbness refers to the patient's numbness in the hands and feet, which can be accompanied by decreased sensation, pain, decreased temperature sensation, and inflexibility of hands and feet. This numbness is usually caused by poor peripheral blood flow, i.e., insufficient local blood supply to the hands and feet.

Numbness of the hands and feet is a common symptom in people's daily life, such as pregnancy, incorrect sleeping position, and squatting for a long time in the toilet. Generally, this numbness will disappear in a short period of time and will not cause major problems. However, if the numbness in the hands and feet does not improve for a long time (more than a day), it may be a sign that the body has a disease.

Causes of numbness in the hands and feet

There are many causes of numbness in the hands and feet, including staying in the same position for a long time, compression of nerves, cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, diabetes, vitamin B12 deficiency, etc.

Staying in the same position for a long time, such as sitting or standing for a long time, may lead to poor local blood circulation and cause numbness.

Spine diseases such as cervical spondylosis and lumbar spondylosis can also compress nerves, causing numbness in the hands and feet. In addition, diseases such as diabetes can also cause numbness in the hands and feet.

Diagnosis of numbness in the hands and feet

If you have numbness in your hands and feet, you should seek medical attention in time for a detailed examination. Based on the medical history, symptoms, signs and test results, the doctor will conduct a comprehensive analysis to determine the cause. Common examination methods include X-ray, CT, MRI and other imaging tests, as well as neuroelectrophysiological examinations.

Treatment of numbness in the hands and feet

The treatment for numbness in the hands and feet varies depending on the cause. For the numbness caused by holding the same position for a long time, it can be relieved by improving the Xi habits and strengthening exercise. Numbness caused by spinal disorders may require medication, physical therapy, or surgery. For numbness caused by diseases such as diabetes, treatment is needed to target the underlying condition.

How to relieve numbness in your hands and feet

Move your hands and feet: If your hands and feet become numb after staying in the same position for a long time, try moving your hands and feet. For example, you can gently shake your arms or stomp your feet, which can help improve blood circulation and relieve numbness.

Soaking in warm water: Soaking your hands and feet in warm water can improve blood circulation and relieve numbness. The water temperature should not be too high to avoid burning the skin.

Topical massage: Topical massage of numb hands and feet can help relax muscles and promote blood circulation. You can use a massager or manual massage, and the massage pressure should be moderate to avoid injury.

Adjust your posture: If the numbness in your hands and feet is caused by incorrect posture, you can try adjusting your posture. For example, if your feet are numb after sitting for a long time, try standing up and walking around, or adjust your sleeping position if your arms are numb due to pressure on your arms while sleeping.

Vitamin B12 supplementation: Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause numbness in the hands and feet. If you suspect that numbness in your hands and feet is related to vitamin B12 deficiency, you can consult your doctor and supplement vitamin B12 appropriately.

Please note that the above methods can only temporarily relieve the symptoms of numbness in the hands and feet. If the numbness in the hands and feet persists or the symptoms worsen, you should seek medical attention in time to find out the cause and provide targeted treatment.


This article aims to popularize health science, to help you understand diseases and medications, the content of popular science can not replace the doctor's diagnosis and treatment opinions, for reference only, if you have related health problems, please consult a doctor in time.

Behind the numbness of the hands and feet: a sign of fatigue or illness?

Introduced by the doctor

Behind the numbness of the hands and feet: a sign of fatigue or illness?

Chen Zhou

Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Neurology, Fujian Provincial Hospital. He is a member of the Electromyography and Clinical Electrophysiology Group of the Neurology Branch of the Fujian Medical Association, a director of the Neurology Branch of the Fujian Strait Medical and Health Exchange Association, and a member of the Expert Committee of the Fujian Brain Injury Evaluation Medical Quality Control Center.

Behind the numbness of the hands and feet: a sign of fatigue or illness?

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