
The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

author:Half moon of summer


The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young
The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

All of the statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are reproduced at the end of this article




I don't know when it started, the speed of item updates is getting faster and faster, and those things that were once familiar are slowly withdrawing from the stage of history.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Some were completely eliminated, some were forgotten in the corner, almost no one cared about, and some were preserved.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Although many young people don't know each other now, these old objects are the sweets of the 90s, and they bear witness to the living conditions of the older generation.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

I don't know if you've seen these "old things" that were all the rage? Being able to name half of them means that you're not too young.


People born in the 80s and 90s should be no strangers to bellows, it can increase the firepower, it is a must-have for cooking in rural homes, especially in the northern regions, it is simply a kitchen must-have.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Its use method is also very simple, a push and a pull can be, in the process of pushing and pulling, the air will enter the bellows, and then pull the air out, through the air pipe into the smelting furnace, let the fire burn, while pulling the bellows while adding firewood, cooking is also convenient.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Bellows are actually recorded as early as the Han Dynasty, and they were originally evolved from blowers. But in the 21st century, bellows have slowly withdrawn from the stage.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Nowadays, many people have begun to use advanced equipment such as gas, and no longer use firewood to cook rice, so many rural areas have slowly eliminated bellows.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

But it is not that it has been completely eliminated, there are still many rural people who continue to use bellows, but in the eyes of many young people, this kind of thing has become very unfamiliar.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Snowflake refrigerator

During the Shang Dynasty, the ancients used the concept of ice cubes to store food, and they invented the ice cubes, which were put into the ice cubes and put on the food storage, which could not only keep them fresh, but also add taste to fruits and drinks.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Later, Michael Faraday, the father of electricity, discovered artificial refrigeration technology. German chemist and engineer Carl von Lind used ammonia as a refrigerant to create the world's first refrigerator.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

The first refrigerator in the mainland is called Snowflake brand refrigerator, born in 1956, in its heyday, this refrigerator can produce 800,000 units per year, becoming the pride of Chinese.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

At that time, the snowflake brand refrigerator occupied two-fifths of the national market, and there was still a saying in China:

"There are snowflakes in the north, and there are thousands of treasures in the south"
The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

But with the emergence of other brands,As well as the upgrading of refrigerators,Snowflake brand refrigerators have gradually withdrawn from the stage of history,In 2002, it was also acquired by Hisense。

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

I don't know if you have ever seen this brand of refrigerator now?

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young


The washstand is actually used for washing, and it was most common in the countryside in the eighties and nineties.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

It looks very simple, mainly made of wood, and can be used to put a washbasin underneath, and a towel on top, which is a very practical washing tool.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

But since it is made of wood, it is difficult to preserve this kind of thing for a long time. In addition, now that there is a special sink, few people will use this kind of washstand.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

At present, only some people in rural areas will occasionally use this kind of rack. According to the current development trend, it is only a matter of time before it is eliminated.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young


The main use of the hammer is to twist the hemp rope, which is mostly made of cow bones, which is wider on both sides and thinner in the middle, and drills a hole in the middle of the bone and puts on a hook.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

The hemp rope made from this thing is very strong, and can be used to make shoe soles or tie things.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

In the past, almost every household in rural homes had this kind of tool, but with the popularization of modern equipment, this kind of purely handmade tool has slowly withdrawn from people's field of vision.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Nowadays, there are very few families with hammer pulling, and only the older generation still remembers this hammer pulling technique.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Twenty-eight bar bikes

Maybe many people are not familiar with the 28 bar bicycle now, but this bike is a classic style of the 90s.

At that time, even if you had money, you couldn't buy it, you had to have a ticket.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

At that time, many bicycle brands appeared, such as Phoenix Bicycle, which originated in 1897 and has a history of 100 years.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

There is also a permanent brand bicycle, this bicycle is placed now, maybe no one will ride it, but the collection value is high, and it is also a memory of a generation.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

At that time, China still had the title of "bicycle kingdom", and the 28-bar bicycle became the standard for young people, and even the daughter-in-law rode a bicycle.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

But slowly, with the gradual improvement of life, the bicycle market has also changed, and these two-eight bar bicycles have slowly withdrawn from people's lives.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

The main reason is that this bike is actually not very convenient to ride, slightly bulky compared to the current bike, and it does not look good.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Today's young people's impression of bicycles is only mountain bikes, shared bicycles, etc., and few people have an impression of this 28-bar bicycle.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Black-and-white televisions

In fact, in the thirties and forties, Chinese did not have much impression of television.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

The first to start broadcasting television was in the United Kingdom, then the United States, and it was only in 1958 that the first black-and-white television set appeared on the mainland, which was a rarity.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Since the 80s of the 19th century, many people have begun to replace their radios with black and white televisions. Whoever has a TV is the object of envy.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

In the impression of the post-80s, the most profound thing should be that a bunch of people gather in front of a TV to watch the show.

At that time, various TV brands began to appear one after another, the most famous being the Panda brand, Peony brand, etc.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Slowly, many people have begun to be able to afford to buy black and white TVs, and basically every household has one, and the demand for black and white TVs is increasing.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

However, with the popularity of color TVs, many families no longer use black-and-white TVs, but choose color TVs with more complete functions, clearer pictures, more beautiful appearances, and larger screens.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Due to the emergence of smart phones, projectors and other equipment, in fact, in many families, TV is also a kind of decoration. But if you want to replace the TV, it can't be done at the moment.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young


If we want to talk about the origin of the wooden plough, it has to go back thousands of years, in the Neolithic Age, humans began to use tools to cultivate.

But at that time, the wooden plough was relatively simple, it could be inserted into the ground and sowed.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Later, the mainland made improvements, and the straight-wheel wooden plough appeared, which was more complex in structure, but also greatly improved the speed of planting.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Before the 21st century, many rural people would use wooden plows to plough and use oxen to pull them, mainly controlled by people. If the cattle go on a rampage or strike, they can't continue.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

But now with the popularization of various tractors, harvesters, seeders and other equipment, many rural people no longer use wooden plows to plough the fields, which improves the speed and can also save manpower, which is a lot easier.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Of course, this is not to say that no one uses wooden ploughs to plow, and in more remote areas, where it is difficult for machines to access, this traditional tool must continue to be used.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

But for the current post-00s, this tool seems very unfamiliar.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

cell phone

In the eighties and nineties, most of the rich people used this kind of hand-held telephone.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

In 1987, Guangdong opened the country's first mobile communication network, and at that time it cost 20,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone, and the Internet fee was 6,000.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

In 1991, the price of Big Brother was still maintained at 20,000 yuan, but the weight did not decrease at all, but during that period, if anyone had a Big Brother in their hands, they could always attract envious eyes.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Although it is heavy, walking on the street with it in his hand, the whole person has a special spirit.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

However, with the upgrading of communication equipment, the mobile phone with incomplete functions and heavy weight of Big Brother has gradually been eliminated, and then a more convenient button mobile phone has followed.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

But slowly, the button mobile phone is not fragrant, to the era of smart phones, these mobile phones are fully functional, large screen, more favored by consumers.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Hardly anyone is using Big Brother now, and if there is one at home, it can only be used as an ornament.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young


Of course, the old objects that are gradually withdrawing from our lives are not only these, but also the foot-mounted sewing machine, the old radio, and so on.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Now that it has developed, life is becoming more and more convenient, but these old objects are still irreplaceable.

Although they make way for new, more advanced, more functional, and more aesthetically pleasing items, they still have a purpose.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Because they are the memories of the older generation and the symbol of the struggle of the older generation, these old objects have witnessed the change of an era.

The 8 old objects that are "all the rage", you can know more than half of them, which means that you are not young

Sources of information:

Baidu Encyclopedia

Xiaoxiang Morning News "From the "Twenty-Eight Bars" to Shared Bicycles to Witness the Changes of Urban Transportation"

Qingdao Morning Post "9-inch black-and-white TV, grain certificates, food stamps, have you seen these old objects"

Beijing News "Household Objects Have Stories丨Changes in Household Appliances Condensed by a Refrigerator"

Fuyang released "42 old objects that are about to disappear, and 8 Fuyang people who know are already old......

Guangdong Communist Youth League "A Brief History of Mobile Phones: 46 Years, From Big Brother to 5G"

Red Network ""The Home of Masterpieces" 40 Years Ago's Black and White TV, Witnessing the Changes of the Times"