
Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

author:Brother History

"My lord, the big thing is not good, Gongzi Xiu was killed in front of the Wei Wangjun because of his vain talk about the military plane!"

Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

This old man is the Three Kingdoms, and even the kings of the past dynasties have highly praised the "Zhengchen" Yang Biao, he has been hidden in Cao Wei's hall for many years, at first hearing the funeral of his beloved son, he was heartbroken for a while: "Xiu'er's fault, wisdom and talent, the heart of the minister, should have this report!"

It can be said that although Yang Biao is a minister, he is thoughtful, transparent about the current situation, living in seclusion and being targeted and suppressed by Cao Cao everywhere, and still has accurate control of the current situation. And in the face of the pain of losing his son, he was able to hide it and save the life of his family.

Zheng Zheng Hanchen who is not afraid of power

Yang Biao, the word Wenxian, was born in the Hongnong Yang family, and like the Yuan family (Yuan Shaojia) in Runan, they were the most noble families in the Han Dynasty. The Yang family has been an official for generations, famous for his loyalty and straightforwardness, and Yang Biao has studied Xi "Ouyang Shangshu" since he was a child, and his reputation has spread far and wide.

Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

When he became an adult, his talent and virtue were known by the government, and he was recommended to be filial piety, and the state recommended him as "Maocai" because of his talent.

By the time of Xi Ling, his reputation for erudition had spread to the capital, and the imperial court called him to continue to write the "Dongguan Hanji" with Cai Yong, Lu Zhi, Han Shuo and other scholars, and after successfully completing the task of writing the book, he was promoted to become Jing Zhaoyin.

As soon as he took office, he received a complaint against Huangmen Lingwang Fu for taking the opportunity of the official of the subject state to engage in extortion, totaling 70 million yuan. Wang Fu is a close minister of the Son of Heaven, and after receiving the case, everyone is in danger, and only Yang Biao dares to admonish in front of the palace.

Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

Emperor Ling saw that Yang Biao's words were sincere and firm, and his heart was shaken, so he accepted his words. Someone was sent to arrest Wang Fu, counted his mistakes, and sent him and his henchmen to the execution ground to be beheaded, and the name was canonical. The people were elated when they heard this, and they all praised Yang Biao's loyal ministers.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Xian ascended the throne and was controlled by the traitor Dong Zhuo, Yang Biao served by Emperor Xian's side, repeatedly reprimanded Dong Zhuo for protecting the emperor, and was almost executed by Dong Zhuo. Li Xian and Guo Yan surrounded the palace again, wanting to kidnap Emperor Xian, but Yang Biao sacrificed his life to protect the young master.

met Cao Cao again, and returned to Xudu with him, Cao Cao coerced the Son of Heaven to order the princes, and his sinister intentions made Yang Biao quite shameful. In order to protect Emperor Xian, Yang Biao reluctantly became an official, fought-for-tat with Cao Cao, protected each other with his life, and almost died of Cao Cao's framing several times.

Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

Seeing that Emperor Xian was in danger, he could not save the Lord in danger by himself, but would cause Cao Cao to suppress Emperor Xian even more, Yang Biao was discouraged, and resigned and retired on the grounds of paralysis of his hands and feet, did not contribute to Cao Cao, and no longer paid attention to the affairs of the court.

The son inherits his father, but his wisdom is exposed

Yang Xiu, the son of Yang Biao, is known for his erudition, respect, and filial piety. Although Yang Biao resigned from the lawsuit and went into hiding, he did not prevent his son from becoming an official in the court, and Yang Xiu has been serving Cao Cao in the position of chief bookkeeper.

Yang Xiu and his father Lao Cheng's serious personality is different, he is quite witty, often laughs with Cao Cao, Cao Cao is busy with official business, and he feels happy to have such a close minister, and Yang Xiu is versatile, often singing and harmonizing with each other, and Cao Cao treats him more favorably.

Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

Yang Biao once warned his son: "The prime minister is kind and ruthless, the face is wide and the heart is narrow, don't be too smart and exposed, so as not to be unreasonable" and Yang Xiu was quite favored by the prime minister at a young age, and he couldn't help but feel a little fluttering, forgetting his father's advice.

Once, the direction of the gate of Prime Minister Cao Cao's mansion was unlucky, so the gate was changed to face and rebuilt. After the completion of the work, the craftsman invited Cao Cao to come to inspect, Cao Cao inside and outside to watch, shook his head, picked up the pen on the door to write a "live" word and left.

The craftsmen looked at each other, pondered for a long time, and didn't know what the prime minister meant, and was scratching his head and thinking hard, when Yang Xiu, the master bookkeeper, passed by, and saw that the craftsmen were all sighing and sighing, and couldn't help but ask curiously, and the craftsmen were busy telling them.

Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

Yang Xiu also walked along with Cao Cao's footsteps, looked at the words on the door, and laughed: "What's so difficult about this, there is work inside the door, isn't this just a broad word?

After a few days, Cao Cao came to check again, and found that the gate was really changed to his heart's content, and only after asking did he find out that Yang Xiudao had broken this heavenly opportunity, he was overjoyed on the surface, and praised Yang Xiu a few words, but in his heart he was very jealous of his behavior of exploring his own mind.

When Cao Cao traveled, he would always casually ask the attendants around him questions, these questions were wild, and the attendants were often asked to stammer, and even because they couldn't answer, they were blamed and punished by Cao Cao. The servants knew that Yang Xiu was smart for a long time, and hurriedly asked him for help.

Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

Yang Xiu thought for a while, wrote more than a dozen questions and answers, and asked them to take them back and memorize them. Sure enough, when Cao Cao traveled again, he even asked his attendants a few questions, and they all answered fluently, and then asked other people the same, Cao Cao was surprised to ask the reason.

The attendant didn't dare to hide it, and told the story that Yang Xiu had predicted in advance when he wrote a note. Cao Cao was silent when he heard this, but he was extremely angry in his heart. Poor Yang Xiu was still complacent about this, but he didn't know that Cao Cao had hidden a murderous motive against him.

Courage to stand in line and lead to the disaster of death

If Yang Xiu guessed Cao Cao's thoughts on the above trivial matters, Cao Cao could barely endure it, and then, he used his mind on the future heir, so that Cao Cao couldn't tolerate it, and Yang Xiu finally died because of it.

Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

Cao Cao's youngest son Cao Zhi is known for his poetic talent, and he is also elegant and dignified, compared with his eldest brother Cao Pi's taciturn, his talent is mediocre, and Cao Zhi is even more loved by Cao Cao. So Yang Xiu and Pingsu and Cao Zhi's poetry and wine singing and harmony together, swore to assist Cao Zhi as the master.

Therefore, whenever the two Cao Pi brothers were with Cao Cao, Yang Xiu would always prepare Cao Zhi's favorite poems for Cao Cao, so that Cao Cao liked him even more, and Cao Cao's sons knew that Yang Xiu had done it, and reported to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao was depressed.

Another time, Cao Cao took the opportunity to test Cao Pi and Cao Zhi's adaptability, so he ordered the two to enter the palace, but locked the palace gate in advance and instructed the city gate guards not to let the two enter. The two arrived at the gate of the city, and sure enough, they were blocked by the guards and could not enter the palace.

Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

Cao Pi couldn't, so he could only return. And Cao Zhi kept in mind Yang Xiu's instructions: "The prime minister's edict, the prince boldly moves forward, if you wait to block the way, just kill it!" Cao Zhi really killed the guards and forcibly entered the palace, Cao Cao was overjoyed on the surface, but he was quite jealous in his heart.

When asked Cao Zhi, Cao Zhi replied with a smile: "It was the clever plan given to me by Master Yang!" Cao Cao laughed heartily on the surface, but he had already made a decision in his heart: Yang Xiu was dedicated to participating in the battle for the throne of the two sons, so he would not be able to stay.

Soon, Cao Cao raised troops to attack Liu Bei's Hanzhong, and specially ordered Yang Xiu to accompany him, who knew that Liu Bei raised the strength of the whole country to defend, and the attack lasted for a long time, and the Wei army was short of food, and Cao Cao's retreat was undignified, and he continued to attack and invested too much, and he was in a dilemma.

Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

While pondering, the attendant asked the prime minister what the password for the night search was, Cao Cao replied casually: "Just set the chicken ribs!" The entourage didn't know what it meant, only Yang Xiu heard the words, and after a little thought, he began to pack his luggage, and the entourage hurriedly asked why?

Yang Xiu was proud: "The prime minister's password is chicken ribs, chicken ribs and chicken ribs, the food is tasteless, and it is a pity to abandon it, Hanzhong is the same!" Everyone suddenly realized and followed Yang Xiu to pack their luggage.

Cao Cao inspected in the middle of the night, found that the soldiers in the camp had packed their luggage, and asked in surprise, only to learn what Yang Xiu said, he was furious, raised the account to Yang Xiu to the court, angrily reprimanded him for disturbing the morale of the army, and arbitrarily thought about it, and beheaded him without waiting for Yang Xiu to plead.

Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

After Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu, the soldiers were panicked for a while, and a few days later, as the supply of grain and grass gradually became tight, Cao Cao finally ordered the withdrawal of troops and returned in a huff.

The love of licking the calf finally escaped

The news of Yang Xiu's beheading was transmitted back to Xu Du, Yang Biao lost his son in old age, no less than a heartache, he couldn't get up after being seriously ill for a long time, and the news that he had been ill for a long time made the suspicious Cao Cao suspicious, after all, Yang Biao had been an opponent for many years.

Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

As early as when Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty first set the capital, Yang Biao was incompatible with Cao Cao in order to dedicate the emperor, and made countless stumbling blocks to Cao Cao.

Now that Cao Cao has killed Yang Biao's son, can Yang Biao not take revenge? Cao Cao is already the character of "I would rather bear the people of the world than let the people of the world bear me." This enmity is difficult to solve, and it is bound to be cut down to the roots.

So, taking advantage of a court, Cao Cao specially called Yang Biao to come to the court, Yang Biao came to the court, he was sick for a long time, unkempt and white-haired, very miserable, and the officials of the same dynasty looked down at his miserable state and couldn't bear to look at it directly.

Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

Cao Cao greeted Yang Biao as if nothing had happened: "I haven't seen Taiwei Yang for a long time, I heard that I have recovered from my illness, and I came here to greet him, why are you so thin?" Yang Biao heard Cao Cao's question, and if he didn't answer properly, he was afraid that the life of the whole family would be difficult to protect.

So, he hurriedly knelt on the ground and wept bitterly: "I regret that I am not as good as the sages, and I can execute the unworthy son in advance, and now the rebel son has died tragically, but I have the pity of the old ox and the calf, how can I not be in pain?"

Cao Cao never thought that Yang Biao, who was iron-clad in his life, would now lower his posture to such a point, he cherished his reputation the most, and Yang Xiu's sin could not be brought to the stage to say, forcing the old ministers of the court and China to be in this situation, and it seemed that he was too mean.

Cao Cao killed Yang Xiu and asked his father why Yang Biao had lost weight, and a sentence replied by Yang's father became a famous sentence

So, Cao Cao immediately showed a sad look on his face, comforted Yang Biao with warm words, and gave the Yang family many rewards, and lightly exposed Yang Xiu's death. But Yang Biao's heart-wrenching words will forever be recorded in the history books of the Three Kingdoms.

At last:

After Cao Cao's death, Cao Pi called the emperor, although Yang Xiu has always supported Cao Zhi, but Yang Biao did not participate in the political struggle for many years, and has both talent and morality, the old minister seeks the country, Cao Pi personally invited him out of the mountain, awarded the post of Taishi, and assisted the government in the court.

Yang Biao assisted Cao Pi for many years, and lived a relatively comfortable and prosperous life in his later years, and finally died at the age of 81, and also realized the best destination admired by the scholars of the past dynasties!

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