
"Eat one in winter, nourish and strengthen the body", one to remove the fire, the second to detoxify, the third to supplement calcium, and strengthen immunity

author:The smell of fireworks

After entering the winter, I feel that the whole person is soft, even if I am on vacation or free, I just want to lie in a comfortable bed to sleep, but when I wake up, I feel that it is very unworthwhile, so this morning is the time at my disposal, and I don't want to sleep anymore, so I asked my younger siblings to climb a mountain near us. The mountain is still very remote, and the main attraction is that the water in the mountain is very clean and turquoise, and there are many large rocks to walk around. There are a lot of butterflies here, and it feels pretty good.

Walking and walking, I not only saw the beautiful scenery and breathed fresh air, but more importantly, exercised my body, and the whole person was refreshed. This is often said, if you want to be in good health, you must exercise regularly. In addition, we should also pay special attention to our diet, eat more healthy food, and carry out targeted diets based on the different characteristics of the body in different seasons, which is more conducive to supplementing nutrition and strengthening the body.

"Eat one in winter, nourish and strengthen the body", one to remove the fire, the second to detoxify, the third to supplement calcium, and strengthen immunity

Now in winter, many people will feel cold hands and feet, very busy and hot, this is one of the manifestations of physical weakness, if we look at people who regularly exercise or pay attention to food supplements, we will find that they rarely have such a phenomenon. Therefore, I will introduce a recipe that is very suitable for my friends to eat in winter, and eat it often to nourish and strengthen the body.

"Eat one in winter, nourish and strengthen the body", one to remove the fire, the second to detoxify, the third to supplement calcium, and strengthen immunity

【Beef offal stewed radish】

Ingredients: offal, radish, soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, sake lees, ginger, rock sugar

Here's how:

1. First of all, we went to the vegetable market to buy some offal, the offal we bought was basically processed, and after we took it back, we simply cleaned it with water. Of course, we found that some offal was not handled well, or cut into too large pieces, and we can also deal with it appropriately.

"Eat one in winter, nourish and strengthen the body", one to remove the fire, the second to detoxify, the third to supplement calcium, and strengthen immunity

2. Next, we prepare a fresh white radish, which is very suitable for adding white radish when stewing beef, the sweet taste of white radish is very suitable for relieving greasy and making the texture of beef richer. First, use a peeler to peel off the skin of the white radish, then clean the white radish with clean water, then put the white radish on the cutting board, cut the white radish into large pieces, and put it in a bowl for later use. At this time, we also clean the prepared ginger and cut the ginger into slices.

"Eat one in winter, nourish and strengthen the body", one to remove the fire, the second to detoxify, the third to supplement calcium, and strengthen immunity

3. Heat the oil, and when the oil is hot, we first put the ginger slices in and fry until fragrant. After adding ginger slices and then stir-frying the offal, the fishy smell of the offal itself can be well removed. After smelling the fragrance of ginger, we put the offal in and stir-fry it together, at this time, we can turn the heat to medium heat, and then use a shovel to stir-fry the offal and ginger slices evenly.

"Eat one in winter, nourish and strengthen the body", one to remove the fire, the second to detoxify, the third to supplement calcium, and strengthen immunity

4. After stir-frying for about a minute, we can season it, add an appropriate amount of oyster sauce, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, sake lees and rock sugar to the pot, and then use a spatula to stir-fry all the ingredients evenly, next, we add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, the water must cover all the ingredients, and then cover the pot and cook on high heat.

"Eat one in winter, nourish and strengthen the body", one to remove the fire, the second to detoxify, the third to supplement calcium, and strengthen immunity

5. After the water boils, in order to make the offal cook more soft, we pour them out and put them in the rice cooker, and then continue to cook for an hour and a half.

"Eat one in winter, nourish and strengthen the body", one to remove the fire, the second to detoxify, the third to supplement calcium, and strengthen immunity

6. When the time is almost up, we open the lid of the pot, and the offal is already simmered soft. At this time, we can put them on a casserole to cook, or if there is no casserole or if it feels more troublesome, we don't need to change them.

"Eat one in winter, nourish and strengthen the body", one to remove the fire, the second to detoxify, the third to supplement calcium, and strengthen immunity

We put the white radish in and stew it together, stir-fry it evenly with a spatula, then cover the pot, and cook it for about half an hour, the white radish can be cooked very flavorfully, and the juice in the pot is almost collected, and you can turn off the heat and serve it out.

"Eat one in winter, nourish and strengthen the body", one to remove the fire, the second to detoxify, the third to supplement calcium, and strengthen immunity

This is the practice of stewed radish with offal shared with you today, eating this dish often helps to strengthen the body and enhance immunity, interested friends go and try it.