
CCTV exposes "deadly poisonous clothing"! This kind of clothing advises you not to wear it, the liver and kidneys are damaged...

author:Beiqing Net

New Year's Day is approaching, and they all say "New Year, new atmosphere", buy new clothes, make a beautiful manicure, dye your favorite hair color... Many people want to welcome 2024 with a new look, and wish a safe and smooth new year.

But did you know that these "new atmospheres" may have hidden health hazards, and if we don't pay more attention, they will harm our health!


Underwear is worn in black,

More likely to get cancer?

Black is one of the most common colors in textile and garment products, but recently it has been spread on the Internet that "it is better not to buy black underwear", and there are even claims that wearing black underwear will have a higher chance of getting cancer, are these statements reasonable?

1Is black dye unsafe?

At present, the dyes used in the textile industry, including black dyes, are mainly chemically synthesized dyes, and such dyes themselves are not toxic.

It is worth noting that there is a dye that is explicitly prohibited by the mainland mandatory national standard GB 18401-2010 "National Basic Safety Technical Specifications for Textile Products", which does have a great risk of causing cancer.

CCTV News once reported a "fatal poisonous clothing" incident: when the State Administration for Market Regulation conducted a random inspection of women's clothing, it was found that one of the clothes contained a carcinogenic clothing dye (benzidine) 20 times higher than the national standard!

CCTV exposes "deadly poisonous clothing"! This kind of clothing advises you not to wear it, the liver and kidneys are damaged...

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After benzidine is decomposed, its solids and vapors can easily enter the body through the human skin, and undergo a series of complex chemical reactions to cause dermatitis, irritate mucous membranes, damage the human liver and kidneys, and even change the DNA structure of the human body, and may also cause bladder cancer and pancreatic cancer.

Therefore, the moment we get the clothes, we have to learn to read the tags. If the garment does not have a tag or logo, it is not allowed to be produced, sold and exported.

2Is it dyed black to cover up fabric imperfections?

There is also a rumor that poor quality fabrics are often dyed black to cover up imperfections in the fabric, but this idea is still stuck in the stage of hand-spinning.

At present, the fabric weaving process in the modern textile industry has achieved large-scale automation and intelligent production, what weaving structure is used in a roll of cloth, what color is dyed by the enterprise in the design stage, and will not find that the cloth weaving is broken and picked out to dye black.

Generally speaking, the statement that "it is better not to buy black underwear" is untenable, and textile and garment products that meet the national safety technical specifications can be safely selected black.


There are no these words on the down jacket,

No matter how cheap it is, don't buy it!

It's down jacket season again. But the price and style of down jackets on the market are dazzling. What kind of down jacket is really warm, and how can you buy a good down jacket?

CCTV exposes "deadly poisonous clothing"! This kind of clothing advises you not to wear it, the liver and kidneys are damaged...

1. Is goose down warmer than duck down?

This statement is too absolute.

The longer the growth cycle of a duck and goose, the more mature its down matures and the warmer it is.

(1) In the case of the same species, the higher the maturity of the birds, the better the quality of down;

(2) In the case of the same maturity, the quality of goose down is mostly better than that of duck down;

(3) It is worth mentioning that the down of older ducks will be better than that of young geese.

In addition to this, there is also a high-quality fleece that is warmer, rarer and more expensive - eiderdown. It is known that eiderdown has a fill power of 700, but its warmth effect is comparable to that of a down with a fill power of 1000.

CCTV exposes "deadly poisonous clothing"! This kind of clothing advises you not to wear it, the liver and kidneys are damaged...

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2. A key word, read the new national standard for down jackets

At the beginning of last year, Continental released a new version of the down apparel standard, which was officially implemented on April 1, 2022. Among them, the biggest highlight of the new national standard is to modify the "down content" to "down content".

The down content is the mass ratio of down and down in the down and feathers, and the down content refers to the mass ratio of the down in the down and feathers.

Under a certain down weight, the higher the down content, the better the fluffiness and the better the heat preservation effect. The use of "down content" is conducive to identifying the quality of down products and avoiding shoddy products from unscrupulous traders.

Therefore, we can directly see whether the implementation standard on the down jacket certificate is the new national standard GB/T14272-2021, and the higher the down content, the better, the highest is 95%.


Rare cancers that grow on the fingers,

It has something to do with nail art!

A beautiful, sophisticated manicure is not only a great way to please yourself and boost your confidence, but it's also a way to show off your style and personality. However, there are also hidden dangers to our health:

CCTV exposes "deadly poisonous clothing"! This kind of clothing advises you not to wear it, the liver and kidneys are damaged...

1Is nail polish really safe?

People who do nail art regularly should have heard the idea that "nail polish glue is used in nail salons, and unlike nail polish, this product does not contain formaldehyde and is not toxic". However, this is not the case.

Nail polish gel is relatively safe for normal use, but it is not completely non-toxic.

In order to save costs, some brands will use materials that are harmful to the body, such as formaldehyde resin. In the 2023 national cosmetics sampling inspection work, 7 batches of cosmetics in Zhejiang and Guangdong did not meet the inspection results, and prohibited raw materials such as methylene chloride and 1,2-dichloroethane were detected.

Long-term exposure to these ingredients can cause many serious health problems, such as long-term exposure to toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, which can cause respiratory irritation, respiratory tract inflammation, coughing and asthma, and formaldehyde, benzene and acetaldehyde are considered potentially toxic and carcinogenic.

CCTV exposes "deadly poisonous clothing"! This kind of clothing advises you not to wear it, the liver and kidneys are damaged...

2. Nail lamp exposure may damage DNA

Since nail polish gel dries much slower than nail polish, nail salons often use ultraviolet nail lamps to cure gel nails in a short time. However, nail light exposure can be harmful to us.

In 2009, two healthy women who had regular manicures and no family history of skin cancer suddenly developed skin cancer on their hands, which is a bit unbelievable, and the cancer that grows on the fingers is largely unknown. These two unique case studies sparked researchers' attention on nail lights.

Recently, the University of California, San Diego and the University of Pittsburgh gave some molecular genetic evidence that nail lamp exposure may cause damage to us. While the results of the experiment do not directly prove an increased risk of cancer, frequent nail light exposure does indicate that there may be a considerable risk.

CCTV exposes "deadly poisonous clothing"! This kind of clothing advises you not to wear it, the liver and kidneys are damaged...

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Frequent hair straightening and dyeing are life-threatening?

It is recommended not to exceed this frequency for a year!

1. Frequent straight hair

A study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute showed that people who used hair straightening products frequently (more than 4 times a year) were more than twice as likely to develop uterine cancer as those who did not use hair straightening products.

CCTV exposes "deadly poisonous clothing"! This kind of clothing advises you not to wear it, the liver and kidneys are damaged...

Screenshot of the study

In addition, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, a ban on hair straightening products that contain formaldehyde or contain methylenediol (which releases formaldehyde) is being considered.

The agency says these chemical hair straighteners release carcinogens, and inhaling formaldehyde gas can cause a range of health problems, from eye and throat inflammation to coughing, wheezing, chest pain, to chronic headaches, asthma and cancer.

2. Frequent hair coloring

If you dye your hair too often, the substances in the hair dye can follow the hair roots, touch the scalp, and enter the body's blood circulation along the capillaries of the hair follicles.

For example, phenylenediamine in some hair dyes is toxic to the kidneys, which may cause proteinuria, renal insufficiency, etc., and it may cause allergies and affect kidney health.

CCTV exposes "deadly poisonous clothing"! This kind of clothing advises you not to wear it, the liver and kidneys are damaged...

According to me, I am a big doctor