
Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

author:Talk about knowledge

I don't know if you have noticed that when a patient passes away in the hospital, even if the patient's family wants to take the deceased's body home or go directly to the funeral home for cremation, the hospital will never allow it.

Not only that, but the hospital sent the body directly to the morgue for preservation, saying that it was the hospital's rule.

At this time, the patients will definitely be very angry, after all, the hospital morgue is charged, could it be that they want to make more money?

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

Sky-high mortuary

In 2022, Mr. Tang's wife unfortunately passed away, and the body was naturally stored in their morgue by the hospital.

But when Mr. Deng went to the hospital to settle the bill, he was told that he needed to pay 38,000 yuan.

This made Mr. Deng very puzzled, his wife had only been stored in the morgue for a few days, why did he need to come up with so much money?

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

When Mr. Deng got the detailed list of expenses, he was completely dumbfounded when he looked at the fee items and amounts on it.

What bath SPA costs 5990 yuan, the meal service costs 600 yuan, and the shroud cost is as high as 6800 yuan.

Looking at these projects, Mr. Deng was even more confused, he didn't understand, why did a deceased person need to be fed and bathed?

Mr. Deng also reported this matter to many departments but did not receive any reply, so Mr. Deng exposed the matter.

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

Seeing that the matter is getting more and more fermented, the relevant departments have also intervened in the investigation and imposed fines and other regulations on the corresponding companies involved.

As for the hospital, although it outsources funeral services, it should also bear a certain amount of joint and several liability, and the hospital has also issued an apology statement for this incident.

At this point, the incident came to an end, but the sky-high funeral expenses made everyone very worried, afraid that their relatives would be "slaughtered" after being pushed to the morgue.

Could it be that the reason why the hospital chose to push the body into the morgue was really to want money?

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

The real purpose

In fact, this is not the case, according to the regulations of the "Medical Service Project Price" in some cities, the mortuary of the first-level hospital charges 10 yuan per day, the second-level hospital is 20 yuan, and the third-level hospital is 25 yuan, which also depends on the local city regulations.

The reason why the above hospitals have sky-high funeral expenses is only because the hospital outsources the morgue.

The real purpose of the hospital is actually the following aspects.

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

The first purpose is to free up beds for other patients.

Like some large hospitals, the number of patients who need to be hospitalized every day is innumerable, and even the corridors have to be filled with beds.

For the sake of these living patients, the hospital first has to consider whether they can be admitted to the hospital and obtain beds.

Therefore, whenever a patient dies in the hospital, the hospital will transport the body to the morgue as soon as possible to notify the family, and the vacated beds will be disinfected and given to other patients.

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

The second reason is to give the family of the deceased time to prepare for the funeral.

In any case, the aftermath of a person should be prepared by the family, and it is generally more cumbersome, and it takes some time for those relatives who need to rush from other places.

When it comes to determining the final time of cremation and where to be buried, it often takes several days, and only the hospital is the safest of these times.

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

The third reason is to prevent other patients from getting nervous.

Generally, most of the patients who can be hospitalized are terminally ill patients, and their bodies and minds have reached a very tense state at this time.

In their opinion, even if the patient who had been talking and laughing with them the day before has passed away today, it will put them in a very desperate situation at this time, and they are afraid that they will be the same, which is not conducive to their physical recovery.

Therefore, for the sake of the physical and emotional well-being of other patients in the same ward, once a patient dies, the hospital will immediately send someone to pull the body into the morgue for storage.

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

The fourth reason is for the health of other people.

Generally, 3-6 hours after death, the microorganisms in the corpse begin to multiply wildly, resulting in a lot of gases containing a strong odor.

In addition to these gases, some toxic substances are produced during the decomposition process of the corpse, and sometimes the air in the ward is not very circulating, which can cause others to be poisoned if you are not careful.

Therefore, for the sake of other people's health, sending it to the morgue as soon as possible is the best result.

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

The fifth reason is that this is the rules and regulations set by the state.

According to the relevant regulations of the mainland, a person who dies in a medical institution needs to be issued a medical certificate of death by the institution.

The death certificate is a posthumous proof of a person's death, which has legal benefits, so the hospital also acts in accordance with the regulations, which is also to protect the rights and interests of the family and the hospital from being infringed.

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

The sixth reason is that the morgue is guarded.

Under normal circumstances, for the corpses in the morgue, the hospital will arrange special personnel to guard them, and it is absolutely impossible for others to come in as long as they do not have the relevant procedures.

So, if we put the body in the morgue, the first thing is to not worry about the body being stolen or maliciously destroyed by others.

The second reassuring point is that there is no need to worry about the body changing or even decomposing.

In addition to the above reasons, another reason why the body is placed in the hospital morgue instead of elsewhere is to prevent the family of the deceased from being cremated.

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

Although there is no clear law that requires cremation of all deceased, cremation should be practiced in areas where it is possible.

Some people may refute the author's point of view, after all, burial is a thousand-year-old tradition in the mainland, and for some old people, it is indeed a little uncomfortable not to let him be buried.

But what I want to say is that the harm caused by burial is far higher than that of cremation.

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

For those who are cremated, all it takes is a fire to wipe out everything, including all bacteria and viruses in the human body, leaving only a small amount of ashes.

For the current situation when land resources are relatively tight, it can be said to be very advantageous.

In addition, cremation has negligible environmental pollution, and even the cost has saved a lot of money because of the simple process.

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

Let's take a look at burial, in general, the family members who practice burial put the deceased in a coffin and bury it in their own ground.

Although this seems very convenient, it first of all causes a certain occupation of the country's land resources.

The second point is that it is harmful to the surrounding environment.

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

Although the coffin appeared to fit seamlessly, there must have been some gaps that would allow the corpse's fluid to seep into the nearby soil as the body decomposed.

These corpse fluids are not a good thing, and even some bacteria and viruses can survive for a period of time after death.

It is good that these body fluids only penetrate the soil, but if they penetrate deeply, they will pollute the local water resources and even endanger the health of local residents.

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

All in all, the mortuary exists to store these deceased patients, and although it is unkind to some people to place them as soon as the patient dies, it is just a matter of the hospital doing things according to the rules, and there is nothing wrong with it.

If we can put ourselves in the hospital's shoes, we will find that this is the only way to ensure the treatment environment for other patients.

For the problem of excessive mortuary fees or even arbitrary charges, this requires relevant departments to strengthen supervision and completely eliminate the phenomenon of arbitrary charges, so as to protect the rights and interests of patients.

Why is it that after the death of a patient in the hospital, he cannot be taken away and must go to the hospital morgue

Life is only a few decades, and what we need to do is to spend more time with our families outside of work.

Nowadays, most of our lives are occupied by mobile phones, and sometimes we put down our mobile phones and take our families out to enjoy the beautiful scenery, which not only pleases our body and mind, but also benefits our physical health.

For those relatives who have passed away, although we are very uncomfortable, but living is the most important thing, in addition to regular remembrance, the people who remain should also live happily every day, so that the underground people can smile Jiuquan.


The Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China the Regulations on the Administration of Funerals and Burials

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