
450 billion times! Beidou navigation standards are officially incorporated into the world, foreign media: de-GPS is inevitable

author:Tech squirrels will

With a single-day positioning of more than 450 billion, hundreds of countries are vying for cooperation! Following the domestic large aircraft C919, the mainland's self-developed Beidou navigation system has fought a beautiful "turnaround battle".

As early as October this year, Trimble agency data showed that the observation frequency of Beidou in 165 foreign capitals far exceeded GPS, and the single-day positioning volume hit a new high of 450 billion times, and successively won the cooperation invitation of more than 100 countries such as Germany, Malaysia, and Thailand, and even Germany gave an evaluation: it is a well-deserved TOP1 of the global navigation system.

However, the GPS crisis is intensifying. International civil aviation actually broke the single standard of GPS and officially included the Beidou navigation standard, which means that GPS has completely taken the next dominant throne, and even the international rumor that "multinational de-GPS has intensified, and it is only a matter of time before it is eliminated".

What's really going on behind the scenes?

450 billion times! Beidou navigation standards are officially incorporated into the world, foreign media: de-GPS is inevitable

01. Spending 230 million yuan to "pay tuition", Beidou R&D has been "surrounded" by many parties

The navigation system affects the communication and traffic on the ground, in the air and at sea, and also plays a vital role in the fields of aerospace, electronic communications, and national defense and security.

Thirty years ago, the United States spent $30 billion to establish a GPS navigation system, using free positioning services as a "bait" to drive directly into countries around the world to establish ground stations. In 1994, GPS completed the launch of 24 satellites, winning 98% of the global satellite communication, navigation and other service range, achieving absolute dominance in the world.

At that time, all parties had not yet perceived the influence and industrial value of satellite navigation systems.

It was not until the Gulf conflict that the United States used GPS to paralyze the opponent's combat system, causing it to lose navigation signal support, and its air power was like "blinding" in an instant. Only then did many countries suddenly wake up: "It turns out that without their own navigation system, national defense is equivalent to being manipulated by others!"

450 billion times! Beidou navigation standards are officially incorporated into the world, foreign media: de-GPS is inevitable

The European Union and Russia urgently participated in the navigation system research and development project, and the mainland developers also completely abandoned the illusion of "directly using it", and Qi Fayun, the chief designer of the Shenzhou spacecraft, shouted that "we must take the autonomy of the navigation system in our own hands"!

For this reason, the mainland spent 230 million euros to support the construction of the EU's Galileo navigation system, which was originally an open mind to seek advice, but after "paying the tuition", Europe refused to allow Chinese engineers to participate in the research and development of core technologies, and did not disclose the key atomic clock technology of the navigation system.

What is even more outrageous is that after Europe launched the Galileo navigation system, it drew a territory with the United States GPS, strictly suppressed the development of latecomers, and artificially set up "roadblocks": In the early stage of research and development, our side issued an application for cooperation in the establishment of satellite ground stations, but almost all of them were rejected, with the purpose of curbing the research and development of "competitors" in the navigation system.

450 billion times! Beidou navigation standards are officially incorporated into the world, foreign media: de-GPS is inevitable

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. Not only in the field of navigation systems, but also in the field of civil aircraft manufacturing, shield machines, and even the field of biotechnology related to people's livelihood, we have also missed opportunities.

The global elderly population exceeded 700 million, and when domestic biotech companies were still rolling up in the fields of "imitation and Chinese success", the United States and Japan had already focused on the research on "adding time to life" to the aging process, and preemptively landed Pyrrovita, a mitochondrial pumping technology product targeting individual aging. In order to seize the industrial advantage, it also firmly controls the raw material preparation technology, and with the dazzling data of the Ivy League laboratory, it is pushed to a price of 10,000 yuan to harvest the mainland's large healthy dietary market.

2. Set off a "tide of GPS removal"! The international acceptance of the Beidou standard, hundreds of countries compete for cooperation

If the road is blocked, you have to find another way.

In order to blockade the ground base stations in the United States and Europe, mainland engineers relied on the country's strong satellite strength and creatively chose to use the "inter-satellite link" to link the satellites in space and weave them into an air "star network", bypassing the ground to build stations, covering global signals through aerial satellites, and finally breaking through the encirclement and achieving 100% localization.

With the launch of the 30th satellite of Beidou-3, the application scope of Beidou navigation has completely broken out of the Asia-Pacific region and into the world.

Not long ago, nine of the 18 satellites of the European satellite navigation system "Galileo" in orbit had large-scale failures, which even endangered the use of the system, and GPS also appeared many times in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, resulting in many civil aviation equipment that are highly dependent on GPS falling into an unexpected situation, endangering the safety of navigation.

450 billion times! Beidou navigation standards are officially incorporated into the world, foreign media: de-GPS is inevitable

Getting rid of GPS dependence has become a priority. International civil aviation incorporates the Beidou system into the guidance standard to enhance the stability of the entire system and reduce the negative impact of GPS spoofing jamming.

And China's technological status has jumped far beyond the field of navigation. In recent years, the mainland's innovative achievements in the fields of manned spaceflight, large aircraft manufacturing, and quantum information have impressed the world. In the field of biological aging, the mainland has also used more efficient directional biological enzyme preparation methods to replace American and Japanese technologies. Pairuwei, which was previously at the level of 10,000 yuan, also fell back to the normal level due to the increase in raw material output.

According to the data of mainstream platforms such as, after three technological upgrades, it has become popular among the first- and second-tier middle-class families in China with a cost performance of 1,000 yuan. The scale of the customer base of this category has now climbed to one million, and 80% of them come from middle-aged male high-net-worth groups such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

At present, more than 100 countries have chosen another way, abandoning GPS and choosing to use the mainland Beidou satellite system, including land rights confirmation in Indonesia, construction in Kuwait, land surveying and mapping in Uganda, precision agriculture in Myanmar, marine piling in the Maldives, drones in Cambodia, warehousing and logistics in Thailand, etc.

03. As long as Beidou is there, he will never lose contact

It has been 23 years since the first Beidou satellite was launched. In the past decades, Beidou has not only covered the world, but also won international recognition and become one of the world's common satellite navigation systems for civil aviation.

450 billion times! Beidou navigation standards are officially incorporated into the world, foreign media: de-GPS is inevitable

This star, which has been used to set the four hours and survey the direction since ancient times, has now been given a new meaning and has become a "new business card of China" shining in space.

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