
Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams: 9 kinds of dreams seem unlucky, but the dreams are terrible, and they are all good signs of making a fortune


Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams: 9 kinds of dreams seem unlucky, but the dreams are terrible, and they are all good signs of making a fortune

Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams: 9 kinds of dreams seem unlucky, but the dreams are terrible, and they are all good signs of making a fortune


In our daily lives, dreams are often seen as an omen, a way to guide us forward. Sometimes, the vision in the dream, although it may seem unlucky, is actually hidden behind the great wealth and good fortune. Today, we will talk about the nine dreams in Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams, which seem to be unlucky, but in fact they hide good signs of making a fortune.

Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams: 9 kinds of dreams seem unlucky, but the dreams are terrible, and they are all good signs of making a fortune

[First Dream: Bitten by a Snake]

Being bitten by a snake usually means in a dream that you may encounter difficulties or dangers. However, Zhou Gong interprets the dream and believes that this kind of dream is not completely bad. When you dream that you are bitten by a snake, it suggests that you will have a windfall from the sky. This is because snakes are seen as a symbol of wealth in traditional cultures, and the snake that bites you represents that wealth will come through difficulties and challenges. So, if you dream of being bitten by a snake, then you might as well look forward to the good luck that is coming!

Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams: 9 kinds of dreams seem unlucky, but the dreams are terrible, and they are all good signs of making a fortune

[The Second Dream: Dreaming of Gold]

Dreaming of gold is an unlucky dream to many people, as gold usually represents wealth and luxury. However, Zhou Gong's dream interpretation believes that if you dream of gold, then you will have unexpected wealth to come. This is because gold is seen as a symbol of wealth and prosperity in traditional cultures, and your dreams are a sign that this wealth will appear in ways you didn't expect. So, if you dream of gold, you might as well take advantage of these upcoming good fortunes!

Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams: 9 kinds of dreams seem unlucky, but the dreams are terrible, and they are all good signs of making a fortune

[The third dream: dreaming of getting a high score on an exam]

Many people are afraid of exams, and dreaming about exams often represents anxiety and stress. However, Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams believes that this kind of dream realm actually hides great wealth. Because in traditional culture, exams are often seen as a symbol of wisdom and talent. If you get a high score in your dream, then it means that you will have a special ability and skill that will help you achieve success and wealth. So, don't be afraid of this dream and use your talents and wisdom to meet good luck!

Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams: 9 kinds of dreams seem unlucky, but the dreams are terrible, and they are all good signs of making a fortune

[Fourth Dream: Flying in the Air]

Flying in the air seems to many people to be a very pleasant experience, but it has a special meaning in Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams. This dream represents that you will have extraordinary abilities and talents in your future life. It also symbolizes that you will exceed other people's expectations and imagination and gain more success and wealth. So, if you dream that you are flying in the air, then you might as well make good use of your abilities and talents to welcome good luck!

Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams: 9 kinds of dreams seem unlucky, but the dreams are terrible, and they are all good signs of making a fortune

[Fifth Dream: Water Retrograde]

Water retrograde in dreams usually represents the arrival of difficulties and challenges. However, Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams believed that this kind of dream also hid great wealth. Because water is seen as a carrier of wealth in traditional culture, and retrograde represents a turning point and change. So this dream means that you will have a turning point, an opportunity to change your destiny. If you feel in your dream that the direction of the water is suddenly changing or that you are having trouble in the water, then this opportunity may be coming.

Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams: 9 kinds of dreams seem unlucky, but the dreams are terrible, and they are all good signs of making a fortune

[Sixth Dream: Hearing Birdsong]

Birds are creatures that are often used in traditional culture to symbolize good luck and good fortune. If you hear birdsong in your dream, then Zhou Gong's interpretation of the dream will tell you that this is a good sign. This dream signifies that you will have good luck and happiness in the future. Birdsong is an auspicious sign in many cultures, and it indicates that you will get good luck and a happy life. Therefore, if you dream of hearing birdsong, you may wish to pay attention to whether your life has changed, and look forward to good luck!

Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams: 9 kinds of dreams seem unlucky, but the dreams are terrible, and they are all good signs of making a fortune

[The seventh dream: there are a lot of rats in the house]

In the eyes of many people, the rat is a symbol of evil and bad luck. But in Zhou Gong's interpretation of the dream, the mouse is a representative of wealth, they believe that the wisdom of the mouse means that you can make wise choices, find new opportunities, and reap practical benefits, if the dream of the home is flooded with rats, it means that there will be a large number of financial resources flocking to it, look forward to it!

Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams: 9 kinds of dreams seem unlucky, but the dreams are terrible, and they are all good signs of making a fortune

[The Eighth Dream: High Fever and Illness]

In this situation, the body needs to expel all harmful germs from the body through a high fever, such as infection with the new coronavirus, which is particularly strong, and can easily be transformed into disease, with the return of the healing power, the nightmare will eventually be solved, don't be afraid of the coming of good things, it will not be so easy, because good things will not easily befall you, when all this is ready, good things will come as scheduled, enjoy all this!

Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams: 9 kinds of dreams seem unlucky, but the dreams are terrible, and they are all good signs of making a fortune

[The Ninth Dream: Riding a Dark Horse]

Black represents mystery and fear, but riding a dark horse, you seem to have incomparable strength, this power will lead you to success, reach your destination, this is the best moment, believe that you can always have a successful and lucky road, there are many miracles, let us firmly believe that we can reach the other side, life is not easy, sometimes it is the dark horse to achieve brilliance, don't be afraid, these power miracles will slowly come to you, believe that you can one day reach the peak of life!

Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams: 9 kinds of dreams seem unlucky, but the dreams are terrible, and they are all good signs of making a fortune

Summary: Whether it is in Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams, or in real life, no matter what you do, you must have your own dreams to realize your dreams, only after hard work, struggle to have a chance to reach the other side of victory, when the miracle appears, we must grasp it well, do not be afraid of those unlucky omens, but be brave to meet those who bring wealth of good luck! The above is about Zhou Gong's interpretation of the dream of nine kinds of dreams that seem to be unlucky, but are actually good signs of wealth

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