
Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

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Yu Minhong's "Imperial Art"

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

The Oriental Selection of the Three Heroes is a bit similar to the Three Heroes of the Western Han Dynasty

Since the establishment of New Oriental, Yu Minhong has shown his powerful "skill of controlling people", which has enabled New Oriental to face desperate situations many times and survive in desperate situations.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

I often take YOYO to the camera

Before New Oriental went public, Yu Minhong used his position as the first vice president (the second position of New Oriental) to successfully make a rift between Wang Qiang and Xu Xiaoping of the "New Oriental Troika". Break the company's management pattern and firmly control the company's management rights from the cracks. Lay a firm and stable foundation for the subsequent listing of New Oriental.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

What is Dong Yuhui doing in the back

With the implementation of the "double reduction" in education, extracurricular tutoring institutions can be said to have reached unprecedented pain, not to mention the first position in the education business world, "New Oriental", which once faced a state of disintegration.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

I was very happy to go to Dong Yuhuihua

As a result, New Oriental relied on the "live broadcast" to bring goods, and rose to the challenge. Those who sell classes have become those who sell food, and from a distance, this is playing crossover.

In fact, fine products, whether they are selling classes or food, are all necessary products for the lives of ordinary people. The common people are inseparable from food, clothing, housing and transportation, and the future of children is inseparable from knowledge education, which is Lao Yu's unique and sensitive sense of smell.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

Love you YO

"Oriental Selection" relies on the romantic feelings that ordinary people like Dong Yuhui want to pursue, bilingual teaching, and the ideal life concept that ordinary people yearn for, which makes Dong Yuhui popular.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

Dong Yuhui's popularity brought Dongfang Selection back to life, and also found his own style of live broadcasting, we are not selling things, we are selling the life and life concept that ordinary people want to pursue.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

Rest assured, brother will make you hot

Because Dong Yuhui is a company that leads the fire with his strong IP attributes, it will bring great management difficulties to the company, as well as cause uncertain and unstable consequences. That is, if Dong Yuhui leaves at any time, it will cause huge losses to Dongfang Selection and even the entire New Oriental Group.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

Lao Yu's eyes were full of love

The company does not allow this kind of uneasy factor that can influence the development of the company by one person, unless he is the founder.

As the largest shareholder and founder of New Oriental, such a thing must not be allowed. For such a sensitive corporate manager, from the time of Dong Yuhui's fire, he should have been preparing for a rainy day, but the time is not yet ripe.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

The current live broadcast room maintains more than 100,000 viewers

"Oriental Selection", which had just found the direction, did not dare to make some big moves, so it could only wait for the opportunity and give the company a certain amount of time.

First use personal influence to stabilize the company's live broadcast style, and when fans and Dong Yuhui, between the live broadcast room, with Dong Yuhui as a bridge, fans indirectly increase the subtle stickiness between the live broadcast room, and then make the next step of layout.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

Old Yu thumbs up for sure

It has been a year and a half since Dong Yuhui exploded to the "small composition" incident. Before the "small composition", in fact, there was some considerable friction between Dongfang Xiaosun and Dong Yuhui in the live broadcast room, and it seemed that the state of the top manager who could no longer control the strongest employees kept surfacing.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

For this situation of the emergence of a double-strong pattern, Yu Minhong can be said to be experienced, and he has turned the "troika" into a carriage before, not to mention two young talents who are not deeply involved in the world. Only need to use money and power to break the intimate relationship between the two.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

The eyes are all different, love you YO

History is always strikingly similar.

Recently, the "Oriental Selection", which made the public eat melons for a month, also used the same wrist as before. Let the two core characters selected by Dongfang, the strongest shield and the strongest spear, have a dislike for each other. gave Dongfang Xiaosun the highest management rights, and gave Dong Yuhui the privilege of skipping the level to play, and other means, smoothly controlled the two.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

On the issue of eliminating the centralization of "Oriental Selection", a bold "small composition" came into being. kept Dongfang Xiaosun away from the management, and let Dong Yuhui stay away from the impact of personal IP attributes on the company. Why is it a bold "little composition"???

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

The management of large companies must be very strict, and the issue of confidentiality must be the most basic survival rule that employees are familiar with. You are a little employee who casually replies to the "little composition" and repeatedly scolds him back, unless he is a fool or wants to leave his job and sabotage. There must be someone behind it, as for whom, it is unknown.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

Subsequently, Yu Minhong persuaded the "God of Wealth" who ran away from home and punished Dongfang Xiaosun, the helmsman of "Oriental Selection". What is the operation of creating a personal studio for Dong Yuhui, which is fully controlled by "Oriental Selection", and Dongfang Xiaosun is still the legal person of "Oriental Selection"?

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

It is nothing more than Yu Minhong's powerful manipulation technique. Whether it is for you to be vacant or dismissed, the two of them have to be happy and create more value for the company's services.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

Since ancient times, the art of controlling people has often appeared between the imperial power and the relative power, and the most language and power art. The earliest mastery technique is the "Guiguzi" of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and the grandmaster of the Zongheng family and the military family is commonly known as "Mr. Guigu".

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

Guiguzi's book "Guiguzi" is a collection of the essence of people's psychological speculation, speech skills, and political strategy, and is now praised as a must-read book by merchants.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

Guiguzi has never been out of the mountain in his life, but with a few high-ranking disciples, he has affected the political landscape. They are: Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Sun Bin, Pang Juan, these four people are the most well-known and are known as the "Four Heroes of Guigu". Others, such as: Shang Ying, Lü Buwei, Bai Qi, Li Si and other disciples and grandchildren are countless.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

In ancient times, the two classes with the most fierce conflict between imperial power and relative power. During the Shang Dynasty, the power of the prime minister was even greater than the imperial power, and by the time of the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang deliberately weakened the influence of the power of the prime minister and set up the Three Princes and Nine Emperors to balance the forces of all parties. Subsequent dynasties basically continued to strengthen the imperial power and weaken the relative power.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

Xiangquan did not recover until the late Yuan Dynasty, and until the fall of the Yuan Dynasty, the title of Xiang could disappear in the long river of history.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the cabinet system and the military aircraft department were also regarded as a variant of Xiangquan. Xiangquan really reached its peak again in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, when he was the first assistant minister of the cabinet, and his power can be said to be the most powerful minister in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

As such an excellent minister, his promotion path can not be said to be a historical record of how to behave in the world and control people.

The book is divided into eight volumes, including "Controlling Officials", "Controlling Talents", "Controlling Scholars", "Controlling Loyalty", "Controlling Adultery", "Controlling Wisdom", "Controlling Foolishness", and "Controlling Heart".

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

The second volume of "The Book of Controlling People" is the "driving talent" that is told. Yu Minhong is also worthy of being a leader in the current education business community, and he uses the art of controlling people to the fullest.

The original text of the second volume of the "Controlling the Human Classic" is as follows:

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

The core idea of the second volume of the "Controlling the Human Classic" is as follows:

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

Although Yu Minhong has repeatedly said in public that he is a particularly cowardly person, in fact, he is just wise and foolish. Often show yourself as weak, and be good at hiding yourself. Only by hiding oneself and letting others fight each other can you go wrong and give a strategy. When he sees the right time, he always starts with a knife in his hands, kills decisively, and never drags mud and water.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

Throughout the 30-year history of the East, there have been factional disputes of all sizes, and the movement of high-level personnel has been extremely frequent. Even under the influence of many education policies, enterprises are facing a desperate situation. He can always find the right time to enter, and he has no fear of all kinds of adversity, how can such a person be called cowardly.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

New Oriental's move when it donated educational tables and chairs can be said to be the most incisive display of the highest level of "heart". In such a time of crisis, it is still possible to donate tables and chairs to promote people's hearts. To lay a mass foundation for the subsequent transformation of the enterprise, Yu Minhong's skill of controlling people is not admirable.

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

Now Yu Minhong has taken the anchor yoyo with him many times, which is to build momentum for her. Dong Yuhui, who is only 30 years old, is better than Wang Qiang and Xu Xiaoping, and how is he better than Luo Yonghao?

Oriental selection team building, Yu Minhong looks at the female anchor YOYO's full of love

Can YOYO, the last of the three heroes selected by the East, continue to be brilliant and land safely, what do you think?

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