
The difference between MBR and GUID in partition mode

author:Kun-kun Fusions


This updated article has a very important role for beginners to reinstall the system.

means this article

Very important!

Very important!

Very important!

If you don't know anything about your computer and just start reinstalling your system, you're likely to run into the following problems:

1. The computer can't find the boot driver, resulting in the inability to boot;

2. The computer cannot recognize the boot disk, resulting in the inability to boot;

3. The computer cannot be turned on.

Yes, if you don't know this article, there is a good chance that your computer won't turn on after reinstalling the system.

The body begins

Before understanding the difference between MBR and GUID partition mode, you must first understand how the computer boots up:

First, the way to start the computer

1. Those who have entered the Bios to adjust the startup items should know that there are two ways to start: UEFI and Legacy. (Different manufacturers may have different names, but generally these two)

The difference between MBR and GUID in partition mode

The difference between the two boot methods is that Legacy is suitable for older hardware, and UEFI is suitable for newer hardware. However, the definition of the old and new computer hardware is rather vague, for example, the third-generation i5 (i5-3470) supports two boot boot methods (that is, both Legacy and UEFI support).

The difference between MBR and GUID in partition mode

2. The difference between UEFI and Lagacy

1) As a relatively new boot boot method, UEFI has less self-test process than Legacy (traditional Bios), and of course the boot speed will be faster than Legacy. You can see the following guide diagram:

The difference between MBR and GUID in partition mode

2) UEFI supports hard drives of 2TB or more, while Legacy can only be used when hard drives of 2TB or less are booted up. If the little brother uses the computer of the Legacy boot method, and wants to add 18TB to the young lady to live in, it will be a little troublesome.

3) Some computers only support UEFI boot mode, if you use Legacy to install the system on the computer, then congratulations! No matter how you toss the computer, you can't turn it on.

The difference between MBR and GUID in partition mode

3. How to distinguish the partition mode of the system currently installed on the computer?

1) Method 1:

After the computer is turned on normally, right-click the mouse button in the start menu to enter [Disk Management]

The difference between MBR and GUID in partition mode

Find the installation location of the system, and if there is an EFI partition in size, and the size is less than 500MB, it is the UEFI boot mode

The difference between MBR and GUID in partition mode

2) Method 2:

When you open Disk Genius and select the hard disk where the system is installed, you can see that the partition type is GPT, which means UEFI boot mode.

The difference between MBR and GUID in partition mode

Once you understand how your computer boots up, you can move on to the difference between MBR and GUID partitions.

2. MBR and GUID

1. Through the above computer boot method, the novices should have an impression:

1) Partition mode: MBR corresponds to Legacy boot mode;

2) The partition GUID corresponds to the UEFI boot mode;

This impression is correct, if your hard disk partition method uses MBR, but the boot mode uses UEFI, then congratulations, the computer will not turn on.

The difference between MBR and GUID in partition mode

2. Logical partition of MBR

1) MBR and GUID have logical partitions, but there are very few logical partitions on GUIDs (if there is a logical partition, then it may be that the person who installed the system is very vegetable, or it is the old hard disk that is added later)

The difference between MBR and GUID in partition mode

2) Logical partitions cannot be used to install the system

In the MBR partition mode, if the system is installed in a logical partition, it will not boot. (If you don't believe me, you can try)

In the GUID partition mode, if the system is installed on the hard disk of the MBR partition, it will not boot.

3. Can the hard disk with MBR partition appear in UEFI boot mode?

The answer is yes, but the hard disk of the MBR partition can only be used to store data, and cannot be used to install the system~

3. When should I choose UEFI or Legacy?

1. If the computer supports UEFI, then it is recommended to use the UEFI installation method

Xiaobai has been installed for 12 years, and he has not encountered a computer that does not support UEFI boot mode.

The difference between MBR and GUID in partition mode

2. Some computers only support UEFI, so you have to use the UEFI boot method

For example, most of Microsoft's Surface does not support Legacy, but most of the Bios of other manufacturers still support Legacy.

The difference between MBR and GUID in partition mode

3. For users who have installed Windows XP or Windows 7, it is recommended to use the Legacy boot mode.

Don't ask why, if you do, it's that they're old.

The difference between MBR and GUID in partition mode

IV. Important Precautions!!

1. Before reinstalling the system, check whether UEFI is supported in the BIOS;

2. Before reinstalling the system in WinPE, take a look at the partitioning method of the hard disk;

3. When reinstalling the system, pay attention to the location of the guide installation when selecting the partition;

4. After the reinstallation is completed, if it cannot be turned on, please check the partition method and boot file.

Source: Xiaobai Computer Technology

Editor: Wang Na

Editor in charge: Niu Dong