
There are many bright spots, and there are enough dry goods! CPPCC members suggested the development of Fengze

author:Minnan Net

Speeches at the conference are an important form of performing the functions of the CPPCC, and an important platform for the participating units of the CPPCC and CPPCC members to display the achievements of their participation in and discussion of state affairs. On the afternoon of December 26, the second plenary meeting of the third meeting of the 6th Quanzhou Fengze District Committee of the CPPCC was held. Fengze District leaders Shangguan Lanbo, Chen Qingyong, Song Zhanfeng, Huang Zepeng, Li Yubin, Ye Chunquan, Xu Zhida, Yu Jiarong, Huang Haifeng, Su Weiqiang, and Lai Weixing attended the meeting to listen to the speeches.

There are many bright spots, and there are enough dry goods! CPPCC members suggested the development of Fengze

During the speeches at the conference, 10 CPPCC members took the stage to make speeches at the conference. Their speeches covered scientific and technological innovation, industrial development, investment promotion, education and health and other fields, with a high position, accurate topic selection, deep thinking, and far-sightedness.

At the meeting, Chen Qingyong, deputy secretary of the Fengze District Party Committee, commented on the speeches of the 10 CPPCC members on behalf of the district party committee and the district government.

The comments pointed out that the committee members closely focused on the central work of the current district party committee and the district government, proceeded from their own fields, grasped the important and cutting-edge issues related to long-term development, and put forward many far-sighted countermeasures, which fully reflected the high consciousness and enthusiasm of the committee members in participating in and discussing state affairs, and fully demonstrated the good quality cultivation and ability of the committee members to perform their duties; the speeches at the conference reflected the characteristics of "keeping the overall situation in mind and having a very strong sense of responsibility," "focusing on problems and putting forward measures and suggestions very accurately," and "being concerned about the people's livelihood and having a very strong feeling for the people." The relevant departments directly under the district government should fully absorb the opinions and suggestions of the committee members, follow up and dock in a timely manner, deepen detailed research, and absorb the rationalized opinions and suggestions into the decision-making and work arrangements of the district party committee and the district government as soon as possible, and effectively translate them into concrete work ideas and measures, and into actual results in solving problems and promoting development. It is hoped that the committee members will continue to give full play to the advantages of the industry and profession, give full play to the role of the CPPCC as a "talent pool" and "think tank", put forward more forward-looking, leading and innovative opinions and suggestions, and make greater contributions to the construction of "five cities and five districts" and the acceleration of the construction of the core area of the "Maritime Silk Road City" in the 21st century.

What speeches did the CPPCC members make when they were concerned about development and the people's livelihood? Let's take a look at the wise words of the CPPCC members:

Li Jinsong, Fengze District Working Committee of the Democratic League: "Pilot and Pilot to Build the Core Area of the National Innovation Achievement Transformation Node City" through a large number of detailed information and data, in-depth analysis of the importance of the transformation of innovation achievements to our district, as well as the existing advantages and resource conditions, put forward by encouraging enterprises to establish a technology brokerage system, promote the selection mechanism of demonstration enterprises for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and build the country's first digital platform for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Li Wei, Culture, History and Xi Committee of the CPPCC of Fengze District: "Activating the "New Kinetic Energy" of Capital Increase and Production Expansion and Promoting the "Acceleration" of Industrial Development" pointed out that Fengze District, as the main center of Quanzhou Huanwan, needs to highlight the main body of manufacturing, support local private enterprises, especially manufacturing enterprises, to increase capital and expand production, and further improve and strengthen the private economy and manufacturing industry around four aspects: further "revitalizing land resources", "promoting scientific and technological innovation", "doing a good job in financial support" and "optimizing the business environment".

Zhu Jing, Education, Science, Health and Sports Committee of the CPPCC Fengze District: "Using Cultural IP to Empower Industrial Upgrading" analyzed the importance and potential of cultural IP, and pointed out that our district has the advantages of rich cultural resources such as Maritime Silk Road culture and world heritage culture, and it is necessary to grasp the trend of the times, and empower the high-quality development of the industry and enhance the charm and popularity of the city from the aspects of strengthening the protection of cultural IP, creating the integration of cultural IP and new consumption, boosting the industrialization of IP with full-chain services, and developing and optimizing the operation mode of cultural IP.

Liang Xiaohui, Member of the Culture, History and Xi Committee of the Fengze District CPPCC: "Accelerating the Development of Night Economy and Stimulating New Vitality of Urban Consumption" revealed the basic status quo and problems of nighttime economic development, and suggested further giving full play to the advantages and resources of the central urban area, and promoting the better development of the night economy in our district from the aspects of "enhancing the communication power of new media and creating Fengze City IP", "relying on unique cultural resources to open up new routes for night tours", "adapting to the needs of night tourists, developing new areas of consumption", "meeting tourists' travel preferences and promoting the diversified development of night stays".

Shi Licheng of the CPPCC Liaison Group of Donghu Street: "Building the Brand of "Wunan Culture" and Promoting the Development of Cultural Tourism Industry" pointed out that Fengze District has rich cultural resources in Wunan, and proposed to promote the systematic inheritance of "Wunan Culture" from the innovative model, highlight the characteristics, promote the brand development of the cultural and tourism industry, expand the influence, and promote the integrated marketing of online and offline, so as to further build the "Wunan Culture" brand and help improve the development level of the cultural and tourism industry in our district.

Shi Liping, member of the Culture, Culture, History and Academic Xi Committee of the Fengze District CPPCC: "Completing the Health Infrastructure and Promoting the Construction of Healthy Fengze" analyzed the general situation of community health service facilities and the main shortcomings, and pointed out that it is necessary to integrate health into the whole process of policy formulation and implementation, find out the positioning of community health development, adapt measures to local conditions, promote classification, accelerate the completion of the shortcomings of community health facilities, better serve the needs of residents for healthy life, and promote the construction of healthy Fengze.

Xu Yilin, Economic and Agriculture Committee of the CPPCC of Fengze District: "Accelerating the Compliance Construction of Cross-border E-commerce Platforms and Helping Quanzhou Brands Go to Sea" puts forward opinions and suggestions on effectively solving the existing pain points and difficulties, empowering the development of cross-border e-commerce industry in the central urban area, and building a one-stop customs declaration platform in the central urban area, building a comprehensive service platform for cross-border policies, and deepening the integration of industry and education.

Zhu Yifen, Economic and Agriculture Committee of the CPPCC Fengze District: "Promoting Industrial Digitalization and Accelerating the Development of Digital Economy" objectively analyzed the foundation and existing problems of industrial digital development in Fengze District, and pointed out a number of practical measures such as strengthening policy support, strengthening digital infrastructure construction, promoting industry-university-research cooperation, increasing the reserve and cultivation of digital talents, promoting successful cases of digital transformation, and strengthening digital security management, so as to help accelerate the development of the digital economy in Fengze District.

Li Jianhe, Social and Legal Affairs Committee of the Fengze District CPPCC: "Promoting the Governance of Financial Dispute Litigation Sources and Maintaining Financial Security and Stability" starts from the operation effectiveness of the Quanzhou Financial Dispute Integrated Mediation Center, and puts forward suggestions on how to better promote the governance of financial dispute litigation sources and maintain the financial security and stability of the city and district, and puts forward suggestions from various aspects such as issuing a white paper on financial trials, carrying out the activity of "sending the law to banks and enterprises", and improving the multi-mediation team, so as to promote the governance of financial dispute litigation sources through multiple channels.

Li Juan, Fengze District Working Committee of the Zhi Gong Party: "Innovative Investment Promotion Model to Promote Project Implementation" pointed out that there are few leading projects and insufficient project reserves in our district, and it is recommended to establish a key project investment promotion plan mechanism, deepen the industrial chain investment promotion model, create a public innovation incubation investment promotion model, expand and strengthen the platform investment promotion, further forge the investment promotion team, create a scientific and market-oriented investment promotion mechanism, and effectively improve the quality and efficiency of investment promotion work. (Pan Yanyan, Chen Yi)

Source: Kan Fortress


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