
East Lake Commentary: Use your feet to walk out of knowledge and light up the starlight of Jingchu

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed at the forum on philosophy and social science work: "Since ancient times, mainland intellectuals have had the aspiration and tradition of 'establishing a heart for heaven and earth, establishing a life for the people, continuing to learn for the sake of the saints, and opening up peace for all generations'. All philosophical and social science workers with ideals and aspirations should be at the forefront of the tide of the times, through the changes of the past and the present, and the pioneers of thought, actively expound on the study and make suggestions and suggestions for the party and the people, and undertake the glorious mission entrusted by history.

"Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a life for the people, continue to learn for the saints, and open peace for all generations" comes from the Northern Song Dynasty thinker, educator, and physicist Zhang Zai's "Hengqu Quotations", which Mr. Feng Youlan called "Hengqu Four Sentences". The national hero Wen Tianxiang, the Qing Dynasty minister Zeng Guofan, the Chinese Communist Li Dazhao, and the great man Mao Zedong have all borrowed these four sentences to express their determination and feelings. Philosophical and social science workers in the new era should continue the aspirations of the "Four Sentences of Hengqu", achieve a clear direction, true doctrine, high learning, and righteous morality, consciously take answering the questions of China, the world, the people, and the times as their academic responsibility, and take highlighting China's road, China's governance, and China's principles as their ideological pursuit. Under the new situation, cyberspace has become a new space for people's production and life, and it should become a new space for our party to build consensus. Taking the Internet as the field, the comments as the plowshare, the preaching, the confusion, the enlightenment, and the nourishment of the heart are the effective ways to explain the principles of China. In recent years, the social science community in Hubei Province has taken the competition as the medium and the pen as the plowshare, closely followed the theme of the times, focused on the power of online commentary, grasped the law of development, conveyed the mainstream value in the changes of China, the world, the times and history, and gathered the ideological strength of unity and progress. The author takes the phenomenon of Hubei online reviews as a mirror and talks about the experience of cultivating online reviews.

Create a "rational sound of Jingchu" and see the truth power of social science. Every time the party's theoretical innovation takes a step forward, the theoretical armament must follow suit. Hubei Province adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply studies and implements Xi spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, focuses on arming the whole party and educating the people with the party's innovative theories, grasps the Xi of theory in an all-round way, and summarizes and forms a system of "ideological leadership and Xi first"; To "comment" friends, talk about the style of social sciences, to "discuss" to convince people, cohesion of development forces. Hubei social science circles keep up with current political hotspots, based on early and fast, and do a good job of popular interpretation, contemporary expression, and interactive communication for netizens, so as to enhance the audience's political, ideological, theoretical, and emotional identity, and show a richer "theoretical Hubei", "academic Hubei" and "social science Hubei".

People's stories, expert perspectives. Jointly sponsored by the Hubei Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, Hubei Radio and Television Station, and the Internet Information Office of the Provincial Party Committee, Hubei TV Comprehensive Channel and Changjiang Cloud jointly launched a series of theoretical story programs "This Reason", which explores the "reason" in the hearts of every ordinary person from the perspective of social science experts, opens up the "last mile" of the party's innovative theoretical armament, and promotes new ideas and new theories to "fly into the homes of ordinary people". Since its launch in July 2020, 84 episodes have been launched, ranking first in the same period in Hubei Province in terms of ratings, and social influence and brand attention have continued to rise. (Hubei Daily) has successively launched key theoretical comment columns such as "Li Xiang Jingchu", "Learning Ideas and Starting a New Journey", "Theory Connects the "Reason" Stick", "Social Science Popularization Looks at Hubei", "Ming Body, Practice, and Penetration-In-depth Study Xi and Implementation of Xi Jinping Cultural Thought", "Reason and Sentence" and other key theoretical comment columns. Led by academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Jingchu social science experts, and university presidents, they are striving to be the party's leaders in innovation theory, which has attracted widespread attention. (Hubei Daily) also cooperated with the School of Marxism of Huazhong Agricultural University to launch the column "Intensive Reading and Intensive Speaking" to study the party's innovative theories together, and convert "learning words and languages" into "people's words and words", so that the people can understand, use and be effective, and send the party's innovative theories to ordinary people's homes. Jointly with the School of Economics and Management of Huazhong Agricultural University, the "Red Mentor Thought Report" column was launched, breaking the stereotype of people in the past for the "Thought Report" to copy on the Internet, telling in the first person of students, seeing people and things, "Red Tutor" comments, guiding thoughts, conduct, Xi guiding learning, guiding planning, and guiding employment, from the bit by bit story, together to taste the taste of truth, feel the power of faith, and listen to the call of ideals.

Write about the "first-line new 'Jing' color" and see the emotional power of social science. Online evaluation work is political work, the standing position should be high, the thinking should be new, the clear stand on politics, the right to do ideological and political work is the last word, and mastering and being good at using scientific thinking methods is real effort. The online evaluation work is the work of the masses, the masses are online, the online evaluation must keep up, the landing point must be realistic, the style must be correct, the solution of real problems should be taken as a foothold, and the real solution of problems should be taken as the foothold.

Good online reviews are often stained with mud, dewdrops, and steaming. Since 2023, (Hubei has launched the on-site research online review column of "First-line New "Jing" Color", breaking the writing method of "sitting and discussing" of comment works, going to the front-line research and thinking about comments, aiming the lens and pen at the "first-line", going to the people to see the new changes in Jingchu. This is a concrete embodiment of the online evaluation work standing in a "high position" and sinking in a "practical place".

The 12th Party Congress of Hubei Province made important arrangements to extensively carry out the practical activities of party members and cadres to "go to the grassroots level, investigate the people's feelings, solve people's worries, and warm the hearts of the people" ("the three people"), and extensively carry out the joint creation of a better environment and a happy life. Focusing on the deployment of the Provincial Party Committee, he successively participated in the "Walking the Line and Exploring Changes" activity with the theme of "Beautiful Countryside and Co-creation" of the Jingchu People's Livelihood Observation Group, went to Gong'an County to visit Mahaokou Town to promote the construction of Hemei Village with comprehensive land renovation of the whole region, and walked into the service area and toll station of Hubei Expressway to carry out the lecture of "Taking the Mass Route in the New Era and Serving the Masses for a Better Trip". Visiting, visiting, and discussing all the way, I was very inspired and instructive, and I had some new insights and thoughts on the "three people" and "co-creation", and successively wrote "Looking for the "Source of Living Water" and "Insightful"", "Taking Root at the Grassroots Level to Warm the People's Hearts", "Co-creating" Value Purpose and Practical Direction", "Co-creation to Make the Countryside More Harmonious" and other online review articles, and made a video of the scholar "Grassroots Research" is more "into" and "heart", in order to grasp the "golden key" of rural revitalization". These online evaluation works were awarded the provincial "Network Publicity Good Works Award".

Create "the most beautiful social science people" and see the personality power of social science. On the afternoon of November 20, 2023, the release ceremony of the "3rd Most Beautiful Social Science Person" hosted by the Hubei Provincial Federation of Social Sciences was successfully held, and 10 social science workers won the title of "The Most Beautiful Social Science Person". The most beautiful stories of 10 social scientists are shining and moving, reflecting a kind of personality strength that strengthens people's hearts. From the award speech released, we read the great appeal of the spiritual character and personality charm of "the most beautiful social science person". Wang Xi Gen "is people-oriented, takes the law as a tool, and drums and shouts for the practice of human rights in Chinese, and the safety, dignity and well-being of the people are the most affectionate watch"; Tian Chuanmao "alchemy in the sea of literature, carving ancient rhymes of words, shaping poetry, crossing the long laws of language, empowering students, Chengmu International, translating Jing Chu poetry, and feeling Chinese and Western", they expressed "the most beautiful determination": to spread the voice of China to the world! "Happy archaeologist" Meng Huaping "ploughed the spring and autumn, explored the auspicious light and feathers, traced the roots and traced back to the roots, Consolidate cultural self-confidence, to the vast and subtle, and those who are committed to the field, God rewards themselves for their diligence"; at the age of 92, Rong is enlightened and "the day arches and dies, studies and reason, and 50 works are equal to the body, linking the ideological tracks, and more than half a century, the sail does not fall, and the pine is vigorous"; Wang Yuchen "establishes a philosophical fulcrum, breaks the ecological proposition, immerses himself in the boundaries of learning, and makes Rio Tinto Ma Zhe, takes care of reality, and solves the crux of the times." They show "the most beautiful persistence": the degree of time to explore the truth! Du Shizhong "takes root and shapes the soul, ties it to the heart, institutionalizes moral education, Guo Guoxiang "is on the grand axis of Marxism, writes the local footnotes of Sinicization, is well versed in party history and political theory, innovates classroom teaching and Xi, paves the way for people to be the first, and forges ideological and political highlands." They have inspired "the most beautiful power": use innovative ideas to cultivate talents for the country! Li Li "is not confined to the podium, walks in the classroom, the grassroots ends, every way, women and children are warm and cold, worried about the stomach, and a sense of social learning, Li Jianzhong "traveled to the Chinese Yuan Dynasty, rooted in general education and aesthetic education, Kunpeng has dreams, loves all his life, Qiji chases the light, and the mission of 'Sanqi' is the rule, and the pearls and sentences are embellished with humanistic rulers, and the teacher's heart is scorching, and the candle shines on the Luojia character", they conveyed the "most beautiful touch": to care for and educate people with the burning teacher's heart! Zhang Anlu "knows the difficulties of the crops, worries about the people's national foundation, studies the questions of people and land, suggests the replacement of social conditions, and resides in the countryside and turns the fields into gold", interpreting the "most beautiful inheritance" : Embrace the peach and plum world and dedicate the motherland!

Shouldering the mission, Bacon casts the soul and educates people, moistens Jingchu, enlightens wisdom and nourishes people. Since the opening of the first "Most Beautiful Social Science Person" selection and publicity activity in 2019, 31 social science workers have won the honorary title of "The Most Beautiful Social Science Person", which effectively strengthens the political guidance and spiritual encouragement of the majority of social science workers, fully stimulates the sense of honor, pride and responsibility of the majority of social science workers, guides the majority of social science workers to achieve self and realize their value in standing up for the motherland and the people, and gathers the majestic force of building a strong province in social sciences and promoting the high-quality development of Hubei.

Literature carries the Tao, literature transforms people, and literature educates people, lighting up the starlight of Jingchu and seeing the power of social science. As philosophical and social science workers, we should take on the cultural mission of the new era, give full play to the vanguard and vanguard role of online commentary and public opinion guidance, tell the story of social science in the new era, show the new culture of Hubei, and gather the positive energy of unity and struggle for Hubei to build a pioneer area and write a new chapter.

East Lake Commentary: Use your feet to walk out of knowledge and light up the starlight of Jingchu

Source: Jingchu Network (Hubei Daily)

Author: Cheng Huadong (Secretary of the Party Committee and Professor, College of Marxism, Huazhong Agricultural University, Director of Hubei Provincial Social Science Popularization Base (Huazhong Agricultural University))

Editor-in-charge: Wang Shuxian