
Former Miss Asia runner-up Li Shuxian passed away, and the painful review of marriage rumors and her husband's many cheating

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Former Miss Asia runner-up Li Shuxian passed away, and the painful review of marriage rumors and her husband's many cheating

On December 26, the entertainment industry once again came with heart-wrenching farewell news, 46-year-old actress Li Shuxian ended her life by committing suicide with charcoal, and her death left her four sons without their mothers. This sad news is deeply regrettable, despite the radiant image in the movie, the actress who once shined in "Crazy Boy" has endured long-term mental stress and depression in reality. The family revealed that her mental illness had once put her life in jeopardy, and despite long-term treatment, she eventually chose to end her life by suicide. This sudden death is regrettable, and it also provokes people to think deeply about people with depression.

Former Miss Asia runner-up Li Shuxian passed away, and the painful review of marriage rumors and her husband's many cheating
Former Miss Asia runner-up Li Shuxian passed away, and the painful review of marriage rumors and her husband's many cheating

The family's unspeakable

Regarding the details of Lai's death, the family did not reveal much. The family only mentioned that she was celebrating the holiday with her family the day before she died, and did not show any signs of anything out of the ordinary. However, Lai's husband received a text message from her early in the morning on the day of his death, with only the words "goodbye in the next life" on the text message, as if it was a cold omen, announcing an irreparable separation. This is undoubtedly a huge blow to her family, especially for the four young children, who will be faced with an unanswerable question: Why did Mom leave us?

Former Miss Asia runner-up Li Shuxian passed away, and the painful review of marriage rumors and her husband's many cheating

Suffering from the multiple dilemmas of depression

Behind Lai's death is a painful story that lasted for 20 years, a place of mind plagued by depression. The family revealed that she had suffered from severe depression for a long time and needed to go to the hospital regularly for treatment. This mental illness has been a good and bad one, and it seems to have always been an insurmountable obstacle in her life. Depression was like an invisible shackle that bound her tightly to the darkness and tormented her inside. Perhaps it was this psychological distress that finally led her to choose an extreme way to end her life.

Former Miss Asia runner-up Li Shuxian passed away, and the painful review of marriage rumors and her husband's many cheating

Tortuous marriage: struggle and helplessness

Lai's life history also contains the twists and turns of marriage. She had a marriage to the famous actor Lu Huiguang, but the marriage only lasted for 8 years, ending in 2006, leaving behind two sons. In 2007, she chose to remarry and married doctor Xu Zhizheng, with whom she had two sons and formed a family. However, Hong Kong media reports revealed that her second marriage was not happy. In 2012, when she gave birth to her fourth son, a series of photos of her husband's cheating on her exposed shocked the world. The twists and turns of this marriage have become another source of spiritual pain for Lai, and they have also added more trouble to her psychological predicament.

Former Miss Asia runner-up Li Shuxian passed away, and the painful review of marriage rumors and her husband's many cheating

The silence of social media: a cry for help from the heart

Lai Shuxian showed her happy side on social media and shared countless sweet moments with her husband on public platforms. However, since last year, she has not shared photos of the husband and wife on her social accounts, nor has she mentioned her husband's dynamics. It seems that she is conveying her feelings of disappointment in her marriage and life through social media, while showing her deep inner pain. Lai Shuxian may have sensed the breakdown of her relationship, but she chose to remain silent in front of the public and hide her thoughts in the virtual world.

Former Miss Asia runner-up Li Shuxian passed away, and the painful review of marriage rumors and her husband's many cheating

Resonant Pathos: A Similar Fate to Coco Lee

Lai's death is reminiscent of the unfortunate fate of another woman in the entertainment industry - Coco Lee. Both women suffered from unhappy marriages and depression, and finally chose an irreparable path. Needless to say, there are heartbreakingly similar experiences between them. Unhappy marriages, ongoing disappointment, and being deceived may be the root causes of these two female stars' final choice to end their lives. Perhaps they are looking for a way to liberation, and ending their lives has become their last choice#Headline Creation Challenge#

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