
Domestic mobile phones have entered the satellite era! CCTV officially announced the glory Magic6 satellite communication function

Domestic mobile phones have entered the satellite era! CCTV officially announced the glory Magic6 satellite communication function

Fast Technology News on December 27, today, CCTV News released a video, officially announced the satellite communication function of the Glory Magic6 series, and said that the satellite era of domestic mobile phones has quietly arrived.

Domestic mobile phones have entered the satellite era! CCTV officially announced the glory Magic6 satellite communication function

Honor CEO Zhao Ming said in the video that China's 5G network coverage is already the best in the world, but even so, there are a large number of areas in China that cannot be covered by mobile communication means.

Satellite communication is the best solution, basically more than 99% of the country's land area, can be covered by satellite communication.

Domestic mobile phones have entered the satellite era! CCTV officially announced the glory Magic6 satellite communication function

Honor has also worked with domestic partners to rebuild the solution of satellite communication chips and systems, so as to achieve miniaturization and low power consumption.

After verification on the phone, Honor will also share satellite communication solutions, hoping to have more brands to support it in a wider range.

Domestic mobile phones have entered the satellite era! CCTV officially announced the glory Magic6 satellite communication function

CCTV said that in 2024, more and more mobile phones will have satellite communication capabilities. Satellite communications will play an important role in areas that are difficult to reach by 4G and 5G networks, such as deserts and mountains.

Domestic mobile phones have entered the satellite era! CCTV officially announced the glory Magic6 satellite communication function

2024 will also be the first year of direct satellite mobile phone applications, and mobile satellite communication will open a new chapter from China.

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