
General Chinese medicine does not dare to use it, 1 flavor "rare and important Chinese medicine to calm the nerves"

author:Dr. Hu of Chinese Medicine

Today I will first analyze an interesting case with you, this is an old Chinese medicine doctor with a name of Hu has treated, to say that this problem is not complicated, professional Chinese medicine can basically see the right symptoms, but it uses a rare Chinese medicine, which may be rarely heard of now.

The patient is a male military cadre, who is not very old, is young and middle-aged, but he has had abnormalities in liver enlargement and liver function, but it does not affect his life much.

General Chinese medicine does not dare to use it, 1 flavor "rare and important Chinese medicine to calm the nerves"

However, in the past six months, there has been a sleep disorder: a particularly irritable temperament and difficulty falling asleep.

In addition, he also seems to have some mental problems, and his family members sometimes talk to themselves or even incoherently, and they feel that they are sometimes cranky and delusional;

There are also some typical symptoms, that is, bitter mouth, desire to drink cold drinks, headache and dizziness, frequent vomiting, although the stool is formed, once or twice a day, but the pulse is strong, and the tongue coating is yellow and greasy;

Experienced readers may have felt that the key problem of this patient is in the liver and gallbladder, the previous liver disease is definitely not cured, and the sequelae of the hepatobiliary system are infected with new evils.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the number of pulses and strings generally indicates that the liver and gallbladder qi are depressed (string pulse), and there is heat in the body (pulse number, that is, the pulse rate is fast), plus the tongue coating is yellow and greasy, and you want to drink cold drinks, the tongue coating is generally hot and evil, and the greasy tongue indicates that the digestion of the fluid is not good, which may be a problem with the spleen and stomach, or it may be the influence of the liver and gallbladder or other problems, here it should be the influence of the liver and gallbladder on the spleen and stomach.

General Chinese medicine does not dare to use it, 1 flavor "rare and important Chinese medicine to calm the nerves"

From the perspective of symptoms, bitter mouth, mental problems, headaches, dizziness, and nausea are mostly liver and gallbladder problems, especially the problems of biliary meridian and lack of yang, which also affect the spleen and stomach system.

The old Chinese medicine doctor comprehensively dialectically thought that this patient was upset and uneasy and needed to reconcile Shaoyang, and at the same time it was compatible with some traditional Chinese medicine to calm the nerves, so he used Bupleurum plus keel oyster soup to add or subtract:

Bupleurum, raw keel, raw oysters, skullcap, banxia, codonopsis, cinnamon branches, ginger, poria cocos, rhubarb, jujube, pig iron

Here Bupleurum, Skullcap, dredge the liver and gallbladder, reconcile Shaoyang, Banxia, Codonopsis, Poria cocos reconcile the spleen and stomach metabolism, keel, oyster is commonly used to calm the nerve and the liver combination, the medicinal materials are heavier, so the dosage is also large, in addition, although the stool is normal, but the tongue coating is yellow and greasy, there is heat and phlegm dampness, and the rhubarb is also used to pass through and diarrhea, and give the evil qi a way out.

The main nervous system of the liver, the original recipe of the oyster soup with the keel of Chai Hu, there is a lead pill to calm the nerves, but the lead pill is estimated that no Chinese medicine dares to use it, so it is replaced with pig iron: the pig iron falls into the pig iron calcined to red red, and the iron filings that are hammered off when the outer layer is oxidized, and the iron is laid down when the calcined iron is taken, and the coal and soil impurities are removed, washed, dried, or quenched with vinegar after calcining.

General Chinese medicine does not dare to use it, 1 flavor "rare and important Chinese medicine to calm the nerves"

Pig iron can also cure mental madness, irritability, insomnia, but unfortunately this medicine is very special, and the same as the hearth soil, it is estimated that there is no Chinese medicine to use.

After the three pairs of drugs, the patient was significantly calmed, his sleep and spirit gradually improved, and the subsequent addition, subtraction and subtraction insisted on conditioning, and finally the symptoms were completely eliminated and the treatment was successful.

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