
The "biggest scam" in the clothing industry, Heilan House does not make money by selling clothes at all

author:Wine painted on the piano

Title: Exposing the "biggest scam" in the clothing industry: Heilan House does not make money by selling clothes!

The "biggest scam" in the clothing industry, Heilan House does not make money by selling clothes at all

Everyone may have heard of Hailan House, a clothing brand, but have you ever wondered how it survived the fierce market competition? The amazing truth has finally been revealed, it turns out that Hailan House does not rely on selling clothes to make money!

In this era full of fashion trends, everyone pursues to wear new fashion styles, and Heilan House seems to have seized this demand point and launched a variety of exquisite clothing. However, this is only a façade.

In fact, after an in-depth investigation, we found that Heilan House had implemented a perfect set of "scams". They excel at using AI recommendation algorithms to keep you highly dependent on them when shopping, but divert real profits to other areas. Their careful calculations are not only amazing, but also surprising.

The "biggest scam" in the clothing industry, Heilan House does not make money by selling clothes at all

The shocking promotions and discounts you see on e-commerce platforms are actually deliberate tricks. They will sacrifice a part of their profits through "price wars" to attract popularity at certain times, but they are only to attract traffic. Once you're attracted by their low prices, and then you've already put an item in your shopping cart at Heilan House, that's when their real plans will be revealed.

Through accurate AI recommendation algorithms, they will make personalized recommendations based on your shopping Xi, browsing history, and guide you to buy other high-margin products. So, when you pay, you may have purchased far more than you originally intended and you may not realize it.

What's even more shocking is that in fact, Heilan House makes very little profit just by selling clothes. They have transferred more funds to overseas investment, real estate, financial markets and other fields. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Heilan House is the "biggest scam" in the clothing industry!

The "biggest scam" in the clothing industry, Heilan House does not make money by selling clothes at all

Whether it's merchants or consumers, we will be amazed when we see this scene. Buying clothes from Heilan House is not only buying a stylish coat, but also supporting a business that makes a living from scammers. Therefore, we call on everyone to enhance the awareness of consumers, treat shopping behavior rationally, and not be deceived by rhetoric.

In conclusion, this investigation reveals the "biggest scam" behind Heilan House. Let's call for a more transparent and honest consumption environment, stay away from these "scams", and protect our wallets and trust!

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