
Where is the true value of life? The inspiration behind the plunge of 360,000 graduate students

author:The muse stage for inspiration
Where is the true value of life? The inspiration behind the plunge of 360,000 graduate students
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At the beginning of the new year, we embark on a new dream journey, however, the craze for postgraduate entrance examinations has weakened, and our life choices have shown a trend of diversification. This change may be the rise of young people's rational mentality, and it is also a more profound pursuit of a colorful life.

Where is the true value of life? The inspiration behind the plunge of 360,000 graduate students

In 2023, the number of candidates for the national master's degree program dropped to 4.38 million for the first time, in stark contrast to the spurt increase in the number of applicants for the national civil service examination, exceeding 500,000.

This phenomenon raises deep questions: Are young people beginning to look more rationally about their life choices, and are they willing to try more possibilities in life instead of taking graduate school or civil service as the only sign of success?

Where is the true value of life? The inspiration behind the plunge of 360,000 graduate students

In this age of choice, we are like a group of musicians, each playing their own song of choice. This symphony is called "The Melody of Life".

However, this is not a solitary solo, but a masterpiece played by everyone. Let's listen to the prelude to this song of choice and feel the enchanting melody.

Where is the true value of life? The inspiration behind the plunge of 360,000 graduate students

"Life is a vast adventure, and every path leaves a deep footprint. But remember, real life doesn't just start at a specific moment. The value of your life should not be judged by others, but through your experiences and realizations. This sentence may be able to evoke courage in our life choices.

Where is the true value of life? The inspiration behind the plunge of 360,000 graduate students

Everyone is the director and star of their own life, not a passive audience. Choosing to go to graduate school and choosing a civil servant is just a possibility in life, not a necessary path.

In this era of multiple choices, we need to learn to take responsibility for our own lives, try various possibilities, and then release them in time. No matter which path you choose, you must have the courage to feel more of the scenery of life, learn to accept and let go.

Where is the true value of life? The inspiration behind the plunge of 360,000 graduate students

The meaning of life is not what kind of career you choose, but whether you dare to face yourself truthfully and not be disturbed by the outside world. The shore is not out of reach, it is in every moment of our lives.

When basic needs are met, it is the shore, when the thirst is quenched, a sip of water is the shore, and when the disease strikes, every day to meet the recovery is a new shore to overcome the difficulties.

Where is the true value of life? The inspiration behind the plunge of 360,000 graduate students

In the pursuit of success, we need to keep an open mindset. Whether it is setbacks or successes, they are just a little bit of starlight in the course of life. Life is short for more than 30,000 days, we must dare to broaden our horizons, experience life, and embrace joy. Every choice is a unique experience in life and is irreplaceable.

Fate is not inevitable, and we don't need to worry too much about rewriting the regrets of the past. Everyone has a unique life path, and the key is to be able to face yourself authentically and not be swayed by the outside world. The joy of life lies not only in the experience of life, but also in being able to live life in your own way.

Where is the true value of life? The inspiration behind the plunge of 360,000 graduate students

May we find our own spiritual terroir in this vast world. No matter how difficult it is, as long as we keep our original intention and move forward bravely, we will be able to find our own glorious shore on the journey of life! Let us play the symphony of life together and feel the colorful melody of choice.

Your life, your way. Which melody will you choose in this song of choice? Share your story and let's explore the diversity of life together. Leave your comments to make this symphony even more colorful!

Where is the true value of life? The inspiration behind the plunge of 360,000 graduate students

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