
Before Zhou Haimei's death, the dog had an omen, and the inheritance was all given to her mother, and in the end, it was her sister and brother


Let's talk about an embarrassing news today - Zhou Haimei passed away. This TV drama actress who was once popular all over the world was known for being low-key during her lifetime, and her departure was also not too noisy. Did you know that she has always been very protective of her private life, and now people are starting to wonder what she left behind of a person who loves a quiet life?

Before Zhou Haimei's death, the dog had an omen, and the inheritance was all given to her mother, and in the end, it was her sister and brother

Let's start with an interesting vignette. Zhou Haimei has a dog at home, and it is said that before and after her death, this little thing, which was usually very well-behaved, showed some abnormal behavior. It ran around the room, as if looking for something. Can anyone tell me if it's a coincidence or a sensitivity peculiar to animals? or... Don't worry, we're not in a hurry to give an answer.

Before Zhou Haimei's death, the dog had an omen, and the inheritance was all given to her mother, and in the end, it was her sister and brother

Let's go back to Zhou Haimei herself. She doesn't mean to flaunt her accomplishments and possessions. On the contrary, on weekdays, she is as simple and simple as the aunt next door. So the question is: what kind of inheritance will she have in such a low-key way? Will she follow the traditional route and put family affection first? Or will there be other more personalized and special arrangements?

Before Zhou Haimei's death, the dog had an omen, and the inheritance was all given to her mother, and in the end, it was her sister and brother

We may never know all the answers to these questions – after all, private matters are private matters. But when the leaves returned to their roots, we also heard that Chow Haimei's ashes would be brought back to Hong Kong for interment. It seems that no matter what, there is always a place in the depths of the soul that is concerned and missed.

Before Zhou Haimei's death, the dog had an omen, and the inheritance was all given to her mother, and in the end, it was her sister and brother

As for the hat – yes, it is considered hoodoo by some superstitious people – I would like to ask you: is there such a thing, or is it just a natural reaction to attempts to understand the unknown?

Before Zhou Haimei's death, the dog had an omen, and the inheritance was all given to her mother, and in the end, it was her sister and brother

I'll make my point here: while it's important to keep an open mind about unsolved mysteries and the paranormal, it's important to think rationally. Don't forget, it's much more reliable to be sober-minded in any case than to blindly believe rumors.

Finally, please allow me to pay tribute to Zhou Haimei, who has left us, with a relaxed and cheerful attitude. Although the style is different, the structure is novel and unique, the content is rich and colorful, and the point of view is clear and simple...... But there is only one ultimate goal: to remember and remember the name that once shined in an era - Zhou Haimei.

Let's talk about it today! I hope I can share this emotion and reflection with you when you have a moment of leisure. May the departed rest in peace, and we who are alive continue to feel each day with our hearts.

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in this article are from the Internet, and the purpose of this article is to promote social righteousness, and there is absolutely no vulgarity. If there are any questions about your work in the article, we will delete them in the shortest possible time!

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