
Astronauts can't snore, even hiccups are technical work, and the energy breakfast will reveal the secret for you


I believe that many people have a dream of astronautship, dreaming of being like an astronaut, wearing a majestic spacesuit, taking the majestic Shenzhou spacecraft straight into the sky and flying to the dark blue mysterious starry sky.

Astronauts can't snore, even hiccups are technical work, and the energy breakfast will reveal the secret for you

But the dream is full, the reality is skinny.

Do you know how strict the selection criteria for astronauts are?

Must not be more than 1.75 meters tall and weigh less than 80 kilograms. Age 20-45 years old, can not suffer from color blindness, can not snoring.

Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degree in engineering, physics, biology or mathematics;

Strong physique, high endurance and adaptability, etc.

Astronauts can't snore, even hiccups are technical work, and the energy breakfast will reveal the secret for you

It is easy to understand that there are restrictions on height and weight, because the space of our Shenzhou spacecraft is limited, and we have to make more space for spacecraft, so astronauts naturally cannot be too tall.

Keeping your weight and height within a certain range will also reduce unnecessary loads on the ship.

And from a physiological point of view, the spine of a shorter person will be more able to bear the huge impact of the spacecraft when it lifts off or lands.

Astronauts can't snore, even hiccups are technical work, and the energy breakfast will reveal the secret for you

The reason why astronauts are required to obtain bachelor's, master's or doctoral degrees in engineering, physics, biology or mathematics is because manned spaceflight is a highly integrated technology, and astronauts have to do not only simply fly into space, but also complete related tasks and experiments.

Especially with the completion of the Tiangong space station on the mainland, the requirements for astronauts are getting higher and higher.

At least one foreign language is mastered, and it is easy to understand if he is physically strong, but there is one item that surprised netizens, that is, he can't snore.

Astronauts can't snore, even hiccups are technical work, and the energy breakfast will reveal the secret for you

Many netizens don't understand why there is a requirement that astronauts cannot snore. What happens to astronauts when they snore, does it affect their teammates' sleep?

In fact, netizens' guesses are a little right, snoring will indeed affect the sleep quality of teammates.

It is said that eating and sleeping well can be great, and the astronauts themselves have heavy work tasks, and the complex space environment will also have some bad effects on the astronauts' bodies.

If the astronauts' sleep can no longer be guaranteed at this time, how can the astronauts be full of energy to work?

In addition, the main factor is that people who snore are prone to the risk of suffocation caused by apnea during sleep.

This is a very dangerous thing for astronauts stationed on the space station.

Therefore, when astronauts are selected, they will deliberately add that they cannot snore.

Astronauts can't snore, even hiccups are technical work, and the energy breakfast will reveal the secret for you

In addition to snoring, even an ordinary hiccup behavior for us is very dangerous for astronauts.

Because space is a weightless environment, burping there is likely to cause undigested food in the stomach to gush out along with the gas.

At that time, it will not only pollute the environment of the space station, but may also cause damage to all kinds of precision equipment of the space station.

At the same time, once the gas and food are not completely discharged and blocked in the astronaut's trachea, it will also pose a certain threat to the life safety of the astronaut.

In order to avoid hiccups, all the things at the entrance of the astronauts are carefully screened.

Foods and beverages that cause hiccups, such as carbonated drinks and beer, are strictly prohibited.

Astronauts can't snore, even hiccups are technical work, and the energy breakfast will reveal the secret for you

Not only that, but the astronauts' other diets are equally harsh. The dietitians are proportioned according to the individual's physical fitness, and the vegetables in the food are also produced by a special green vegetable planting base.

Here we have to mention the astronaut energy breakfast, which is also a food eaten by astronauts.

It was developed by the China Astronaut Research and Training Center, and was originally mainly used for astronauts who accidentally lost contact with ground personnel during special circumstances or on the way back and needed to live alone for a period of time.

During that time, the astronaut energy breakfast can provide the astronauts with the energy and nutrition needs for the day.

Astronauts can't snore, even hiccups are technical work, and the energy breakfast will reveal the secret for you

The astronaut energy breakfast can also quickly replenish the energy of the astronaut's body, improve the astronaut's physical endurance, and provide energy for their body for 6 hours.

As an aerospace food, astronauts' energy breakfast is also made of exquisite ingredients.

Made with imported oats, imported whey protein and pure cocoa butter.

Oats are rich in dietary fiber, which can not only promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, but also stabilize blood sugar and maintain metabolism.

Astronauts can't snore, even hiccups are technical work, and the energy breakfast will reveal the secret for you

And whey protein, as a high-quality protein extracted from milk, has always been known as the king of proteins.

Not only is it rich in nutrients and a variety of active substances, but it also promotes muscle growth and recovery, making it ideal for fitness enthusiasts.

Pure cocoa butter makes the astronaut energy breakfast taste more mellow and sweet.

The astronaut energy breakfast is not only nutritious, but also follows the aerospace hygiene requirements far higher than the national food industry standard, achieving 0 trans fatty acids, 0 preservatives, and 0 sucrose, which has little burden on the body.

Astronauts can't snore, even hiccups are technical work, and the energy breakfast will reveal the secret for you

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