
What to do with mouth ulcers? Try 3 kinds of "fire reduction artifacts", which will be effective in a week and help you easily reduce fire!

author:Kangsir medical science

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In an ordinary residential building in Beijing, Chen Wei, an ordinary bank clerk, woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare.

What to do with mouth ulcers? Try 3 kinds of "fire reduction artifacts", which will be effective in a week and help you easily reduce fire!

In the dream, he was told that he was suffering from a serious terminal illness that made him sweat profusely and his heart racing.

Although it was just a dream, Chen Wei felt faintly uneasy in his heart, after all, he had been feeling mouth sores a lot recently, and it had never improved.

The next day, he decided to go to the hospital for a full check-up. In the waiting area of the hospital, Chen Wei heard two elderly people discussing: "Do you know, mouth sores are actually very annoying, and I heard that there are several 'fire reduction artifacts' that can be quickly relieved. ”

What to do with mouth ulcers? Try 3 kinds of "fire reduction artifacts", which will be effective in a week and help you easily reduce fire!

"Oh, yes? I've been bothered by canker sores for a long time. Another old man replied with interest.

After hearing this, Chen Wei's heart moved and he decided to ask the doctor if this was true. Luckily, his check-up results showed that he was in good physical condition, just that he needed to pay attention to his oral hygiene and diet.

What to do with mouth ulcers? Try 3 kinds of "fire reduction artifacts", which will be effective in a week and help you easily reduce fire!

In the Department of Dentistry, Chen Wei met Dr. Li, a young and professional doctor. Chen Wei told Dr. Li what he had heard in the waiting room about the "Fire Reduction Artifact" and asked if it really worked.

Dr. Li replied with a smile: "Mr. Chen, canker sores do bring inconvenience to life, and sometimes they are indeed related to excessive 'fire' in the body.

What to do with mouth ulcers? Try 3 kinds of "fire reduction artifacts", which will be effective in a week and help you easily reduce fire!

There are three simple ways to help relieve canker sores, which are also known by many as 'fire magic weapons'. ”

Dr. Lee went on to explain, "The first is honeysuckle tea, which has a heat-clearing and detoxifying effect and is very effective in relieving mouth ulcers. The second is honey, which moistens the throat and relieves pain and promotes the healing of ulcers.

Finally, eating more fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in vitamin C, can strengthen the body's resistance and also help with the recovery of mouth sores. ”

What to do with mouth ulcers? Try 3 kinds of "fire reduction artifacts", which will be effective in a week and help you easily reduce fire!

After hearing this, Chen Wei was overjoyed and decided to try it as soon as he went home. Following Dr. Lee's advice, he started drinking honeysuckle tea every day, smearing the ulcers with honey, and increasing his intake of fruits and vegetables.

Unsurprisingly, a week later, his mouth sores improved significantly. Chen Wei was very pleasantly surprised, he originally just had the mentality of trying it out, but he didn't expect the effect to be so obvious.

What to do with mouth ulcers? Try 3 kinds of "fire reduction artifacts", which will be effective in a week and help you easily reduce fire!

This experience made Chen Wei realize that many daily minor ailments can actually be alleviated in a simple and natural way.

He decided to pay more attention to the details of life in the future, maintain a healthy diet and Xi.

This story teaches us that for common minor ailments, such as canker sores, we can treat them in some simple and natural ways. These methods are economical and effective, and there is no need to worry about side effects.

What to do with mouth ulcers? Try 3 kinds of "fire reduction artifacts", which will be effective in a week and help you easily reduce fire!


But here's the question: since it's mentioned to treat ailments through small methods in everyday life, how can they alleviate eye strain for those who often face computer work?

It is very important for people who are in front of the computer for a long time to relieve eye strain.

First of all, maintaining a correct sitting posture can reduce the strain on your eyes. Secondly, for every hour of work, you should let your eyes rest for 10 minutes, and you can look out or do eye exercises.

In addition, increase the intake of foods rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, such as carrots, tomatoes, etc., which are very helpful in protecting eyesight.

You can also use some eye drops to relieve dry eyes and eye strain. Through these small daily methods, you can effectively relieve eye strain caused by prolonged computer use.

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Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!