
I'm sorry, the golden sign of "Hollywood blockbuster" was destroyed by them

author:School to read history

One day, Uncle Zhang sat at home and looked through an old photo collection. When he turned to the box office data of Chinese films in the 1990s, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion - at that time, the Chinese film market was at a low point, the number of domestic films was limited, and the box office revenue was negligible.

At that time, the movie theater was empty, and except for a few elderly people and students, few people went out of their way to watch movies.

I'm sorry, the golden sign of "Hollywood blockbuster" was destroyed by them

At this critical moment, a number of Hollywood blockbusters came into being, bringing hope to the ailing Chinese film industry. Uncle Zhang still clearly remembers that when James Cameron's "True Lies" was introduced to China, it set off a wave of craze, and countless audiences poured into the cinema, and there were many cases where they couldn't even buy tickets.

This also indicates that the Chinese film market is about to be awakened by the east wind of Hollywood and enter a golden age of rapid development.

However, this is no longer the case. Uncle Zhang couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the recent box office data of Chinese movies published in the newspaper. Hollywood, which once led the take-off of China's film industry, is now declining, and many blockbusters are dismal at the box office, no longer as sensational as they used to be.

The "savior" of the past has lost its former charm, and the once golden signboard is fading.

I'm sorry, the golden sign of "Hollywood blockbuster" was destroyed by them

Uncle Zhang closed the photo album and felt a lot of emotion in his heart. He always remembers that Hollywood movies once brought spring to the Chinese film industry, and today it is the turn of Chinese films to give back to the world film industry.

Under the care of Hollywood, the Chinese film industry gradually grew up and began to establish its own industrial system. In order for this budding bud to grow into a towering tree, the Chinese government has taken a series of measures, and its relationship with Hollywood has become delicate.

Reporter Xiao Wang still remembers that when he was a child, the Spring Festival file every year was a cruel battlefield for Chinese and American films. One is trying to keep his country in China, and the other is trying to carve up people's ticket warehouses.

Hollywood blockbusters such as "Titanic" and "Avatar" and traditional Chinese kung fu films such as "Wuji" and "Hero" fought for 300 rounds during the Spring Festival.

I'm sorry, the golden sign of "Hollywood blockbuster" was destroyed by them

But after 2010, Xiao Wang found that the situation had changed subtly. The strength of Chinese films is quietly growing, not only dominating in quantity, but also becoming more and more excellent in quality.

As a result, the market share of Hollywood films in China has been eroded year by year. Many Chinese audiences have begun to choose domestic films instead of blindly chasing foreign films. Chinese filmmakers have also shown their vigorous creativity, and every year there are surprise masterpieces that win the championship without foreign films.

Looking at the box office data of domestic films published in the newspaper, Xiao Wang was sincerely happy for the maturity of the Chinese film industry. Chinese films have finally gained a foothold in the competition with Hollywood and found their own place.

In recent years, many people have privately discussed the lack of innovation in Hollywood films. Mr. Li, a screenwriter who has been in the industry for many years, also feels the same way. He found that the plots of many Hollywood blockbusters have long been the same, and all the elements seem to come out of the same production line.

I'm sorry, the golden sign of "Hollywood blockbuster" was destroyed by them

Sci-fi is still sci-fi, action is still action, and even the jokes of comedy are the same clichés.

"There's nothing new about them!" Mr. Li couldn't help but get angry when he was discussing it with his friends.

What makes Mr. Li even more absurd and disgusted is that in recent years, Hollywood movies have taken the opportunity to spread certain ideologies and force personal political positions into the films.

And these things are obviously incompatible with the public aesthetic and make people annoying.

"What the hell are they thinking?" Mr. Li was surprised.

I'm sorry, the golden sign of "Hollywood blockbuster" was destroyed by them

At the same time, the Chinese film market is full of flowers, and there are many masterpieces suitable for all ages. These high-quality domestic films are loved by the public. Mr. Li said that now Chinese audiences are no longer simply kneeling and licking Hollywood, but pay more attention to the quality of domestic films.

"I believe that as long as we Chinese filmmakers continue to work hard and export, we will definitely be able to make Chinese films shine brightly. Mr. Li said.

In this era of change, how should China's film industry continue to move forward? This has become a question for many film workers.

"We have to be rational and sober, we can't rest on our laurels, and we can't see Hollywood as an imaginary enemy. Director Mr. Zhang said that the Chinese film industry should adhere to the path of self-development, starting from improving the quality of films and mining excellent IP, instead of staring at Hollywood all day long.

I'm sorry, the golden sign of "Hollywood blockbuster" was destroyed by them

According to his analysis, China, as the world's second largest film market after the United States, is in a period of rapid growth. The future will usher in greater development opportunities, and Chinese filmmakers should seize this historic opportunity.

"I believe that as long as we deeply cultivate the domestic market and continuously improve the quality of films, we will definitely be able to gain more and more international influence.

Director Zhang's words have been recognized by many people. Chinese filmmakers generally believe that the most important thing in this period is to consolidate the foundation of the domestic market. "In the long run, the international influence of Chinese films must be built on the appeal of domestic audiences.

A veteran film distributor said.

I'm sorry, the golden sign of "Hollywood blockbuster" was destroyed by them

It is foreseeable that China's film industry has a lot to offer, and the future development prospects are broad. In this new era, Chinese films will usher in a new spring!

In this era of change, we should not dwell too much on the glory and splendor of Hollywood's past. Because the wheel of history is constantly moving forward, the times are changing, and life is progressing.

Once upon a time, Hollywood movies were in full swing, with advanced technology and rich plots, bringing a bloody spring to the world film industry. However, all the glorious prosperity will eventually pass, and Hollywood will not escape this fate.

Its increasingly rigid creative model and single political correctness have gradually been abandoned by the world.

At the same time, China's film industry is booming. From toddler to erect

I'm sorry, the golden sign of "Hollywood blockbuster" was destroyed by them

Youth, Chinese filmmakers always have film dreams and continue to work hard. Today, we have the world's second largest film market, and the enthusiasm of Chinese audiences to pay for domestic films is the nourishment for the further growth of Chinese films.

In the future, China's film industry will usher in new development opportunities. We must set sail and let Chinese films shine in the world film industry. One day, maybe we can turn around and bring hope for film dreams to other countries that are lagging behind in film.

Let us continue to contribute to the development of China's film industry with confidence and enthusiasm. I firmly believe that the most glorious era is still ahead!