
Gastroesophageal reflux is nothing more than "phlegm blocking the spleen", and it has to be opened to dissolve phlegm, lower gas and stomach!

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Ji

Hello everyone, I am Dr. Ji, and many friends have left messages asking me to talk about the problem of gastroesophageal reflux!

Gastroesophageal reflux refers to the reflux of gastroduodenal contents into the esophagus, causing symptoms such as acid reflux and heartburn. Reflux can also cause damage to tissues adjacent to the esophagus, such as the mouth, throat, and airway, resulting in extraesophageal manifestations such as asthma, chronic cough, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, hoarseness, pharyngitis, and dental erosion.

Gastroesophageal reflux is nothing more than "phlegm blocking the spleen", and it has to be opened to dissolve phlegm, lower gas and stomach!

There is no such thing as gastroesophageal reflux disease in traditional Chinese medicine, which is the name of Western medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine classifies it into the categories of "acid spitting, chest paralysis, and acid swallowing".

Why is gastroesophageal reflux caused by phlegm blocking the spleen?

There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that "all diseases are caused by phlegm", if the phlegm is in the spleen and stomach, it will cause our digestive system disorders, stomach distension, stomach pain and other problems, if the phlegm is in the throat, we will feel that the phlegm in the throat can not cough up, and the pharynx can not swallow, and will cause plum nuclear gas and other diseases. The spleen and stomach are not separated, so if you want to solve the problem of gastroesophageal reflux, you must find the root cause, and the following is combined with a medical case to analyze:

Gastroesophageal reflux is nothing more than "phlegm blocking the spleen", and it has to be opened to dissolve phlegm, lower gas and stomach!

Sun, female, 56 years old. He was treated for "retrosternal fullness and chest tightness for 1 year".

Medical history: After the retirement of the teaching profession, the patient gradually developed chest tightness and discomfort, recurrent episodes of retrosternal fullness, frequent episodes after meals, chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough and sputum, cough and phlegm, cough and swallowing, frequent belching, no back pain, dry throat and mouth, no wheezing, stomach fullness, acid reflux, poor appetite, normal stool, and mental anxiety. The tongue is pale red, the moss is thin and yellow, and the pulse is smooth.

Ancillary tests: electronic gastroscopy showed chronic superficial gastritis and reflux esophagitis.

Gastroesophageal reflux is nothing more than "phlegm blocking the spleen", and it has to be opened to dissolve phlegm, lower gas and stomach!

Traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis: Qi depression and phlegm obstruction, syndrome differentiation is caused by liver qi stagnation for a long time, qi stagnation and phlegm, and phlegm obstruction in the throat. The treatment should be to open depression and dissolve phlegm, reduce qi and stomach.

I prescribed her prescriptions: Bupleurum, White Peony, Angelica, Atractylodes, Poria Cocos, Ginger, Peppermint, Banxia, Magnolia, Su Ye, Peony Bark, Gardenia, Licorice.

Gastroesophageal reflux is nothing more than "phlegm blocking the spleen", and it has to be opened to dissolve phlegm, lower gas and stomach!

7 doses, one dose per day, decoction in the morning and evening after meals, and instructed to maintain a good mood every day.

Second diagnosis: the patient felt that the chest tightness and discomfort were better than before, the mental state was eased, the pharyngeal obstruction was better than before, the stomach was acceptable, the urine and bowel movements were acceptable, and the sleep quality was still poor. Continue to take it for half a month.

Third diagnosis: the patient is happy to get a grandson, is in a good mood, has a good mental state, has a stomach, belching is reduced, pharyngeal discomfort is improved, sleep is still not good, the original prescription is to peony skin, gardenia, plus acacia flowers, pearl powder to calm the nerves and nourish the skin, continue to take it for 2 months, the patient's symptoms disappear, the complexion is ruddy and shiny, and he is happy.

Gastroesophageal reflux is nothing more than "phlegm blocking the spleen", and it has to be opened to dissolve phlegm, lower gas and stomach!

Taking the theory of "chest paralysis" as the starting point, it is believed that the main pathogenesis of this disease is caused by poor physical and emotional conditions, liver loss of relaxation and discharge, unobstructed qi and organs, long-term stagnation of liver qi, and obstruction of phlegm in the throat. Therefore, the treatment is mainly to open depression and dissolve phlegm, reduce qi and stomach.