
Doctor's reminder: Do these two things well, and the benefits it brings may be no less than exercise

author:Dr. Zeng is a general practitioner of internal medicine

This year's 72-year-old Uncle Liu has just finished his community physical examination this year, and in the afternoon at home, he received a call from the community physical examination center, in which Uncle Liu learned that his blood sugar and blood lipids this year are significantly higher than the values of previous years.

There is a great risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and I hope that Uncle Liu can go to the hospital for a comprehensive and detailed examination to see if the existing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular lesions occur. Uncle Liu then called his children and told them about the situation. Accompanied by his children, Uncle Liu went to the local people's hospital for an examination.

The results of the examination came out, and according to the CT results, Uncle Liu had a plaque about 2-3mm in size on the posterior cerebral artery. The doctor suggested that Uncle Liu needed to take some cardiovascular and cerebrovascular drugs to prevent the further development of the disease, and reminded Uncle Liu to do the following three things, the benefits he brought were no less than exercise, and with the treatment of drugs, the development of the disease could be further blocked.

Doctor's reminder: Do these two things well, and the benefits it brings may be no less than exercise

1. A low-carb diet you don't know

The low-carb diet was popular in Europe in the 90s, and its purpose is to achieve a balance between the accumulation and consumption of energy in the body by reducing the intake of carbohydrates in the body and reducing the accumulation of fats and sugars. It advocates eating less and eating more often, and through multiple diets, a small amount of intake can allow the body to better and more fully consume the accumulated energy without producing fat. Diets on low-carb diets generally advocate eating more vegetarian food and less meat, but they are not completely vegetarian.

Scientific low-carbon is 60% vegetarian and 40% meat. For people with stomach problems or high blood lipids and blood pressure, we recommend that you can eat vegetarian food first until you are seven minutes full, eat meat, and chew slowly and eat slowly.

In the long term, this not only helps to reduce the damage of food to the esophagus, but also slows down the progression of stomach problems in patients with stomach problems. So does eating less often mean that we eat as soon as we feel hungry?

Doctor's reminder: Do these two things well, and the benefits it brings may be no less than exercise

The most important way is to simply split your usual number of times into 2 times, and eat 6 hours apart, and if you are hungry during this period, you can eat an apple or a banana to relieve it.

If, after a day, you find that your body is completely less than half of your usual diet, then congratulations, you have already started to enter the world of low-carb diets.

If you still feel hungry or unwell from time to time, you can shorten the interval or divide it less often.

If you are still feeling unwell, then there are still ways you can reduce the occurrence of illness through diet.

For example, you can replace a large number of stir-fried vegetables in your recipe with soups, or you can reduce your carbohydrate intake and reduce your carbohydrate accumulation by reducing the consumption of rice and replacing it with whole grains - corn, sweet potato, black rice, and black oats.

Doctor's reminder: Do these two things well, and the benefits it brings may be no less than exercise

Second, you don't want to soak your feet before going to bed

For many older people, it is easy to numb their limbs and cold limbs in winter. The cold winter is not only easy to reduce people's resistance, but more importantly, many elderly people also have a higher incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in winter. The main reason is that with the increase of age, the speed of the body's metabolism decreases significantly, and the blood flow of the person is stagnant. The blood that comes out of the heart does not flow well to the limbs.

Excessive blood stasis causes the accumulation of blood glucose and blood lipids, which is obviously not conducive to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular contraction of the elderly, and is prone to the sclerosis of the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels in the elderly. So how can we reduce blood stasis? Traditional Chinese medicine says that it is called invigorating blood and removing blood stasis, and Western medicine says that it is called improving the body's metabolic ability, in fact, they all mean the same thing.

So is there any way to help us increase the body's metabolism? For young people, the best way is to regularly participate in physical activities, through a certain intensity of physical activity, the body's own heat-producing effect is opened, and people's metabolic ability will also be improved, so when we finish exercising, there will be a fever of the whole body and limbs. For our elderly friends, aerobic exercise is good, but it is a big challenge for our heart.

Doctor's reminder: Do these two things well, and the benefits it brings may be no less than exercise

Therefore, we recommend that the elderly should soak their feet in hot water before going to bed, because there are many tiny capillaries on the soles of the feet and many muscles that are sensitive to emission.

For small blood vessels, under the stimulation of hot water, it will instinctively open its own blood vessel opening, increase the flow of blood, and reduce blood stasis. And when the metabolism of the entire lower limb is activated, the metabolism of the whole body will also be activated. However, it is not said that the higher the temperature of the water, the better, because the skin sensitivity of the elderly decreases with age, it is easy to get burns and only find that the water temperature is too hot.

Therefore, we recommend that for the elderly, we should take care to keep ourselves warm and comfortable, and keep a small number of times to soak our feet for as long as possible - usually about 30 minutes.

Therefore, we can see that when we sleep at night, we sleep warmer and sleep more soundly. Therefore, soaking our feet before going to bed can increase our body's metabolic capacity to increase the consumption of blood sugar and blood lipids in our body.

Doctor's reminder: Do these two things well, and the benefits it brings may be no less than exercise

3. Wake up early with warm boiled water

For many elderly people, they will have obvious bad breath or obvious dry mouth when they just wake up. This is also the reason why it is easy to produce high blood lipids, high blood sugar, and even brain accidents.

Just get up in the morning, the metabolic waste of the night is concentrated in the body by the body, and it cannot be discharged, resulting in blood stasis, so we urgently need to get up early with a glass of warm water.

Through the intake of warm boiled water, the concentrated blood and metabolic waste products in our body are diluted, and a large amount of waste products are eliminated from the body. However, the intake of warm boiled water is not as much as possible, for the elderly, it is necessary to follow a small amount many times, because the elderly with the increase of age, the body's kidney function declines, and excessive water intake will cause the kidneys to be unable to drain in time, resulting in edema or heart discomfort symptoms - chest tightness, palpitation.

Doctor's reminder: Do these two things well, and the benefits it brings may be no less than exercise


It's winter. For many elderly friends with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the best way to slow down the side effects of physical aging is to prevent and treat them scientifically.

Drinking warm water when we often wake up in the morning, soaking our feet when going to bed late, taking a low-carbon diet, and grasping normal life Xi, then age may not cause great harm to our body.

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