
The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu was sick and didn't give it to the soldiers, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

author:I'm the best


In the records of history, some seemingly small decisions may carry profound wisdom and selfless mind. In this story, which can be called a good story, Huo Quzhi refused to eat the 10 carts of meat sent by the emperor, and even if the meat stinks, he will not give it to the soldiers, and now it seems that the cleverness behind it is breathtaking.

It may be difficult to understand why such a precious food was kept out, but it was this seemingly cold decision that revealed the deep love and far-sighted resourcefulness of a great general for the army over the course of 26 years. When exploring this story of Huo Quai, we may be able to get a glimpse of the wise man's demeanor hidden behind history, as well as the hardships and wisdom paid for the army's plan.

The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu was sick and didn't give it to the soldiers, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

1. Putting the place of death and then being born, Huo Quai's arbitrary selection

In 129 B.C., the capital of the Western Regions was protected. At this time, the situation in the Western Regions was severe, and the Xiongnu frequently invaded the countries of the Western Regions in Maodun, and the situation was precarious. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent the 23-year-old Huo Qubing to lead 5,000 cavalry to garrison the Western Regions to defend against the invasion of the Xiongnu.

Huo Quzhi, who had just taken office, did not dare to be careless at all, he knew that the Western Regions were weak and weak, and it was not enough to resist the attack of the Xiongnu army. So he immediately began to select excellent soldiers from the army and train them sufficiently to deal with the possibility of war breaking out at any time.

In order to test the soldiers' will and physical fitness, Huo Qubing set a cruel selection criteria: the soldiers had to march in the desert for three days and three nights, during which they were provided with only a small amount of food and water. Those who can survive this test are eligible to join the pro-corps under his command.

The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu was sick and didn't give it to the soldiers, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

When the soldiers heard about this order, they were all secretly speechless. Running long distances in the scorching heat of the desert is a great torture for their bodies and minds. Many of the newcomers had white faces and weak legs. They were nervous, worried about whether their physical strength would pass this cruel test.

However, it is gratifying that most of the soldiers gritted their teeth and resolutely embarked on this arduous march. They know very well that if they want to gain a foothold on the edge of life and death in the Western Regions, they must be willing to pay hard work and sweat. Some soldiers even volunteered to give up the rations in the water bags and give up the precious water to their comrades.

The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu was sick and didn't give it to the soldiers, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Three days later, the march was over. Those who can complete the task throughout the process are less than forty percent. Most of the rest of the soldiers were exhausted on the way and had to stop the march.

Huo Quzhi stood on the high platform of the camp, his eyes scanning the soldiers below. These warriors who have gone through hardships and dangers to complete the assessment have already made a strong mark in his heart. Their innate tenacity is exactly what it takes to carve out a paradise deep in the desert. Huo Quzhi's eyes burned, and his voice was low and powerful. When the soldiers heard this, they all held their heads high, ready to join the next fierce battle at any time.

The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu was sick and didn't give it to the soldiers, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Second, Huo Quzhi faced a dilemma

Border conflicts between the Western Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu occurred from time to time, and Huo Quai's pro-corps also ushered in the first actual combat test. A raid on Wusun was so successful that the Xiongnu were forced to move hundreds of miles west, unable to move south to intrude on the Han border.

Huo Quai's reputation shook the Western Regions because of this victory. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was overjoyed when he heard of Huo Quai's exploits, and specially rewarded ten carts of mutton to reward the soldiers for their courage in killing the enemy on the battlefield. When ten cartloads of mutton arrived at the camp, the soldiers thundered with joy. Most of them haven't tasted fresh meat for months, and now they can finally feast on it with pride.

However, surprisingly, Huo Quzhi ordered all the mutton to be piled up in a corner of the camp and let it rot and deteriorate day by day. The soldiers debated the matter fiercely, and they were all confused. They all discussed, was the general stingy or had ulterior motives in doing this? Has he forgotten the hard work of the soldiers on the battlefield?

The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu was sick and didn't give it to the soldiers, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

The choice Huo Quzhi faced was not easy. He needs to find a balance between rewarding his soldiers and securing his frontier. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had high hopes for the brilliant results he had just achieved, hoping that he would continue to defend the Western Regions and ensure the stability of the north.

The soldiers, on the other hand, were looking forward to sharing the spoils of war and rewarding them for their courage in charging into battle and sacrificing their lives for their country. If they fail to meet their demands, they will inevitably damage their morale and adversely affect their combat effectiveness.

However, the Han Dynasty's treasury was unable to make ends meet, and the economy was extremely tight. The only way to continue to supply the necessary food, grass and military supplies is to save as much as possible. Huo Quai's ten carts of mutton were left to rot and deteriorate, which seemed to be a tyrannical thing, but it also had the consideration of avoiding the soldiers from indulging in comfort and maintaining vigilance and combat effectiveness.

The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu was sick and didn't give it to the soldiers, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

3. Huo Quzhi used carrion to forge the heart of the army

That night, Huo Qubing came alone to the corner of the camp where the carrion was piled up. It's already full of flying insects and maggots, emitting a disgusting stench. He burned a stick of incense in an attempt to hide the fishy smell, but in vain. This decaying fresh meat is no different from the barren desert of the Western Regions—full of the smell of death.

Suddenly, his gaze was fixed on a moth, which was crawling slowly along the blood oozing from the mutton. Huo Quzhi's eyes lit up, and he suddenly brightened. Yes, maggots also need food to stay alive, and they will go to great lengths to devour the food in front of them. Is it not the same with my soldiers?

In the early morning of the second day, Huo Qubing inspected the camp as usual and inspected the daily life of the soldiers. They either sharpened their knives and guns, or lined up to practice, all of them were full of energy and high spirits.

The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu was sick and didn't give it to the soldiers, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

When the soldiers heard this, their blood boiled, and their eyes glowed green. Yes, as long as the enemy can be defeated, delicious food and wine will naturally follow! Huo Quai's words undoubtedly aroused the enthusiasm of the soldiers to rush to be the first. The expedition was unprecedentedly large, numbering as many as 20,000.

After that, Huo Qubing led his troops to win several battles and won the commendation and rich rewards of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. But he still gave most of the spoils to the soldiers, taking only a small amount himself. Because he knows very well that the military spirit is where the real combat effectiveness lies. Those rotten mutton are actually the crucible in which he forged the heart of the army.

The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu was sick and didn't give it to the soldiers, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Fourth, the suspicion of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and Huo Quai's thoughtfulness

During the six years he was stationed in the Western Regions, Huo Qubing lived up to expectations and made many miraculous achievements. The Xiongnu were defeated and retreated under his blows, and the western frontiers of the Han Dynasty were unprecedentedly stable.

Huo Quzhi also became famous because of this, and was admired and praised by the government and the opposition. However, he knew in his heart that his position was gradually threatening the authority of Emperor Wu of Han. Emperor Wu was a high-minded and arrogant person, and he hated and suspected the behavior of his generals who stole the limelight.

In the face of Emperor Wu's increasingly suspicious attitude, the ministers under his command all trembled, for fear that the slightest mistake would incur the emperor's anger.

The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu was sick and didn't give it to the soldiers, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Huo Qubing is facing a major choice at this moment: should he lead troops into the palace and establish the Huo Dynasty in one go? Or should he temporarily endure and wait for the opportunity in the future? If Emperor Wu is determined to put him to death, where will Huo Qubing go?

At a military tent meeting, Huo Quzhi and his confidants discussed the matter secretly. When everyone heard this, they were all worried. Indeed, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was jealous, and the current situation was extremely unfavorable to General Huo. If there is a slight mistake in the strategy, the consequences are unimaginable

The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu was sick and didn't give it to the soldiers, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Five or twenty-six years later, the Huo family sat firmly in the country

In 119 B.C., Weiyang Palace, the capital of the Western Han Dynasty. The scourge of witchcraft swept through the government and the opposition, causing shock and turmoil. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty has been dead for a long time, and now Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty, Liu Fuling, is weak and sick, and is dying.

Eunuchs and relatives successively controlled the government, and the Han dynasty was on the verge of overthrowing. However, in this chaos, there is a family that has risen against the enemy and sat firmly in the center - that is Huo Quai's younger brother Huo Guangyi.

The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu was sick and didn't give it to the soldiers, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

Huo Guang, who was the great Sima at the time, was deeply appreciated by the young prince Liu Zheng and became the young emperor's most relied on confidant. He and his sister Huo Chengjun's son Huo Yu has also gradually emerged, accumulating strength for replacing his cousin Wang and monopolizing power in the future. Wang Mang and other side forces can only do nothing outside the Han Mansion where the Huo family is entrenched.

At this moment, there were dozens of civil and military ministers standing in front of the Huo family, they were either silent or sighed in a low voice, their eyes were complex and solemn. As he spoke, Huo Guang strode into the hall. When the ministers saw the deep and steady loyal and righteous uncle, they were all in awe. Huo Guang didn't say much, only said briefly: "I remember the medical records, the glorious cause, from generation to generation!"

The emperor sent 10 carts of meat, and Huo Qu was sick and didn't give it to the soldiers, and he didn't know how clever he was until 26 years later

VI. Conclusion

The ten carts of rotten mutton that Huo Quzhi had already disappeared in the yellow sand of the Western Regions. Nowadays, when people mention his name, they are still amazed. This general has performed miraculous feats throughout his life, and it has lasted for a long time. But what is even more outstanding is his outstanding political skill and vision, as well as his resolute mind in troubled times.

Maybe we can't judge whether Huo Quzhi's choice is right or wrong, but what is certain is that it was those ten carts of carrion that laid an important step for the Huo family to glory. It is not only the epitome of Huo Quzhi's political strategy, but also the cornerstone of Huo Guang's future stability.

History continues to move forward, and at every critical juncture, there are those who are far-sighted. They know the mysteries of the right time and place, and they know where they want to go.

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